The California Lumber Merchant - April 1941

Page 1

JackDionne .hrblisltg I.AMOII.BOI{ilNGTOII COMPATIY r DOUGTAS FI8 - SUGAB -t l[ rd:ff tritr fi f srocx - worMANuED IL LI'MBEN ) CAB AND CANGO SHIPMENTS 16 Cclilornia Streel Scm Frcrrcisco Telephone GArtield 6881 PORTUTND OT?ICE-PITTOCK BLOCK We specialize in fine Hardwoods and Timbers. Sth alrd Ertnncn 9tr Scn Frcaclrco SUtter lt65 Slnce l8il2 500 lligh SL Ocllatrd lNdover lG00 voL t9. No. t9 Index to Advertisements, Page 3 APRIL I,I94I


The more Douglas Fir Plywood you serfl

"THE HOUSE IN THE SU'Y" , ., a beautiful exampleof Dri-Bih utitb Plyatood construaion !

a This deaons[olioa home wcs built lcst yeor in Hollywood Couty Club Estoies, North Hollywood, Calil. Douglqg Fir Plywood wos used extensively lor inlerior wolls od ceiliags, built-ins, sub-Iloors @d other purposes by the orchitect, Suruer Spouldiag, oud the builder, Keney Eiuey, becouso it ws tbe "beet woy tbey knew to do tbe iob." Here ogoia Douolqs Fir Plwood Droved lbqi it coa be lirigbed nori woys tbci oy 6lher materiol. Casb iD on the versctility oI tbis "modem nirccle il wood."


o The Douglce Fir Plywood wcs supptied by Btorchcrd Luober -Conpoay, North Hollvwood. -Mr. Roscoe-W. Blcnchcrd 6id, "WL were glod io bqve hqd lbe opportu' nitv'to lunish the plvwood lor the Houee ia the Sua. Alter aeeing the nony woys it coi be used ia c IinL Lome od its beoulv as aD inl€rior liaigh, we co whole-heorledly recomend it. The Houe in the Su ia L etond-out lor quolity od liae worlnubip lhrouqhout." Tbe photoqroph qbove qives gome ideq o-l tbe ooout ol Douglos Fir Plvwo.-od uaed .- recl -votume lor tbe Elcuchord Lumber Compony. Benember, you reaUy prolit on Dri-Bilt hores beccuse only lunber yord moleriols go inio them.

Your Plyzuood inoentory ner)er gets t?out of datett

o rJThen you stock all 5 grades of Douglas Fir Plywood in representative sizes and thicknesses, your Ply- wood inventory is complete. :For Douglas Fir Plywood is a stable product. It is never made obsolete by new finishes or colors. On the contrary, in its nataral state, plywood is receptive to more finishes than any other material. This means that every plywood customer is also a ProsPect for paint or other finishing products.

So push Douglas Fir Plywood. and profit. You can sell Douglas Fir Ply-

wood with confidencp. Every panel is "grade trade-marked" for both your and your customer's Protection. Urge yourbuilders to use the Dri-Bilt with Plywood method suited to the way they operate. Remind them that DriBilt homes can be financed through F.H.A.; are approved by the Uniform Building C-ode.

If you haven't complete literature on DriBilt with Plywood construction, write now for free manual. Studv itcash in on it. Douglas Fir Plywood Assn., Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, \7n.

o 3/8" Plvpoel, iutalled verticcllY cnd vee-joialed, wos' used -on living od diaing room wolls. A light stoi! tiriBh broughl out the beauty oI the wood. a Gross clolh waa uged over 3/8" Plywoll in lhe dea. a Sitchen wqlla were enqmeled hordboqrd ovet 3/8" Plywoll. Ceililg wos musli! covered, lhen encneled. Oiler roons were popered or pcinted.


