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"DUROID" Electro Galvanized
"DURO" BnoNze
Los AngalesFirm Provides Expert Advice on Boat Building Problems
Announcement is made by Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, that they now have associated with them in their Marine Division, in a consulting capacity, E. R. Lee, an expert boat builder, rn'hose advice rvill be available to lumber dealers on boat building problems. Mr. Lee's advice will be furnished free to dealers as a part of this firm's service.
A complete study of boat requirements has been made by Western Hardwood Lumber Co. It is interesting to recall that they discovered some time ago that it was necessary for the shed where they store green bending Oak to be air-conditioned and equipped with fog nozzles to overcome the strain on the fibers of the wood occasioned by the rapid changes in air humidity experienced in Los Angeles.
They carry at all times a complete stock of lumber and timbers required for boat building. Some of the woods used are the following: For keels and stems, Apitong, Hopea, Guijo, Yacal, Douglas Fir. For frames, white bending Oak, red bending Oak, bending Elm. For planking, Honduras Mahogany, Philippine Mahogany, Alaska Yellow Cedar, Port Orford Cedar, Washington Red Cedar, Douglas Fir. For decking, Teak, White or Yellow Cedar, Douglas Fir. For cabin trim, Teak, Honduras Mahogany, Philippine Mahogany, Walnut. For mast and spars, Spruce and Douglas Fir. For guard rails, shoes, etc., Ironbark, Tallow-wood, Hopea. For panels, Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Spruce, fancy hardwoods. For bearings, etc., Lignum Vitae, Coco Bola and Rosewood.
Los Anseles Hoo-Hoo Club tXtill Hold
Luncheon Meeting April 2
The number of reservations received indicate a good turnout for the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club luncheon meeting to be held Tuesday noon, April 2, 1940, at the Mona Lisa, 3343 Wilshire Blvd. (opposite the Ambassador Hotel), Los Angeles.
All lumbermen are invited to attend, and a special invitation is extended to lumbermen visiting in Southern California. Luncheon will be served at 12:19 p.m. There is plenty of free parking space for automobiles. Entrance to the parking lot is on S. Kenmore Ave., just off Wilshire Blvd.
The committee arranging the meeting includes J. E. Martin, Kenneth Smith, W. B.'Wickersham, Geo. E,. Ream and Lew Hackett.
Reservations can be made by calling J. E. Martin, 3lg Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Telephone VAndike 4565.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tyson are receiving lations on the birth of a boy, John peterman Oakland February 23.
Mr. Tyson is president of utors, Inc., Oakland.
congratuTyson, in Wholesale Lumber Distrib-
The Complete Line-Many of the NuArt Shapes Furnished in Stainless Steel, Ghromlum, Brass, ag Well as Alacrome (white metal.)
BtilDtilGs, ElfGtltGS, il0slilGs for Wallc, Tables, Counters, Kitchen Sinlc, Floors, Stairs
Complete with end caps, corners, etc,, that save time and labor on installation.
Many Beautiful Shaper that Bend Without Cutting lllustration at right shows one of the many Nu-Art shapes for sinks, tables, counters, etc. that bend to almost any radius wlthout cutting. NuArt adds durability and beauty to linoleums. etc. wherever used.
Pre-Jormed Kitchen Sinlc Frames
Perfectly formed, in any size' drllled and readv to set in place and acrew down. savea time- and labor. - No wasted matcrlal. Makes perfect lob. Supplied for use with any typc or thlckness of material-any desired style of Nu.ArL
Nu-Art trim opens up almost unlimited possibilities for sales and profits' especially at this time when use of white metal le growing rapidly.
Write for Catalog
Catalog showing the com- plete Nu-Art linewith many pictures showing sales ideas and new uses for white metal trim, together with complete information o n helpful sales cooperation' furnlshed without obligatlon.