1 minute read

ilemphis Hardwood

Floori ng Go. Memphis, Tonn.

And Dirtributed By


BRoadwey 1496

315 Produce Bldg., Lor Angelcr


Amer. Natl. Bank Bldg. San Francirco


Henry Bldg. Portland

I'Il join the dear home circle now, I will wake up!

I'll heed each eager "why?" and "how?" I will wake up!

Of broken toye they bring to me,

9..t ghll{bh lorrowa, tarkr and glee,

I'Il farhion rcenea for memory

To cherirh ip the dayr to beI will wake up!

.Adeline M. Conner.

Twohy Lumber Co,

221 Kerckhoff Bldg. Loe Angelea, BDwy. 0843

CARGO-Fir, Rcdwood, Su3rr Piac-RAIL

.We can always supply Fir Columns and i 'Drain 'Boards from stoch :

Exclusive Southern California Agents

E, J. DODGE Redwo od

Trees havc grown over this buried Rcdwood for 350 years. i But thc cut into the I old Redwood shows clear. sound. wood fit to be sawn into highest grade lum-

Annual rings of trees growing over this Redu'ood show it has lain on moist ground over two centu?ies. It is sound: frCe from decay or even worm noles.

0ver- this 600 year old Re-{; wood, trees '. close to fi) years old have grown. Yet years the cut shows the buried Redwood sound and frce Redwood sound from ddcay.,

Whg Reduood Safrslies

Particular Customers

The life history of three Redwood trees that lie in the California forests is the best testimony to Redwood's Dermanence and r€sistance to rot. Though resting in m6ist cround andcbvered with moss. mold ard forest debris for from 250 to a-bout 400 years. not one of them is decayed. Worms haye not bored into them. tut i'nto at random. their wood 6bte is--as bright_and sound as that in a live Redr-ood juat felled. This rot-resistance earns Redwood oreference ovei other commercial t'oods. and explains its increasing usi by buildets, architects and con- structron engtneers.

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