Chief of the nEII!i7OODS

When your customers need lrfeft'rne Iumber sell them NOYO Brand Red' wood. Prompt shipment from one of NOYO's two mills or conveniently located warehouse stocks. Personal serv' ice by ONE organization keePs true "Once

Noyo DeaIer-AIwaYs!" UilIOil
Scn Francisco o Loe Ingeles Millr at Fort Bragg and Mendocino, Calif. Memberc ol Dutable Woods Institute and Cal ifot nia Rcdwood Acsociat ion OUR ADVERTISERS flammond Redwood Co. Hitl & Morton, Inc. Hobbs ValI Lumber C-o. -------------------------------- 9 Hogan Lumber Co. Floover, A. L. Johnson Lumber Corpotation, C. D. -------* Koehl & Son, Inc., John V. -----.--------------------12 Kuhl Lumber Co- CarI H. Lamon-Bonnington Company ----------------O.F.C. Lawrence-Philips Lumbcr Co. ----------------------IO Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company Lumbermants Credit Association -------------------* MacDonald & lfarrington, Ltd. Macklanburg-Duncan Cr. -----------------------------l I Marchall, fnc., John A. Michigan California Lumber Co. ----------------r Monolith Pordand Cement C,ompany Moore Dry Kiln Co. ----------------- 6 Pacific Lumber Co5 The --------- 5 Pacific Mutud Door Co. -----------2O Pacific Wire Products Co. ------------------------------2t Pacific Vood Ptoducts Corp. Paaen.Blinn Lumber Co. ---------------- ---------------25 Pope & Talbot, Lumber Divirion --------------29 Pordand Cement AsEociation Ream Company, Geo. E. Red Cedar Shingle Bureau ------------------------ 7 Red River Lumber Co. Ross Carrier Company Santa Fe Lrrmber Co. ---------------- -------------- O.B.C Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. ----------15 Shevlin Pine Saleg Co. ----------------------------- 8 Southwestern Pordand Cement e,o. ---------------{' Stanton & Son, E. J. -Suddcn & Christenson -----------17 Tacoma Lumber Sales ---------------------------------- 7 Union Lumber Co. ------------------------------------------ 3 Vendling-Nathan Co. -------------13 Vest Coast Screen Co. Vest Oregon Lumber Co. ------------------------------ 4 Vestern Door & Sash Co. ----------------------------27 Vestern Flardwood Lumber Co. -------------,------13 Veyerhaeu.eer Sales C,ompany -------------------* Wheelcr Orgood Saler Corporation --------19 Vhite Brothers ---------------------------------- -- O.F.C. Wood Lumber Co., E. K. ----------- -------------------- t --+-@2 -7,\J,-6 RESNPREST NESIN BONDED EKTERION PTYWOOD Douglcs Fir and Cqlilorniq Pine WcrllbocrdShecrthing Pcnels -Concrete FormC. C. Stock Verticcrl Grcrin Fir and Lcrucn E. l(. U00ll LUIIIBER G0. Of,r1AND FredericL d Siag Sb. FBuitvale 0ll2 {> LOS TNGEI.ES lflll Srotc Fe Avc. JEflenoa Slll

Subacription hice, $2.00 per Yecr Single Copies,25 cents eqch.

How Lumber Loolcs

Lumber production during the week ended March 15, 1941, was one per cent less than in the previous week; shipments were 6 per cent greater; new business 3 per cent less, according to reports to the National Lumber Minufhcturers' Association from regional associations covering the opera- tions of representative hardwood and softwood mills. Strip- ments were 4 per cent above production; new orders 15 per cent above production. Compared with the correspond- ing week of 1940, production was 14 per cent greater,.shipments 15 per cent greater, and new business 22 per cent greater. The industry stood at 131 per cent of the-average o! production in the corresponding week of 1935-39 aid 124 per cent of average 1935-39 shipments in the same week.

Reported production for the 11 iareeks of I94I to date was 18 per cent above corresponding weeks of 19,1O; shipments were 21 per cent above the shipments and new ordeis were ?\ p"t cent above the orders of the 1940 period. rFor the 11 weeks of L94L to date, new business iaras 11 per cent above production, and shipments were 7 per cent above production.

The ratio of unfilled orders to gross stocks was 35 per cent on_ I{1_rch 15,1941, compared-with 22 per cent a yiat ago. Unfilled orders were 40 per cent grealer than a year ago; gross stocks were 13 per cent less.

During the week ended March 15,467 mills produ ced Z4l,161,qq feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined; shipped 249,833,0@ feet; and booked orders of. 278,L32,0ffi feet.

Lumber orders reported for the week ended March 15 by 3ST softwood mills totaled 265,7ffi,0N feet, shipments were 237,9O3,000 feet, and production was 230,357,000 feet.

