3 minute read
Ano'ther Fonward Step Xn Long"lBe[l Senvi.ce
-speeils up rush shipments and rush inquwrf^t W fiite ilays by ilirect wfue n West Coast plants
-, @PEEDING up rush shipments l9 of Douglas Fir and Califomia '\Uhite Pine by an average of fivb days is one result of the installatioh of a private printer-telegraph sewice between the Long-Bell general omces at l\ansas urEy, ano its plants at Longview,'Wash., and Weed, Calif. It is said to be the loniest private wire of its kind in commercial use-approximately 2,800 miles long.
I ofices atKansas City, and
By means of this new service, thei Kansas City ofices can transmit orders immediately to these'lVesq Coast plants at the rate of thirtyfive words a minute.
"The establishing of thrs private wire between Longview,'Weed and Kansas City,"said R.A.Long, chairman of the board,"is another step towafd imProving our ri€tvice,linkingas it does these oftces, as thbugh one, in the matter of communication. This is ori un. dertaking well in keeping with the Long8ell policy of 'providing its customers with the best for the present, and of anticipating ttheir needs in the future."
The Long-Bell Lumber Company R.A-LonrBldr. KensCttv'Mo. Lsmbcma Sim 1875
TheseTrade.Marked Long.Bell Products:
I)orrglas Fir Lumber and Timbera;,Southern Pine Lumber and Timbers; Creoroted Ilmber, Tim. ben, Poste, Poles, Ties, Guard.Rail Poote, Piling; SouthemHardwoodLumber and Timbers; Oak Flooring; CaliforniaWhite Plne Lumber; Sash and Doors; Box Shmka.
Chas. R. McCormick, president of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., has returned to San Francisco after spending the past trvo rveeks in Nerv York City on business. He says the east has experienced a severe winter and very little lumber is moving in the outlying districts due to the snow. In speaking of eastern market conditions, he says a good volrrme of lumber is going to the Atlantic Coast at the present time but that prices are unsatisfactory. He states that conditions indicate that the volume of lumber shipped to the Atlantic Coast during 1926 will equai the 1925 shipments.
Fred Palmer On Eastern Trip
-.Fre-d Palmer, the San Francisco white and sugar pine distributor, left for Mexico last rveek on a short 6usiness trip. He will then proceed to Atlantic City where he rvill attend the National American Wholesalers Association rneeting that will open on April15. Mr. Palmer is a director of the Wholesalers Association.
J. E. (Ted) Higgins, the rvell known San Francisco hardwood dealer, has announced to his many lumbermen friends thata fine baby girl arrived at their home on March 2. "T.d" is now the proud daddy of four daughters which he refers to as his "Four Queens." He states that Mrs. Higgins and their new arrival are doing nicely.
- The A. F. Stevens Lumber Co. of Healdsburg have just completed the construction of a new lumber shed at their Healdsburg yard. They also operate at Geyersville and Cloverdale. A. F. Stevens, for many years a prominent Iumberman in California and formerlv with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., is the head of this concer.r and is ably assisted in the management of their business by his son Russ Stevens.
Foster Brothers, Inc., San Francisco lvholesale lumber distributors, are no\\' located in their large new offices at 244 California St., San Francisco. Theirnew telephone number is Kearny 1100. The officers of Foster Brothers Inc. are W. A. S. Foster, Patrl Foster, Benj. B. Foster, and NI. J. Byrnes.
^ J. F. Shepard, manager of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, l-as looking over lumber conditions in the Bay District during the month. During his stay Joe was entertained by his old friend Harry Officer of the S-anta Fe Lumber Co. on St. Patrick's day-and in the evening thev Ittended the monster St. Patrick's Day meeting at th; Civic +udrtorlum.
gJ/ warsoNvrllE LuMBER co. BUTLDs NEw f WAREHOUSE
The Watsonville Lumber Co., Watsonville, have recentlv completed the construction of a new warehouse that wiil be used for the storage oftheir building material stocks. Herman Herkig is the manager of this concern.
AGENTS Abcrdan Lunbcr C Siringle Co.,Aberdeen. Wash. Ancricrn MiU Co., Aberdeen, Wash.

Hoquian_ .Lgmb6 & Sbinglc, Co., Hoquiam, Wash.
Prorpcr Mill Co., Prosper. Ore.
Rrymnd Luber Co..- Raymond. Wash-
9glumbta Bu & Lumber Co., South Bend. Wash.
Hulbcrt Mill Co., Aberdeen. Wash.
Lewir Millr & Tinber Co., South Bend. Wash.
J. A. Lewir Sbinglc Co., South Bend. Wash-