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Tri-Annual Meet of Millwork Institute of California at Stockton

Co-operation with the retail lumbermen of the state was a feature of the tri-annual meeting of the Mill.rvork Institute of California, held at the Stockton Hotel, Stockton, on Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23.

Two joint meetings of directors of the Institute and the California Retail Lumbermen's Association were held, and annual joint meetings of both boards will be held if it can be arranged to hold the annual conventions in the same locality and in the same week.

Other important subjects discussed were Plant Certifica-

9 a.m., and in his opening remarks expressed optimism regarding the future of the industry. He emphasized the value to the whole industry of Standard Sash & Door Schedule No. 128, saying that as far as he is concerned, benefits from this publication had more than repaid all his time and expense in connection with the Institute. In referring to the great amount of work to be done by the Institute in the future the president said trade extension is a most important part of the program, and this will be proceeded with just as soon as funds for the purpose are available.

Managing Director H. T. Didesch presetrted his report, which was in the nature of an outline of activities being carried on, and also of those which are ahead. He reported having spent 56 days in traveling over the state sinte the last meeting, and told of the joint meeting of the Institute's directors with the directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Fresno, January 19, at which complete accord was reached with the lumbermen regarding the proposed amendments to the lien larv.

"If these amendments carry, it will mean money in the pockets of every millman, and the work, of the Insiitute in this regard alone will have justified its existence," said Mr. Didesch.

He also reported on the joint meeting held on the previous day with the lumbermen.

A. W. Bernhauer Presid.ent

H. T. Didesch Managing Director

tion, formation of a Central Listing Bureau, I-Iome NIodernization, the idea known as the Registered Buyers and Sellers Plan, New Products and Trade Extension.

The idea of the setting up of a California Trade Commission was also endorsed.

Del Monte was selected for the next tri-annual meeting, to be held on July 25 and 26, the first day to be devoted io directors' meetings only.

Friday Session

The board of directors held an all-dav session on Fridav. at which the various problems of the' industry were di'scussed. An early start was made when the directors met in joint session with the directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at 8 a.m. A report of this meeting appears on another page of this issue.

Saturday Morning

President A. W. Bernhauer called tlie meeting to order at

Mr. Didesch read a letter from J. G. Kennedy, Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara, containing a resolution recommending the formation of a Central Listing Bureau, and reported that the directors endorsed the resofution and decided to appoint a committee to rvork out a plan and present it to the next meeting of the Institute.

The managing director reported that proofs of revisions of Schedule No. 128 rvill be ready within 6O days. The changes are mainly rule changes, ihowing clearly what an excellent job had been done in the first place.

In his report on the progress of Plant Certification Mr. Didesch said that 22 firms had been tentatively certified at the board meeting, and that these represented 65 to 7O per cent of the output of the whole industry, and two others had since handed him their applications.

President Bernhauer said that the U. S. Department of Commerce is very favorable to the plant and job certification idea, and that trvo of eight recent netv mimbers came

(Continued on Page 45)

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