5 minute read
The New Essco Pine Plant
The Exchange Sar,vmills Sales Company, in announcing the opening of their ESSCO California White Pine mill at Pine Ridge, Or'egon, states that this plant has been sawing stock for the past several rveeks and that stock sheets and prices are in the hands of ESSCO salesmen. The Forest Lumber Company, one of the ESSCO Mill Companies, is the operator of this nerv plant.
The new ESSCO timber holdings are located in the North Klamath Falls district, and the present acquisition aPProximates a billion feet. The stand is virtually pur'e California White Pine growing at a high altitude under ideal climatic conditions. The- California White Pine in this district is especially fine. The growing conditions of the ESSCO timber give th,e rvood an unusually fine texture and a close, even grain, with a minimum of pitch.
A new and modern, electrically equipped, two band Filer and Stowell mill has been erected with a two shift capacity of 250,000 feet daily. The finest equipment available has been installed, including electric dogs, Gerlinger carriers, etc., that the highest grade ESSCO California White Pine stock may be manufactured. The latest type dry kilns and planing mill equipment is completed or under construction and installation.
The mill will be driven by a steam turbine generator. Until this equipment is installed, power is being furnished bythe Oregon-California Power Company, whose hydroelectric plant is located on the Klamath River.
Adequate railway facilities are afforded by the Southern Paci6c bnd new lines are in the course of construction. In addition there is a proposal before the Interstate Commerce
It is expected that one of the premium products of this mill will be ESSCO siding.
This move of expansion on the part of the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company is in line with the policy being pursued by Mr. R. B. White and his associates. The same high standards of manufacture and service that have won suih an enviable reputation in the South for the ESSCO organization, will be maintained in the West.
- The original organization of the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, form,erly the Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company, is one of the pioneers iri lumber manufacturing, being established in 188O by the late John F. White and his associates. At this early date the first mill at Grandin, Missouri, followed the policy of producing only dependable lumber, which has enabled the company to grow and expand until today it is among the leaders in the industry. In the South, the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company has been among the first to adopt the progressive measures in lumber manufacturing and marketing.
The establishment of this new ESSCO mill in the West is due to the unceasing efforts of R. B. White, president and general manager of the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, and President of the Forest Lumber Company, C. E. Slagle, vice-president and C. C. Sheppard, vice-president, and their associates. They spent much time and study in the careful investigation of Western timber areas before deciding upon the California White Pine operations at Pine Ridge, Oregon. They chose this location because of the remark- able qualities of the almost pure stand of California White Pine. The fine even texture and close grain of this particular stand coupled lvith the facilities for production and shipment, make the location ideal.
Commission which may eventually give routes over the Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Union Pacific.
Because of the especially fine qualities of the wood, it is obvious that the ESSCO organization would manufacture the California White Pine stock for the uses to which it is best suited; namely, clears, selects, shop and factory lumber, kiln dried common boards, lath and siding.
The officers and directors of the Forest Lumber Company are:
Officers: President, R. B. White; vice-president, C. E. Slagle; vice-president, C. C. Sheppard; treasurer, W. B. Pettibone; secretary, C. K. Gould.
Directors: C. E. Slagle, W. B. Pettibone, J. L. Grandin, G. W. Grandin, C. C. Sheppard, R. B. White, C. K. Gould. The sale of ESSCO California White Pine is handled through the Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, with general office at Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. C. K. Goulfi secretary, is in charge of California White Pine sales. Th'b mill operations are in charge of Mr. F. T. Horan, superintendent, who fonnerly was superintendent of the Forest Lumber Company's Oakdale, La., Sawmill operations.

Rcd Cedar Shingles
Schafer Bror. Shlnglc Co.
Manufactund By
Nati,onal Lumbcr & Mfg. Co.
Joc CreeL Shingle Co.
Riplcy Ccdu Co.
Ultlcaa Shinglc Co.
Montcruo, Wuh; Hoquiam, Wuh. Aloha, Waeh. Aberden, Wach. .Abcrdecn, Wuh.
