3 minute read
Here's a Live Though Veteranlumber Dealer
George A. Jewett, famous veteran lumber merchant and lumber advertiser of Des Moines,.Iowa, has just issued a letter to his trade, reminding them that he has been doing business at the same office for 43 years and at the same warehouse f.or 44 years, and at the same time announces that a second grandson, David Warren Jewett has just been taken into the firm. He ends his letter with the following postscript:
"I am NOT quitting. Hope to die a lumberrnan, but am in no hurry about it."
Mr. Jewett is a most successful paint as well as lumber salesman, and has built up a wonderful business. His father followed the Oregon Trail to California in'49.
Whitmer Jackson Heads Confer
The heads of the Whitmer Jackson Company, met at Coronado last week, for a several days conference.
Managers from all parts of the company journeyed west to attend.
Bates Smith Undergoes Operation
Mr. A. W. (Bates) Smith, of the A. W. Smith Lumber Company, Los Angeles, "'Wholesalers of Pacific Coast Woods," suffered the loss of his tonsils in a successful operation performed last week.
Turpentining Affectsgrowth Of Western Yellow Pine
A study begun in l9l2 in the Sierra National Forest in California has given some interesting results on the rate of growth of tapped trees of rvestern yellow pine., According to observations by members of the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, trees of this species below 24 inches in diameter show a decided retardation in diameter growth since the tapping of" 1912.
Association Book Ready To Distribute
New Orleans, Mar. 20-A new plan book entitled "Southern Pine Homes," containing designs and floor plans of 50 homes that can be builtat moderate cost has just been issued by the Southern Pine Association for free distribution. This attractively illustrated plan book is of the same general character as "Modern Homes," of which nearly 300,000 copies have been distributed since making its appearance about two years ago, due to general popular demand throughout the country.
R. A. Hiscox, president of the Western State Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a two weeks trip to the Northwest calling on the mills in the Portland, Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, Grays Harbor, Columbia River, and Coos Bay Districts. He states that the lumber market in the Northwest is in good condition, that there is a good demand from New York and the Atlantic Coast, that the demand from the Middle West is showing improvement, and although themills are curtailing theircut to some extent that the manufacturers are optimistic as to the future.
New Yard At Los Angeles
The Hagerty Lumber Compahy, a new retail concern, has opened a yard at 59th and Central Avenue, Los Angeles.
Speaking Of Advertising
There is a little hole-in-the-wall lunch counter on a busy stre€t in Los Angeles-the tiniest eating place imaginable -and on the street window there is a big sign that reads-
PEOPLE'' -and underneath words-
W. M. Beebe, well known San Francisco hardwood dealer, is back at his desk after being confined to his home for about a week with a slight illness. "Bill" says that he is feeling good and as soon as he regains a little more strength that he will feel better.
A. G. Dunn, of Montreal andlisociated with the Canadian National Railroad, rvas a recent San Francisco visitor. While in the Bay District, he was a guest of his cousin John C. McCabe of the Andrelv Mahoney Lumber Co.
Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary
Mr.F. P. Sappington, proprietor of Sappingtons Lumber Yard, at El Monte, celebrated the 2Oth anniversary of the founding of that business, on March tr1th.
Marcus May Makes Change
Mr. Marcus May, rvho has been connected with the J. D. Halstead Lumber Company at Los Angeles, for some time, has taken a position with the new--Ifall Lumber Company, which is opening a yard on Washingtoh Blvd., near Culver City.
Mr. May will act as auditor and general office manager for this company.
George Meisse On Eastern Business Trip
George Meisse, San Francisco representative of the Cadwallader-Gibson, Inc., distributors and dealers of mahog,any has left for the Atlantic Coast tvherre he will spend the next two months calling on the eastern trade and making a survey of lumber conditions in the eastern market. He will visit Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other points on his return west.
Otto Frese Returns To San Francisco
Otto Frese, well known San Francisco lumberman who for the past two years has been located in Peru, South America, following the hardwood business there has returned to his old love California and is now associated with Harry Thomson the popular San Francisco retail lumber dealer.Mr. Frese's many lumbermen friends are glad to hear that he is back in San Francisco again.
New Yard At Los Angeles
The Standard Lumber Company, a new concern, has opened a new retail yard at I25O West 58th street, Los Angeles. They will conduct a general retail lumber business, and will also install a modern planing mill.
The new firm was formed byMr.A. R. knudson, and Guy W. Male, both old experienced lumbermen, and well known throughout the south.
Mr. Knudson states that the present name of the company will be changed later, inasmuch as it conflicts with the name of an already existing company in California.