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Let us tell you a few facts, Mr. Lumber Dealer
Fact No. 8
About Our " P ac hag e" System
More spruce will be handled by the monorail system at the Pacific Spruce Corporation at Toledo, Oregon, for many years to come than will be handled by any monorail system in America, and that means the world. The picture in the cut appearing on this page shows the manner in which the rough green boxlumber is carriedfrom the sorting chain, where it is assembled in package lots, to the loading dock of the six big barges, which transport it to the S. S. Robert Johnson, which takes this part of our product to the California market.
Themonorail is equipped with six of these transfer cars, each carrying from 2rO0O to'3rOOO feet of lumber, green rough, dry rough, or the finished product from the planing mill, to the point of storage or to the loading platforms.
From thetimethe lumber istaken from the sorting chain until it is loaded on the boat or in the cars it is handled in package lots, a system which we have developed to a fine point, and one which aids materially in speeding up production by keeping the yards and sheds ttclean as a whistlett and one which insures a product unmarred by handling. Even the lath from the lath mill are handled by this monorail in crates carrying about 3'OOO lath, in whichthey rernain until they are swung through the hatches of the Robert Johnson.
The service thismonorail delivers is but a link in the chainof service which this company has forged for the benefit of those buyers who have made a permanent connection with it through its exclusive selling agent, the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company of Portland.
Fact No. I
Little River Redwood Co. Purchase Valuable Waterfront Property
The Little River Redwood Company, with mills ahd timberl holdings at Crannell which is 30 miles north of Eureka, have purchased 2N acres of waterfront property on Humboldt Bay. The new property is situated about one mile south of Samoa and is one of th,e most valuable pieces of waterfront property in this section due to the fact that it is on the main channel of l{umboldt Bay. The acquisition of this valuable piece of property will give the company wonderful facilities for yard storage and water and rail shipments. The property purchased was formerly known as the Rolph and Minor properties. H. W. Cole, manager of the Little River Redwood Company, states that the only immediate use his company intends to make of the new property is to move the present storage plant on the Arcata wharf so as to ihcrease their storage capacity and to have a shipping point on deep rvater.
President Coolidge has designated April 2l to 27, inclusive, as this year's Forest Protectioh Week, according to information received by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
Forest Protection Week this spring rvill mark the fourth anntral observance of an intensive campaign to acquaint the public with the serious and unnecessary damage caused bv forest fires. More than 36,000 fires are reported in the .by fires. the United States. every year, and an area of about 11,000,000 acres are swept by the flames.
Charles R. McCormick Jr., who is attending school at Santa Barbara, is spending his spring vacation in San Francisco with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. McCormick. During his stiy in the Bay District, he was a visitor at the offices of Chas, R. McCormick & Co. in the Matson Building.
Gus Hoover Provides Entertainment Fo Hoohoo Club
Unfortunately, it will be impossible to giv\ a cofi account of the last Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Clu\ lunc in this issue, account of the time.
Gus Hoover was Chairman on Thursday and he surely did put it over in a typical March 27th, Gus Hoover manner. A steady stream of laughs from start to finish is what this gentleman can be credited with, and if there is a prize this year for the best meeting, it would be just as well to give it to Gus now with no more competition.
There was no "Speaker of the Day." The speechmakers were the fifty members that attended. Gus had each man introduce the man on his right, giving some facts about him, either complimentary or otherwise, real or fanciful. It was a riot. The boys had an impromptu contest right then, to see which one could dig up the greatest amount of dope about the fellow sitting next to him.
Then Eddie Houghton introduced his sister, who accompanied the buhch for some sing songs, all Hoo Hoo numbers, furnished by Henry Isherwood. Ed also sang a very beautiful solo. Don Essley, George Melville and a couple more of the boys were prevailed upon to do a solo, and were received with long applause, for their efforts.
Those that missed this meeting, missed a good one.
Philippine Mahogany
Through mill. connections recently established, we can row assure large users of har& woo& forfurniture and cabinet work, interior trim, doors, sagh, etc., a most dependable supply of all of the beautiful Philippine hardwoods.
Our millg are located in one of the finest and largest timber stands in the Islands. Shipments coming forward at reg. ular intervals, include zoth red and white L.au, an (Philippine r4aho!any), Apitong, Guijo, Yacal, and six other varieties. Where desired, we canhave shipments cut to your 8pecifications.
It will pay youto get our prices in carload and cargo quantities.