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Helps You SeII Other Materials
Soon the call of summer will start htmdreds of people building new summer cottages or remodeling their present homes. When they come to you for Buttress Wallboard the logic of good salesmanship-the theory of pairing saleE-should instantly suggest that you sell trhem lumber, roofing, etc. Or when they come to you for lumber, just t'he mere suggestion that Buttress Wallboard is a durable, economical and satisfactory lin' ing material often meant more sales-and profits.
Buttress Wailboard comes in big, clean, strong panels -8- itt. and l- in. thick, 48 inches wide and in lengl{rs from 6 to 12 feet. Keep a complete assortment of sizes to avoid disappointing your customers.
Write for pricee, dercriptive literature and rpecid Dealer HelPr.