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of Qlifornlr.
Manufacturcn of Douglar Fu and Port Orfond Cdrr
Sarvmillr, ManMeld, Orcgon
Dirtributins Plant - BaY Point
Annrnl Pnoducion 2(X),0fi),(XX) Fect
GENERAL OFFICES :'H3**X,?5" l.oeAngchroficc, toi coatrrl Bld3.
Harvey Lyon, President of the Oakland Rotary Club, rvas the speaker of the day at the monthly meeting of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club held at the Oakland Hotel on Friday, IVlarch 19. Mr. Lyon talked on "Service Clubs" touching'on their purposes and horv their members respond to community activities. 1\Ir. Lyon also told many of his entertaining stories and his talk was thorough enjoyed by the large attendance.
J. A. Wentworth of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. rvas the Chairman of the Day. Following the luncheon, Edgar Thorp entertained with several delightful piano solos. Fied Roth, vicegerent snark of the Bay Districf, made a fe*' remarks on Hoo-Hoo activities in the Bay District.
Announcement $'as made that the next Bay District Concatenation will be held at the Oakland Hotel. Oakland. on Friday evening, April 16. The following committee rvill have charge of the arrangements for the Concatenation:C_has. Lamb, FrankI-. Parke,r, Miltoh Hendrickson, J. A. Wen_tworth, _Gggrge TroJh, Clyde Spear, W. C. Simpson, and Merrill Robinson. This rvill be the first Bay Diitrict Concatenation of the year and the committee aie a.r"ng- ing for a large class of Kittens and a fine evening's entei- tainment.The Oakland Committee will also bJ assisted by the regular BayDistrict Nine.
Ben Bemis Goes With Millwork Institute
C. Benj. Bemis, hailed all over Southern California as Ben, has just announced his recently formed connection with the Millwork Institute of Califoinia.
He will act as Field Secretary of the Los Angeles County Branch of the Institute, out of the Los Angeles offices, wo_rking_rvitfr Mr. H. T. Didesch, Managing-Director.
Ben. Bemis is well known among all- lumbermen and sash and door men in the south.
For the past three years he has been in business with Ira F. Cowan, in Los Angeles, operating as Bemis & Cowan in the wholesale door business. His interest in this business has been takgn over by Mr. Cowan, and Mr. Bemis will devote his entire time to the affairs of the Millwork Institute of California, Los Angeles County Branch.
Visits San
Hastings Garland, connected with the San Francisco office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., was a recent Southern California visitor where he spent a few days visiting with his folks at San Diego. His father, Frank J. Garland, is manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. yard at San Diego. Hastings reports that conditions in the San Diego District are good and that there is considerable building activity in that sectioh.