Reports fuom 97 hardwood business as 12,364,000 feet, production 1Q804,000 feet.

mills for the week gave new shipments 11,930,000 feet, and

The Western Pine Association for the week ended March 15, 98 mills reporting, gave orders as 93,204,000 feet, shipments 70,388,000 feet, and production 65,550,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 336,393,000 feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended March 15, 118 mills reporting, gave new business as 32,019,000 feet, shipments 31,435,000 feet, and production 33,687,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 1OB,352,000 feet.

The California Redwood Association for the month of February, 1941, reported production of eleven operations as 33,700,000 feet, shipments 32,738,00O feet, and orders received D,343,O0O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled €,415,000 feet.

With the armament program directly benefiting the entire Pacific Coast, a sensational increase in building permits w'as recorded in February over the corresponding month of 1940, according to the Western Monthly Building Survey prepared by H. R. Baker & Co., of San Francisco.

Permits from 93 leading cities total $51,n1352, an increase ol 125 per cent over the $22,301,817 recorded in February, 1940. Approximately 12,7O8 permits were issued

(Continued on Page 30)

LOS ANGELE9, CAL, APRIL I, I94I W. T. BLACT 5tl5 Lccvcnworth St. Scn Frqacirco PRorpcct 3810 M. ADAIiIS Circulctiol Mdlsg.t
l. c. Diouc, ",.,.*31?lljj,TEiril,',,1*vr.:'."9#i#j". Bracl. soc.tcr!, PublLbod thc lrt crad lSth ol occh noilh ct
3r&re-20 ";*,.:1.":l*;",3:.,IF!:Hlrllirhi?'#i,#r.*"s: I;lltn:vtrndirro {565 Lor Angrclcr, Cclllonic, uader f,ct oI Mqrch 3, 1079
LUMBERMERCHANT JackDiorrne,fublbhu w' T' BtAcK
Advertiaias Mcacser
Advertisfurg Bater on trpplictrtion
WEST OREGOI{ [U[IB[R GO. Portland, Oregon Manufacturen of Old Growth Douglas Ftr Rail and Cargo Shippers Los Angeles Sqles Ollice Scn Frcmcisco Scles OEce 127-428 Peboleunr Securities 8ldg. Evcns Ave. crt Tolcmd St Telephone Rlchrnoad 0281 Telephone ATwatcr 5678

Gives more YEARAGE" Sells more FOOTAGE

Redwood siding and outside trim make ideal "raiment" for the modern home. Always in style-takes and holds paint longer-keeps its' "schoolgirl complexion." Stands the gaff of sun, rain and time. Palco Redwood Siding, like all Palco Redwood Products, is Redwood at its best. Sell the extra "yearage" of Redwood-replenish your stocks with Palco Redwood.

Spouors of tbe Dnablc Voods hstitntc


Soft Ponderosq crnd Sugcr Pine. Industricl and buiiding items kiln dried crrd shed stored. In straight ccrs or mixed CCIIS.








ffia \lW/ MATT

Sater O6ce: 715 We*ern Pacifc Bldg., 1O3l So. Brocdwey

Verehoure: L C. L Wholerde, 702 E. Sleuron Ave.


Saler Ofice: 315 Monadnoc& BuildinS


Sda O6ce: 90E Fiuaci.l Ceoter Building



And history will no doubt recite that in the month of March, 1941, the United States of America entered upon another great rendezvous with destiny-possibly the most momentous one in all her history.


For a number of years past we have been accustomed to saying and hearing and reading these words: "Well, no one can say ure are not living in history-making times." How little we knew! History making has come utrxrn us with a rush in the last few months.


Across the ocean waters on a small islanfl just off the mainland of Europe a heroic band of people, comparatively small in numbers but mighty in soul and courage, has been standing off such onslaughts of force and horridness as the past history of the world has no previous record of. We have been helping that small island and its defenders indirectly up to now. Now we go forth to help them, directly. And once our foot is in that path, there can be no turning back'

The sublime courage of the English during the past year has won the admiration of every worth while human in this country, and step by step almost every man, woman, and child throughout this land has come to consider himself or herself a loyal British ally, straining every hope and every prayer in the direction of the British heroes. Now a united nation girds up its loins to do whatever it may to see that that little island and its fighting people are not swallowed up and destroyed by the powers of darkness. God go with us!

