1 minute read
Don't Build Just For Today!
The wise dealer selects the product which builds for him the most lasting auccese. You know this to be a fact. Therefore you can't afiord to handle an{ sell anything but the roofing which invariably delivers thq utmost service no mafter what the weather conditionr may be.
The honest super quality of Weaver Roofing is the answer. We think enough of our product to staLe our reputation on it. You can stake your reputation on Wiaver Roo6ng-a6d 'build the moet permanent aucceaE not only for today, but for tomorrow and for all the other tomorrowg to comel
Sylvester L. Weaver
Tele'phone Bdwy. 07El - Lor Angclee, Celif. zi|fi-i,i'" Eaet Eth Strcct