1 minute read

Here's An Unsolicited Statement Made By One Of Our Dealers

"Since youf new board cam€ out about four mondrs ago most of our cus' tomers have gbdl1 accepted it in preference to other boards and are gnteful that they were prevailed upon by us to use this supedor wallboard. The writer inspected several jobs on completion and they are perfect. All of us here ere vety enthusiastic over the procpects of developing a very large business on Pacific Five.Ply."

As wetve said before-youtll never know how good a wallboard can be made until youtve seen the new Pacific Five-Ply (Redwood Core) Board.

Th'b"ilk, sn1s "!r'eatl"


'?.lL?os / *W

Philippine Hardwoods

Each % square packed in acarton

Here's the ideal wav to pack a good product-and Pyroof painted shingles are good.

Pyroofs are both colored and fire-retardant. The Department of Public Safery of St. Paul, Minn., states, "The test was the best demonstration we have ever seen of a fire-retardant paint."

Pyroof painted shingles can be had in straight or mixed cars. '\trfrite for data or prices to

W. L Carpenter Lumber Company



SoIe Agents for

Painted Shingles

(Red Cedar)

The Demand now Exceeds the Supply

What more can be said regarding the popularity of these woods)

Manufactured and Imported by

Office and Mills at Manila, Kolambugan and Milbuk, Philippine Islands

Sales Office: 91O Central Bldg., Lor Angeler

W. G. SCRJM, U. S. Representative

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