F'rom the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the forestcovered hills of Canada; and from the rock-boundcoasts of Maine to Coronado's silvery strand-we find a people who are united in one great thought, nameln that England must be saved. Can you imagine picking up your newspaper

some morning to read the shocking news that Britian has been overnrn by the hordes of Huns, and has capitulated? Can you think what a pall of darkness would settle down upon the minds of all men here at home, if such a thing should come to pass? It would be like unto that darkness that settled down upon Golgotha at the passing of the crucified Carpenter.

No, England must be saved. And England shall be saved. We alone have the power to save her, and we are in that act of using it. We must upset Hitler's childish theory that providencHr whatever that strange law is that he believes in-made a horde of murderous egomaniacs to rule the rest of the world and bring it suppliant to his feet. We've got to get that wrong idea straightened out. And it won't be easy. ***

I don't believe that the all-wise Architect of the Universe planned it Hitler's way. Hitler dooms religion, forgetting that so far in human history religion is the only idea that has proven indestructible. Before the Tower of Babel reared its crest into the clouds; before ever the Sphinx gazed out upon the desert waste; before Jason sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece or Agamernnon led forth his gallant men to meet the warriors of Troy-religion was seated deep in the souls of men. And, when, Time looks back upon Hitler and his Hellishness as it now does upon those other days, religion will still be here. !t * rl.

That's why I believe Hitler cannot win. He might have destroyed England. But he set out first to destroy the God idea in the souls of men; and that idea is bigger and more indestructible than the courage and might of England; and the English people have placed their faith in God and His protection. And I don't believe it will fail them. And this whole nation feels the same way.

,. {.
t. 2. 3. XOOBI BEVENAIELI CNO88 CINCULATION KTLNS 71lo co 70/o morc capacity due to solid edge-to-edge stacktng Bctter quality drying on low tempcratures r.ith a fast reverribre circularion. Lower ctacking costs-just solid edge-to-edge stacking rn the simplest form. Moorekiln Paint Products for weatherproofing drv kiln and mill roofs. Kiln Builderr for More Than Half a Century North Portland, Orc. Jacksonviltc, Ftcida


1'iJ;'?:HJ:iiH: cARGo and RAIIJ ,"o',13J,'',,0, REPRESENTING








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Lumber Consumption Gains Over Depression Period

A biennial report on lumber distribution and consumption in the United States-this one for 193&-has been issued by the Forest Service, U. S. Depaftment of Agriculture. It shows that lumber cut of the United States in 1938 was in excess of 21 billion feet-a decrease from the preceding year. Exports and imports of lumber also showed a decrease in 1938.

Per capita utilization of lumber in the United States, however, increased from 94 board feet in 1932-the low point of the depression-to 164 board feet in 1938, according to R. V. Reynolds and A. H. Pierson of the Division of Forest Economics, co-authors of the report. The top figure, however, is less than one-third of the peak per capita consumption of 523 board feet. reached in 1906.

In 1938, 24 States showed per capita consumption below the national average. All are east of the Great Plains, and 19 consumed more lumber than they produced. The States which ship in the largest quantities of lumber (including imports) are California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, each receiving more than 500 million feet.

During 1938 per capita lumber consumption varied from a low of 57 board feet in the District of Columbia to a high of.974 board feet in Oregon, a region where the timber supply is ample and cheap as compared with other construction materials. fn general, the report says, the low relative per capita consumption in many Eastern States is closely linked with deficient or depleted forests.

Either a high degree of prosperity or extreme poverty also tend to decrease per capita average of lumber consumption, according to Reynolds and Pierson. People of above averag'e means are likely to use more of other construction materials, and their buildings do not require f?equent repairs. On the other hand, people of very limited means neglect repairs of their houses and live in crowded households.

Tables indicating lumber distribution and consumption throughout the United States comprise 36 of the 58 pages of the report, which has been published as Miscellaneous Publication No. 413, "Lumber Distribution and Consumption for 1938." Copies may be obtained for 15 cents from the Superintendent of Documents,'Washington, D. C.

Railroads Use Timber Connectors in Maintenance Work

Washington, March 2l,-Acceptance by the railroads oI the timber connector system of construction was made evident today with the publication by the Timber Engineering Company of a list of fifty-two carriers who have taken advantage of this method in maintenance rvork during the past five years.

