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The ldeal Wood for INTERIOR FINISH and CLOSET LININGS Port 0rford Cedar
During the past year many residencer and apartrnents have been finished in PORT ORFORD CEDAR PANEIS. They are es.pecially adapted for high-class enameling, making a beautiful and attractive appearance.
As a Cloret Lining PORT ORFORD CEDAR eliminatec all insect and bug activity.
Manufactured bV th" coos VENEER & BOX CO.
Marshfiel4 Oregon
735 Third Street
95S965 So. Alameda S'L
J. H. McCallum Pibneer San Francisco Lumber Dealer 'ilW*t )
J. H. McCallum, lumbermari and bivic leader, has been associated with the lumber businesS .of San Franciscb for over thirty years and is the owner and founder of the splendid retail iurrber concern that bea.rs his name.
This was not his start in the lumber business. Ife was born and reared on a farm in Ontario, Canada. His first experiences were in the woods, after which he was connected with the saw-mill end of the business. In 1888 he arrived in California and spent two years working in the white and sugar.pine operations in.t"he Sierra District. In 1890 he came tci San Francisco, at which tim6 he was asso- ciated with the Union Lumber Co. Later he became interested in thg retail lumber business which he has followed to the present time.
Although prominent in civic and other busihiss irfiairs, Mr. McCallum still mairitains his keeri interest iri his lumber business, and every morning at 7:3O a. m. you can find him at his office the same as years ago when he first started his retail lumber business. His.lumber business has kept strides with the wonderful growth and developrnent of Sin Francisco and today he is one irf the large representative retail lumber dealers of San Francisco: His business ie- quires the use of nine Mack and Kleiber delivery trucks.

Mr. McCallum takes an active interest in all lumbermen affairs. His Hoo-Hoo number is 5854 and he is an active member of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9. He is a strong advocate of dealer co-operation and he is a member of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, having served the association as treasurer and at the present time he is an association director.
His other civic and business interests are many. He was formerly a member of the Board of State Harbor Commissioners for eleven years, a part of this time acting as President of the Board. He is President of the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Y. M. C. A.; President of the Board of Directors of the NIcKinley Orphanage, San Francisco; President of the San Francisco Church Extension Society of the Methodist Churches of San Francisco; Member Advisory Committee Boy Scouts of San Francisco; Member Board of Directors, San Francisco Community Chest; Member of Kiwanis Club, Downtown Association, Public Spirited Club, and San Francisco Chamber of Commerce; Advisory Board Southern Promotion Association; Member Board of Governors Commonrvealth Club: Mem-
Club of Sari Francisco, and Director Metropolitan Guarantee & Building Loan Association.
In his lumber business, Mr. McCallum has surrounded himself with an excellent.organization, which is headed by that capable young lumberman, Fred Roth. He has been associated with Mr. McCallum for the past seven years and is the general manager of the concern. Mr. Roth is a live-wire and is very popular with the lumber fraternity of the Bay District. He is Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo, and also holds membership in the Olympic Club and Elks.
He is an officer in the Masonic Blue Lodge, and is also a member of the Knight Templar Drill Corps, which holds the championship of the United States and Canada.
Otis Hergert is sales representative, Fred Whitehead order clerk, and C. C. White estimator. E. O. Benner is superintendent. Miss Mabel Jackson is private secretary to N{r. McCallum.
EUGENE, Or., Mar. I2.-All officers of the Booth-Kelly Lurnber Co. rvere re-elected for another term at the annual meeting of the company held here recently. Those holding positions are: R. E. Danaher, Detroit, Mich., president; R. A. Booth, Eugene, vice-president; H. A. Dunbar, Eugene, secretary-treasurer; A. C. Dixon, Eugene, general manager.

In addition to the executive officers the following are members of the board of directors.: Frank H. Buck, San Francisco; Mrs. Louise G. Hill, Chicago; C. H. Davis, Jr., Portland; P. S. Brumby, Portland. and E. B. Tanner. Portland.
Kent Makes Change
Mr. Paul Kent, for the past few months connected with Robt. Forgie, Los Angeles wholesaler, has gone with the trrecl Golding Lumber Company, in the same city. Kiln
J. H. McCallunr, Owner Frcd Rotlt,, Gen Mgr ber Advisory Board Union Indemnity Company; Member Board of Directors Traveler's Aid: Member National Council Y. M. C. A. and International. Committee Y. M. C. A.; S. F. Bureau of Governmental Research; Member Board of Trustees and Chairman Finance Committee College of Pacific; Member Board of Directors Central California Mortgage Co. of Oakland; Member Board of Directors National Mortgage Company of San Francisco;.Member Amity Lodge; Member of California Commandery, No. l, K.
T. Islam Temple A. A. O. N. M. S.; Vice-president Masonic
Twenty Plants on Grays Harbor are Cutting 33 Shifts
Aberdeen, Wn., March 16.-With the resumption of cutting at the Grays Harbor Lumber Co. (Blagen's) yesterlal, 20 plants on Grays Harbor are operating a tot-al of33 shifts. The Blagen mill reopened with three shifts after being closed trvo weeks for repairs.
Present sarvmill operation in this district is as follows: