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Corners of$tren$flr
"Corners of Strength" is one of the many features that has made Hipolito Screen Doors and lVindow Screens the choice of Builders and Contractors wherever this product is known.
Lrrmt., dealers who handle Hipolito Screen Doors and Window Screens have learned that Builders, Contractors and Owners are always satisfied when Hipolitos are supplied.
The highly standardized methods of manufacture-the quality of materials used, all do their part in making the Hipolito line the best that can be manufactured.
Quantity production ensures the price meeting competition.
Hipolito Company
Manufseturerr of thc farnour Hipolito Scrccn Doorr and Window Screenr
2let and Alameda Sts., Lor Angeles, Calif. Phone, WEstmore 613l
Clifton. Arizona. I\'Iar. 2O.-Almost three billion and a half feet of sau'timber and more than a million cords of cordu'ood is the estimated content of the Apache national forest, a big part of rvhich rvill be made accessible to motor travel this spring when the Clifton-Springerville highway, 124 miles in length, u'ill be opened. This road is a million dollar highrvay and the first federal aid project approved. It vuas built by the counties of Apache and Greenlee and the government. The government is to maintain the road for at i-east two years.
The Apache national forest is considered one of the largest uncut forests in the United States. "Over trvo-thirds of this timber is rvestern 1-ellorv pine and the remainder chiefly Douglas fir, rvhite fir and spruce," according to the forest service. District Forester George C. W. Pooler in a letter to the board of supervisors of Greenlee county, Arizona, gives the follorving estimate qn timber in the Apache forest :
"The opening of the Clifton-Springerville highrvay," u'rites I\{r. Pooler, "rvill make a portion of this timber accessible. This is n'ithin u'hat is knou'n as the Clifton working circle. A portion of this timber has been advertised and is norv available for immediate sale."
The largest nearby consumer of timber is the mining industry of Eastern Arizona and 'Western Nelv Mexico. The nearest railroad is the Southern Pacific Arizona and Nerv Mexico division, from Lordslrurg to Clifton. Clifton is the southern terrninal of the Clifton-Springerville highrvay. Clifton's elevation is 3460 feet. The highest point on the nen' road is 9500 feet. It is oracticallv dorvn hill all the u'a1' from the timber areas.
Co-operation rvith manufacturers and retailers will be an active object for discussion at the Annual Convention of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association. to be held at the Arnbassador llotel, Atlantic City, April 15-16. While this is a broad topic, and from the standpoint of the lumber wholesaler constitutes a fundamental reason for his part in the process of lumber distribution, the Annual Meeting Committee believes that rnuch can be accomplished in the interest of the industry by a frank discussion of problems rvhich affect the rvholesaler's relations with the other two branches. An outstanding manufacturer and retailer n'ill lead the discussions from their points of view.