Fifteen different types of structures including: roof trusses, overhead cranes, timber bents, trestles, ballast deck stub piles, piers, sway bracing, coal pockets, auto loading docks, bridge decks, scaffolding, coaling towers, roundhouses, and warehouses have been erected by these lines using timber connectors in their construction. This design system utilizes the lightness and economy of structural timber while increasing the load carrying capacity of the structure. In most cases the railroads have made their own installations although prefabricated trusses for warehouses have been ordered from timber fabricating firms.

Among the railroads using connectors are: Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; Baltimore & Ohio; Chesapeake & Ohio; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; Erie; Grand Trunk Western; Great Northern; Illinois Central; Missouri Pacific; New York Central; New York, New Haven & Hartford; Pennsylvania; Seaboard Air Line; Southern Pacific; Southern Railway, and lJnion Pacific.


Jack Butler, son of Seth L. Butler, San Francisco, Northern California representative of Dant & Russell, fnc., received his commission as Ensign in the Navy last November. Early in March he received orders to report to the Navy at Washington, D. C., and left for. the capital on March 13. He will be in Washington for the next five months.

Jack is a graduate of Stanford and was employed up to the time of leaving by his father, selling on the road for Dant & Russell.


Sales Gompany SEIJING THE PRODUCTS OF r lbc llcCloud Slvor Luobcr Conpcly McCloud; Calilonia Shevlia-Clcrlc Conlmy, Linitcd Fort F!cc.r, Oltclo r lL. ShdlD-E3on Conpcly 8ra& Orogpl t Mcmber oI thc Wcrlcta Plnc Agcociqton, Porlload, Oregon Dr8f,illltTots 0F EHEVLIN PINE Rcg.U. S. Pct. Ofi. EtEqnryE oF?lcE 9S Flr.t l{cdoocl 8oo Llsc Buildbg MINNEAPOI.IS, MINNESOTA DISIBICI Sf,I.ES OFFICES: NEWYORK CHICAGO 1604 Gravbcr Blds. 1883 laSoll+Wccker Bldq. Mohml d-9117 Telephone Centrcl 918f, SAN FRANCISCO lOitr Moncdaocl Blds. EXbroot nXl LOS ANGEX.ES SAI.ES OTllCE 33{l Pctrolcum Bldg. PRoepcct lFl5
Shevlin Pine

9th Annual Reveille to be Held at Port Orford Lumber Company Buys Hotel Oakland Friday May 2

All indications point to a big crowd at the Ninth Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, on Friday evening, May 2.

Jas. B. (Jim) Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, is general chairman.

As in former years the wholesalers are providing the money for the Reveille entertainment. Wm. Chatham, Jr., Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda, chairman of the Finance Committee, reports that checks are pouring in, and that the entertainment will be first class.

Tickets for the dinner and entertainment are $2.5O.

Reveille Golf Tournament May 3

The golf tournament in connection with the fth Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen will be held on Saturday morning, May 3, at Sequoyah Country Club, Oakland.

It is expected that there will be a record entry this year and those intending to play should send their entries to the golf committee chairman, Ross Kinney, c/o E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Frederick & King Streets, Oakland. Green fees are $2.00, including one free ball.


Trans-Paciftc Mill and Dock

The Port Orford Lumber Company recently completed purchase of the sawmill and dock of the Trans-Pacific Lumber Company at Port Orford, Ore., and also purchased the steamer Port Orford from the Gorman Steamship Company.

The new organization is composed of the following: Collier H. Buffington, Gold Beach, Ore.; H. S. McDuffee, Sacramento, George W. Gorman, Oakland, and Paul S. Speyer, Los Angeles.

A. A. "Bert" Dimmick is manager of the mill.

Gorman Lumber Company will handle the sales for Northern California and operate the steamer Port Orford. The mill started operation on March 17, will add a second shift in the very near future, and will be served by the steamers Port Orford and Daisy Gadsby.

Advertising Campaign Announced

An education campaign of advertising and publicity has just been announced by S. O. Hall, secretary-manager of the National Door Manufacturers Association, Chicago. The purpose of this campaign is to acquaint all trade factors with the N.D.M.A. seal of approval which signifies that woodwork bearing this seal has been given a toxic treatment, meeting N.D.M.A. preservative minimum standards. The advertising campaign which will begin in April will be educational in purpose and nature.

