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Self-Hardening Steel
Moulding Cutter Blanks You Sent Are WonderEtt
Ar a mtts of fut SIMONDS SELF-HARDENING CUTTERTT ARE THE E6t eoncnlcal cutter! il.t woodwHng rhqr o bry. Tbb fr duc to thelr gneta cfilclcy and log llfe. Yo lnw thcrr en EdG ol SIMONDS OWN Self-hr&nbg rtcel and arc all nady to be SrFDd to rhapc--NO FURTHER HEAT-aREATMENT tc Mui rhone udng tte SIMONDS Self-hardcnlns Steel Mcrldlnr Cutierr Bl,ani<r havc fond then fuu c flve dner ar e-fflctant ar carbo etocl cutterc. lf -lou uqg ef-hardening Sphdb Shapc Barr for tut ln8 cutbrFry. malc a lhqrr ttccl bar wlt[ a nill rollcd barcl abolubly unlfrn b wldlh and urmta ar to bcrcL tllforld't Largcrt Mecbinc Knifc MoLcn"
Lor Angclct, Cal. Sen Francirco, CrI. Portlend, Orc. Scettlc, ltarh. Vancouvcr, B. C.
R. S. Gra# Sash and Door Committee of forming a California Trade Commission to regulate trade practices within the state. Before supporting the bill now before the Senate it will be necessary to see that it provides for any industry setting up its own trade practices when 80 per cent of the membership desires to do so. The State Trade Commission will then enforce the laws made by any particular industry.
E. A. Nicholson Treasurer
. On a motion by T. J. Bridgeford the Institute went on record as endorsing the principle of a State Trade Commtsslon.