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$mde fo, EVERY kquirement
Within a month alter we began manufacturing El Rey Asphdt Roofing, our output was sold 6O days in advance! And there has been no let-up in the demand. This wonderful"receptioh we trace to our announcement that only our own felt-the Ielt knovrn tor 25 yearc as the finest made on the Pacific C,oast-is used in El Rey roofing products Another lactor which has won widespread lavor is the completeness of the line. Glance at the list below; You will see that there is a grade oI El Rey to meet every requirement:
ELnEf nOOnNC-Smooth eurtaced, comrgated roo6ng that is positively the fimt made. ft card.B this unequalled guarantec-5 yeare lor the light ad 1o years lor the medium ard heavy weights WTTI{OUT RE-PAINTING
DL ntf SLAIE SUnFACE nOOFlNC-Twis ol the above quality. Thc oly alate rooffng on the Coast usiog geauiae Veraont and VirgiliB slate. Re4\/eDedar Re4 C*cen and Blue Black- ttOGA SDtOOtn SURFAGE nOOftNG-I\{adc ol apeciallvproc€ssd ielt and eelected Tioga ie uncqualled in dollariondollar valua
PAI,OMABSAXID@ ROOENG-A arperior brand" coated on'oue eide with whitc ltlonterey eand. Possecer a erength and durablity aot lound in any ol tbe eo-cdlcd compantivc gradee.
PAI.oMAB ilII{EnAL ROOtrING-Crcrnca ia vco€tiar Rcd and Grcco andia made ol gelected matesial& nANCEO-A aoadard brod oI rcofing cornrgated ud talc arhccd o both ridce NAYAJO-$Gde to rne* the loweatpricerequirecncotr ?rrircs oa all,y of the fotryoingtoofmgscoilil bc 6t PtomPtlf 4ton rcqncg.