The fact that we carry a stock of I O to 12 million feet of Redwood at all times in our San Francisco yard for dealers' convenience. TRUCK . RAIIJ DEIJIVERY Commons Foundation Certified Dry Uppers RED\TOOD LUMBER HOBBS WATI. IUMBER GO. 2350 derrold Ave., San FranciEco Telephone Mlssion 0901 625 Rowan Building, Lros Angeles Telephone TRinity 5088 "Where you buy your REDWOOD is as impoftant as the REDWOOD you btty."

Facts Show Building Industry Doing a Good Job For Defense and the Consumer

"Who is the public to believe on forecasts of building costs ?" asks O. W. Hamilton, Chairman of Southern California Homes Foundation. "Is reliance to be placed in the scare-mongers who predict runaway costs with every fluctuation in the price of building materials, or in those who speak from plain facts in reassuring the home-building public ?

"In November Southern California Homes Foundation forecast a leveling off in the price movement of building materials. Early in February the record of the previous two months was cited to show that the prediction had been sound. This leveling of costs continues, according to the vvholesale Price Index of the Department of Labor for the week of February 22. The basic building material, lumber, has declined steadily in cost during recent weeks, dropping .7 point from February 8 to February 22.

"The building industry, through its local units, has also done a good job in maintaining local supply of building materiais despite the disrupton of trade caused by the constructon requirements of the defense program. The industry has put defense first, before its own interests, and has at the same time protected the consumer. The record shows this to be true.

"The individual local man in the building businesslumber dealer, building contractor, home-equipment supplier, banker, realtor-has held down his prices and built up his services to the consumer on a simple policy of enlightened self-interest. No pressure from high authority rvas needed for this result. The objective was to maintain the confidence of the public in the industry. The effect has been more building in January and February than in the same months {or 1940 or for any other year since 1930.

"On the service side of the picture, the local men of building-your neighbors and fellow businessmen-are providing the best building service of their history. Designs and constructon methods for small homes are in step with the FHA insured loan on the march of good service for new-home ownership. The 'Starwing' home pattern, List

No. A-766-858, is evidence. Is there nothing new in smallhome design ? Study the 'Starwing' floor plan closely, in comparison with other plans for four---or five-room homes, and you will find it does strike a new note and a h"ppy one in the arrangement of living room, dinette and kitchen."

Local retail lumber merchants will provide individual service and give conditional estimates on the "starwing" home pattern. For answer books and special information on home ownership, write Southern California Homes Foundation, 1348 E. Street, San Diego.


E. L. Green, vice-president in charge of sales for lJnion Lumber Co., San Francisco, left March 16 by plane for Dallas, Texas, on his way East for a three weeks' business trip. He will spend some time at the company's Chicago office.

uz"r."u $tlr-Hl' , ////tc zoq, I .1''22. I La 714 W. Olympic Blvd. wrenGG-Philips Lurnber Go. Wholesale Lrumber . tos Angeles Phone PRospect 8lZ4 Prompt Shipments by Wcter or Rail er Plywood Fir Doors Shingles Agentr lor Lawrence-Philips Stearnship Go. DonoflrY PHIUPS-S. s. IOSEPHINE LAwBENcE-s. s. LAwnENcE PHIIJPS Lrumb
8€o E@n

\(/inter Sports Authority Lauds California Snow Areas

San Francisco, March 16-California's national forest skiing areas and mass numbers of winter sports participants are contributing to an improved social and economic outlook for the State.

Thus declared Robert S. Monahan of U. S. Forest Service headquarters in Washington, D. C., at the conclusion of a two weeks' survey of major winter sports developments throughout California forests.

Mr. Monahan, who is touring all national forest skiing areas in the United States, stated in a visit to San Francisco that "California has some of the best skiing terrain and snow conditions anywhere, and is attracting tremendous crowds.

"f am impressed by the volume of business that this popular sport is bringing to all sorts of large and small concerns, in the cities and along transportation routes.

"But I am even more impressed by the wholesome outlook that a pair of skis, deep snow and our winter area developments help provide for so many outdoor enthusiasts.

"The Forest Service strongly believes in this type oi public use of national forest lands. Regional Forester Show tells me that more than 600,000 snow sport fans including repeaters, used 50 developed winter sports areas last year in the national forests of California alone."

fn an address before the Forest and Outdoors Section of the San Francisco Commonwealth Club, Mr. Monahan pointed to the Donner Recreation Area in Tahoe National Forest as one of the most popular winter sport regions in the United States.

He looks forward to the day when overnight ski touring in the High Sierra will be a popular form of participant sport; but, he added, all skiers won't be ready for it until they are really proficient and ski trails have been adequately developed.