We are in position to furnish your requirements in all kinds of Shingles, either Grcen or Kiln Dricd, for all rail or water shipmeni, and in order to better serve you have opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington,
We manufacture:
6/2 Extra *A+'s
5/2 Extra iA*'s Extra Clears
Premium Clears
XXXXX Perfect Clears Eurekas Perfections Royals and all coriesponding second grades
Suitc 241, Finch Building Aberdccn, Warb.
Davies.Johnson Lumber Corporation, of Calpine, Cal., recently purchased their second llilke Lumber Piler. This is a testimonial that "speaks louder than words" for the satisfaction they have experienced from their first "Hilke", purchased in Noyember of last year.
The Hilke Lumber Piler is rapidly winning favor with progressive lumbea.'concerns jg the saving it makes in time, money and lumber, ln rdf,6;' yr{r Srrdl.r in reEtrlcted yarda, is coming to be understoo<l. '-l.
6o Columbia St., Seattlc, Waah.
Monadnock BId3. 7tt Audubon Bl&. Sal Frmlrco :; Ncw Orlau
Redwood in Trestle
C. J. Laughlin, California manager for the Long Bell
One million, t'ivo hundred and fifty thousand feet of Cali- Lumber Company. with offices at San Francisco, looked fornia Redwood-all "extra 6s1g["-y,'ill go into the tres- over the Southern California territory last week, rvith their tle across Big Lagoon, located some ten miles nortl-r of Los Angeles manager, Harvey Borvles. Trinidad, Humboldt County, California, according to R.

M. Morton, State Highu'ay Engineer.
This Big Lagoon trestle, which forms a part of the Mr. E. C. Robinson, retired lttmberman of Yo_ttngsto-rvn, Redr,r'ood Fighti"y, measures 3791 leet in length and con- Ohio, a-nd an old time Hoo lfoo member. rvith Mrs. Robinsists of 209 bents bi + piter each at 19 foot spJn, according son, visited Los Angeles in March, disembarking from to the E,ngineer's office, State Highrvay Com^mission. - their around-the-world steamer for a tr,vo days' visit.
In accordance rvith original specifications by Bridge En- 3OOXXBBpER WANTS pOSITION gineer Harlen D. Miller, Redrvood will be ttsed throughout. Half million dollars sales experience as bookkeeper ,and except gn-lf for_the-split piles, estimated at 35,000 lineal malager and estimator past ten years. $125.00 to start. feet, rvhich u'ill be of Cedar. nty'rrfua, Christian, 31 years olcl, peppy and exceptionally
An idea of the size of the timbers involved'lnay be had agfreeable. References or boncl. Address Box 4-131, care from the follorving: g^)4fornia Lumber Merchant. 4-1-1
Redrvood Caps l2xl2x22 ft.
Redwood Stringers 6xl6 inches W r:---^ 9-?-I9*f-U,-t^lfrolls' JIMMY !
Rerl*'ood FloorTns 2*+, t"'"i,'"te<I, srrrraced edge u1, anrr *r.Jflllll covered by 2 inches of asphalt' ing the big smile these days. Jimmie is now a proud daddy
MOORE KILNS IN ARIZONA and the father of a seven- poul_d baby- girl that arrived on rhe cady r-u,.,t'","co',Ji1!J,,.J;il.",Arizona, *,rro tnut Mrs' Atkinson and tfre new are large producers of Arizona pine, are norv installing a battery of twenty Moore's Reversible Internal Fan Kilns. LODI YARDS
Installation of these modern kilns will enable them to bet- The Tilden Lumber & LIill Company, Galt, has bought ter serve the users of "Cady Quality" pine lunrber. Con- the yard until recently operated by the Valley Lum6er struction work is now progressing rapidly and kilns n'ill Company, at Lodi. This is the plant that was originally the be ready for operation by June 1. Ferguson Lumber Companl'. The yard will be combi'ned
F. W. Horstkotte, prqminent s:qhmill engineer and de- with Tilden's original plant, and rvill be managed by tS. J. signer, is supervising construction rl'ork at McNarl'. Maakstadt, "the whispering Srvede."