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112 MARKET STREETGArfeld 18(DSAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND OFFTCE: 6,1t)8 SW. Burlingane ATwater 7866

Ray Peil Moves To San Bruno

Ray Peil, manager of the Sterling Lumber Company's Mountain View branch for the past several years, has been appointed manager of the yard of McNulty Lumber Company, San Bruno, Calif.

New Yard In Sacramento

East Side Lumber Co. has established a new retail lumber and building yard on Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento. Roy Brown, formerly with Capital Lumber Co., Sacramento, is manager.

LOS ANGELES OFFICE: Chamber of Co--erce Bldg. PRospect 8843

Al Nolan Back From Hawaii

Al Nolan, western sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned March 22 on the Matson liner Matsonia from a six weeks' business trip to the Hawaiian Islands.

Remodels Office

Seemann Lumber Company, Encinitas, recently remodeled and enlarged the office. Knotty Ponderosa Pine was used on the walls and Celotex Tile on the ceiling. Roy Seemann is owner and manager.

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