E. H. Galpin, former secretary of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club has started in the retail lumber business at Seaside, Monterey County, Calif., operating as the Seaside Lumber Co.




For olczbq wood rqah. replqcing old puttY and nanf olhei hourebold uccs. Nu-Glcre HAS wbct it ta-tres to rcclly qot tbe iob donep.rnqnonlly qad economicclfv. Thct's becqurc Nu-Glcre ir lhe modcn, digtiactly diflereni Eqt€riql. It's rot q puttv, not c cclkiaq conpouud. Aad, by ugilg thi cu:alitv sellinq leqturei ol thia dependable, nciioiqlly-qdvertGed product, you ccn mcle it an inpoilcnl rource ol prolil.

Nu-GLAZE is the ORIGINAL, Dependable Compound for Glazing

Wood Saeh, Replacing Old Putty. Nu-Glcr aela lo c rubbcr-li|.c co$istoDc!'. It docs NOT dry oul, Il doeg NOT crcctr ofl, peel or pull qwcy lion scgh or glc:s. It'r uot oilyLlecn to Lcndle. Nu-Glczo slalls in perloct con' dition, requires ao worlriag up, losds !o cuttilg oil.


So thct you qcn a€€ lor youreell iuEt wbct Nu Glcze will do in your glore, we wqul to ncxe vou lbe scms "retun it nol gqtislied" sPeciol ol' fer lhct hcs ncde enlbusicgtic Nu-Glcze declerr ol tbouscnds ol norchqrrtg.

All we qsk you to do ia dieplcy Nu'Glc:e proninenilv qnd bcve ecch ol Your scleg' people sqv lo everY cusloEer: "Do you wcrit ordincry putiy, or Nu-Glc:e ibc mqteriql thdt woh't dry out?" )


, Mccklquburg-Duccn Conpcny

I Oklchonc City, Oklchoma I t PI"o"e send us detoils on how we co, I I without q Dennv invested, sea lor our- r I selves il Nu-GIo-ze will sell crnd repect. I

' (This speciql offer includes trqnsporlqtion t rlrepoid ond ollowed on l00lb. ihipment I

| 6n '30 doys triol, with return prifrlege I qI our expense.,

Aaa,""' I
I --l Hlttilfft illGlfl]l G0., LTll. WHOI.ESAIE II'MBER POI|DEROSA and SUGAR PIIIE cur sTocK-Box sHooK DOUGTAS FIR LUMBER.PLYWOOD WAREHOUSE AND YARDS AT SAN TAANCISCO LOS ANGELES 725 Second St. 909 Ecst 59th St. DOuglctg l94l ADcms 5271
I Firn Nqme I
1 City ..............St4te.......

6]atonife Sfuf

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Somc Lcss

Colored Logic

Two big negroes were working in a stone quarry together, and at the moment one of them with successive swings of a sledge hammer was trying to reduce a certain big rock into a lot of smaller ones. It was a tough piece, and the hammer man swung a dozen lusty blows down on the rock without making any particular impression on its solidarity. Finally the other one reached for the hammer. He said:

"Boy, you jes' ain't strong nuff to bus' dat rock. You sho ain't. You done hit it erbout twenty times an' you hain't done nuthin' to h'it yet. Lemme have dat hammah,


Chris Christensen, manager of the San Rafael Mill & Lumber Co. at San Rafael, which suffered a heavy fire loss last December will build a new plant at Green Brae.


Thig ncnlc ig yoru csaruqnco ol thorouEhl& properly, cmd nnile6ty f,iln Dricd Pondrroca Plne Lumber, Mouldingn, crnd Cut Stocl EIIERY nonlb ol the yecrr.


f,Icnncth Falls, Oregon


Cenbcl Ccrlilonric Pyrcmid Lunber Scrles Co., Ocklcrid

Southern Calilornia cmd Arizoncr

E. K Wood Lumber Co., Log Angeles

boy. Ah shows you how a strong niggah knocks on dat

As good as his word, he took one mighty swing, the hammer crashed down, and the rock busted into a score of pieces and scattered all about. He looked proudly at the other hammer man.

"You sees how easy 'tis fo' a strong man?" he said. The other one was not prepared to admit too much. He said:

"Shucks, bon you ain't so strong ! Dat wuz easy t'do aftah I got dat rock all softened up fo' you!"


