2 minute read
HowLumber Looks
There is going to be a lot of lumber sold in California this spring. Not only t'his spring, but all the balance of this year there ir going to be a great movement of for€6t products, and the retail man and the wholesale man are going to have a good looking volume showing on their books at the end of the year. That statement can be taken as a fact.
But-will the volume represent just a whale of a load of work and worry, with absolutely no profits to show for it; or will it bring a beam of sunshine to the face of dl lumber fellows when they check up, by finding a nice, reasonable, livable profit? It might be well to give this a thought, right now, just before the big volume startl, because it b going to ctart; in fact, it has in some partr of the rtate.
The principal wail that is heard from the Oregon border down to and including San Diego, ir that volume ir not so bad, that ttere is really enough volume to go around and make a living for every one, but that it irntt poosible to make a profiL Imagine it. Millionr of feet of good lum,ber going into homer and other buildingr eech montt, reprelenting tte work of months, the energy of thousands of men trained only in thir one game, tbe bank roll of men who have staked all they have in the burinetr, all this lumber running into many thourandr of dollars, and the profits being made by lonr€one elre and not by tte man who producec, shipr and retails the goodr.
It misht rorurd like a dreary wail and a black painting of conditionr, but, when many men engaged in the businerE on both sider of the fence, tell rhe same story, there murt be romething to it.
And there ir no suggested solution on thir page. There must be a solution, but, as one big retailer laid in Los .Angeles the other day, "It will take a Mooes to provide it."
As said before, volurne is good.
for some months past. The port of Los Angeles will unload a total running venr clo.se to a hundred and fifty million feet.
Shipments into this state ttis month will break recordr very
Building permits in that city will be crowding $lSrOOO'' 0OO on thi last night ofMarc\ and a goodly percentage of residences included.
A telegram from San Francisco, on the 30th, tells the fol' lowing: Douglas Fir:-Cargo
Present demand fair with a good volurne of lumber mov' ing and very few boats tied up. The retail demand for new business in San Francisco and Oakland ie held up, due to the threatened carpenters' strike on April lst. There are no marked changes in quotations to the trade or in mill quotations. It is reported that there ir considerable industrial business being offered both for California and the Atlantic Coast. No. 3 Vertical Grain fooring is scarce and stronger in price.
The last two weeks has shown a better demend than the first two weeks in March. Some dealeru state that their March businesr exceeds that of January and February. Pricer to the trade and mill quotations show very little change. With the exception of San Francirco and Oakland, where thc threatened strike has slowed up the dernand for new busi. nes, the prerent demand from practically all parta of Northern California is fairly active.
Redwood The market ghowr very little change and condi. tions rernain fairly setisfactory.
Californie White Pine: The demand har been alow, duc to climatic conditions in the east. Som,e dealers report ttat indicationr are that the spring demand will open up ahort- ly. Pricer rernain firrn
California Sosar Pine: The volurne of rder are not liarge but mogt sec{ions of the cormtry are rhowing eome activit5r. Pricea are firm with mill stockr about normal for this time of the year.