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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Meet at Sacramento
The monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club rvas held at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, March 20. President E. S. McBride presided over the meeting.
JC. W. Pinkerton, Whittier, President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, g'ave an interesting talk on "Certified Lumber" and went into detail on the many points that are specified on the Grade Certificate. Copies of the Grade Certificates were distributed at the meeting. Mr. Pinkerton also spoke on "Grade Marking."
J. E. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, spoke on the "Lien Law" and the "4 Per Cent Drayage Tax".
Those present at the meeting were:
O. L. Russum, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. Stockton
R. E. Tracy, Friend &Terry Lumber Co.....Sacramento
O. H. Miller, Knox Lumber Co.... ...Sacramento
L. H. Chapman, Sacramento Lumber Co.......Sacramento
E. T. Robie. Auburn Lurnber Co.... .....Auburn
Fred A. Hutton, Dixon Lumber Co.. Dixon
J. F. Holmes, Woodland Lumber Co.... .Woodland
J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lumber Co.. Stockton
C. L. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co.. Sacramento
W. D. Thomas,. Thomas Lumber Co........ .Sacramento
D. A. Williamson
W. E. Seavy
J. B. Cheim, Union Lurnber
Harry S. Fuller
J. M. Montgomery, Silver Falls Timber
H. M. Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co....
C. D. LeMaster, Secretary Sac. Valley Lumbermen's Club Sacramento
E. S. McBride, Davis Lurnber Co.. . Davis
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co... . .Whittier
J. E. Fraser, Cal. Retail Lumbermen's Assoc. San Frahcisco
J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co.. Sacramento
James Tully, General Supply Co.. . Fairoaks
W. F. Knox, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co. Sacramento
C. H. Hornibrook, Hutchinson Lumber Co.. .. ...Oroville
Harvey Isenhower, Homes-Eureka Lumber Co. Sacramento
McCormick Changes in L. A.
Several changes are taking place in the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Compar.ry forces, at Los Angeles, on the firstof April.
L. A. Beckstrom, for the past fourteen years an employee of the company, the last three years of which he served as Sales Manager at Los Angeles, is leaving to enter the rvholesale lumber business, for himself, in Los Angeles.
He will be succeeded by Edgar B. Culnan, well known in Southern California, and also an old employee.
C. M. Freeland, who has been covering the Arizona territory for the past year, rvill be transferred to Los Angeles, taking Mr. Culnan's place.
Before opening his offices, I\{r. Beckstrom 'ivill make an extended trip through the northrvest.
President Coolidge has designated April 18-24, inclusive, as the 1926 American Forest Week, according to an official proclamation made public by the United States Department of Agriculture which has supervision over the National Forests.