1 minute read
By Jach Dtonne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told fot 2O years-Some less'
Two Short Ones
The most thoroughly told and re-told short stories of the present season are as follows:
Two men on a subway train in New York City, and one said to the other, "Didn't I meet you one time in Omaha?" t'No'' replied the second, "I never was in Omatra in my life."
"Neither was I" said the first man, "It must have been two other fellows."
Building Prospects for L924
the total construction program of the ehtire country this year estimated at four billions of dollars, there can be no doubt but that 1924 will be a prosperous year for the lumber industry generally.
Some of the national authorities who have been consid- ering and discussing the proposition say that building costs are 3O/o higher than they were at this time a year ago, bnd thatthis fact rvill militate against the probability of the volume of building this year equalling that of 1923, udhich was a record breaker indeed.
The Stork was paying a visitto the home, and the expectant father was pacing the foor.
The nurse appeared. "Whatis it, boy or girl?" asked the father.
"Triplits" said the nurse.
"PIJNG" cried the father as he fell backward into a chair.
The latest figures on new construction work show that 208 cities issued permits in 1923 totaling $3,1.67,969,2fr, in contrast to $2,574,778,871 for the same cities in 1922.