1 minute read
When I Wake Up
Itm going to do so many things
When I wake up, I'm going to give my fancy wingr When I wake up; No longer will I fret and pine And for life'r joys and comfortr whine, I'm going to feel that life' divine When I weke up.
I'm going to buy a bitof loam
When I wake up, And on it build a little home When I wake up; I'm going to know my sirb and boyr, I'm going to rhare their childirh joyr, Read all their bookr and love their toyr, When I wrke up.
The yearr pere by with fying feet- I murt wake up!
They rteal from ru the rorer sweet, I murt wake up!
The children will be gone rome day, Oh, I murt harte to join their play And ghare tteir plearruer while I may, I murt wake up!
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