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Annual Wood Consumption in Various Industries
In the 1924 edition of "Lumber and Its lJsqs," by Mr. R. S. Kellogg, the annual wood consumption of about 50 industries is given in board feet. Thb greater part of the table is quoted below. Following this tabulation under each industry are given in some detail the important species of wood used in the manufacturing of its product with the percentages of each species and, where the information is available, the principal producing states are named.
The table follows:
Refrigerators and Kitchen Cabinets
Matches and Toothpicks
Laundry Appliances
Shade and Map Rollers
Paving Materials and Conduits
Trunks and Valises
Machine Construction
Picture Frames and Moldings ...
Shuttles, Spools and Bobbins
Tobacco Boxes
Sewing Machines
Pumps and Wood Pipe
Pulleys and Conveyors ....
Professional and Scientific i;.i;;;;;i;'
Mr.W.H. IJpson, Jr., head of the Upson Company, of Lockport, New York, has been on the coast for several weeks, on a combined business and pleasure trip. He will return to Lockport about the firstof April.
Building Codes In City Development Favorably Received
Washington, IVIarch 20.-"Building Codes in City Development," the latest chapter in the series on "Lumber ahcl Its Utilization" being published by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, has been most encouragingly received by city officials throughout the countr)r. The association is in receipt of many commendatory letters from such officials and a number of requests for the assistance of theBuilding Code Department of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association in revisihg municipal building codes.
Yosemitelumber Company Enlarges Plant At Falls
Merced Falls, Mar. 8.-The Merced Fallsr mill of the Yosemite Lumber Company will open operations the coming season with increased fabricating facilities that are in accordance with the management's improvement program, fostered by Harry R. Lowell, manager of the company.
The Fowr Mtllionth Andersen Frame

AN April l1th the foreman of our frame department will \-/ inspect the 4,000,000th Andersen Frame. ^ For sixteen years he-has watched the Andersen factory grow to be largest in the world. He has conffibuted toward this success by raising its standard of quality. The Andersen Standard Frame many men who are spending the maintaining this standard.
Reosons Why And.usen Frames Are Prefured:
1. Immediate delivety-no expensive delays
7. Modern machinery, methods and specializawaiting for special frames. tion lower costs at the factory; quickness of
7. l2l sizes ready for every purpose. assemblysaves you time, labor and money owes its leadership to the best part of their^lives in on the job.
3. Delivered in two compact bundles plainly marked for size and easily handled.
4. ? units instead of 57. No small parts to become lost or broken.
5. N-o sorting, measuring or reftting. The complete trame narled up wltn pocKets ano pulleys in place in ten minutes.
6. Accuracy gives smooth running windows, vet excludes weather.
8. Better results in frame, brick or stucco buildings.
9. lVhite Pine preserves original accuracy and gives continuous service.
10. Made by largest exclusive standard frame manufacturer. The trade-mark is absolute protecrlon.
Andersen Lumber Company
A.C.-4 Bayport, Minnesota