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Tri-Club Conference
(Continued from Page 37)
M. M. Riner
Kansas City, Mo., Snark of Uniaerse Attende il C oncatenation,
....Palo Alto
E. J. Brockman, San Francisco, Pacific Coast manager for the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several days on company business. While in the Southland, he made his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office.
Kentuc evenrng at / p.m., where veras Cement Company.
held at the Old Kentucky House on Saturday 7 p.^., where they were the guests of the Cala-
Nine kittens *ere brought into the fold, and four old cats were reinstated.
The Nine was as follows: Snark, M. M. Riner (Snark of the Universe) ; Senior Hoo Hoo, C. D. LeMlster; Junior Hoo Hoo, R.'A. Hiscox; Scrivenotor, Chas. G. Bird; Jabberwock, P. E. Overend; Bojum, A. B. Johnson; Gurdon, M. D. Johnson; Custocatian, Albert H. Reynolds; Arcanoper, D. A. Williamson.
- It will be noticed that the Nine included two Past Snarks of the tlniverse, the present Snark, present Supreme Custocatian, and five Vicegerent Snarks.
Harry Vincent Visits Los Angeles
Harry Vincent, San Francisco, vice president and g-eneral minager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. spent- a f9-* days in Los Angeles around the middle of the month. He mide his head(uarters at the company's Los Angeles offices.