J. P. Thomas and Ed Mulcahy are starting a retail lumber yard at 175 South Montgomery Street, San Jose. The name of the new concern is Thomas-Mulcahy Lumber Co.

Since I9I2 Wholesale Only Sash-Doors-Blinds Veneered Doors Iohn W. Koehl & Son, Inc. 652 South Myers Street Lros Angeles ANseles 8l9l

Depends on the Cut

One upon a time there was a man, who, in a restaurant gave his order to the waiter. "Bring me a piece of beef," said he.

His neighbor, being wiser, gave his order in these terms: "A filet mignon, medium well, with mushroom sauce."

"Why," asked the man, t'be so particular? Beef's beef. You're going to too much trouble."

Each was served, the neighbor with the filet as ordered, but the man received a scrawny, tough rump cut, boiled to utter tastelessness. Violent and noisy was his complaint.

"How now," said he, "my neighbor and I both order beef. Yet his is luscious, flavorful and juicy, while mine is lousy."

Up spoke the neighbor. "True," he said, "both are beef. But I ordered the proper grade for the use intended, while you mentioned only the species, without grade or pattern number."

MORAL: The taste of the meat depends on the cut. And there may be an application of this principle to lumber-even to so fine a wood as that which is called Red.

-California Redwood Association

Confierence Held With S. F. Wholesalers

R. T. Titus, director of trade extension for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, held a conference with San Francisco wholesale lumber dealers and mill representatives following a luncheon at the Engineers Club.

Mr. Titus outlined the activities of the trade extension department, drawing attention to the amount and variety of literature on the various species of lumber that is available to dealers for distribution to their customers. He spoke also of the publicity campaign the Association has carried on in the newspapers in behalf of the Homes Foundation and told of excellent results obtained from this publicity.

The speaker also discussed details of a W.C.L.A. salesman's reference book which will be issued in loose leaf form and made available to every lumber salesman in the country when it is ready.

Mr. Titus said it is the intention of the Association to hold these salesmen's conferences in the various districts twice a year.





Keels crnd Stems-Frcmes

Plcnking cnd Ccbin Trim

Decking-Masts qnd Spcrs

Gucrd Rails, Shoes, Etc.

Pqnels-Beqrings, Etc.

A Complete Specicrlized M<rrine Division ccrpcrble oI hcrndling <rny crnd cll demcmds lor plecrsure or com' mercicl cralt. Free crdvisory service.

-fi11sry1bivg in Lrmber for tbe Bsal flilily's1-


sr Los Angeles PRospect 616l

mnDwooll tutflBEn G0.
TTIHOI.DSAI.TN'' NEVER-Your Competitor We stock for your convenience Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe BOANDSPI.ANKPANEIIIIIANDBOANDS sAsH Doons GtAss FIB WAITBOARD AITD PANEIS The California Door Company 257-259-241 Ceatrql Ave., Ior trngclcr Tnbity 7{81 P. O. Box 2103 Terniacl trnncx WENDIIilG. IIATHAN CtlMPA}IY DEPEN DABLE WHOLESALERS
CREC)SOTED LUMBER Mrin Ofilcc 3AX FIAXC]ICO 110 Madtet Stcet ?olltAxD Pittock Blocl tot AItGEltt 5995 Vil$irc Blvd. ry

On The Sellins Line

BV lacj, Siaaaa

There isn't the plcce lor q hcll-size mcrn, In the lront oI the selling line, lt's cr plcrce Ior grit and tcrct crnd wit, And pluck thct knows not when to quii, And cr smile that sticks through the worst ol itOut on the selling line.

There isn't q plcce lor cr half-size brcdn" Out on the selling line, For the buyer's qwcre when you spout hot cirAnd clutch lor cr lcct thcrt isn't thereUnless you've c thought or two to s;rcreDon't go on the selling line.

There's plenty oI room le1 msn-1eql 6enOut on the selling line, Men with cr vision oI things to do, Who set q mcrrk to which to hewAnd then drive in cnd ccrrry it throughTo the front oI the selling line.



Realize thct courtesy is a vitcrl humsn crchievement in cny kind ol times,' Apprecicrte'the fcct thcrt service to the other lellow ccrn be prcrcticed regcrrdless of which iides ihe cteq! of the wcve crt the moment+upply or demand; Understcrnd thct the Golden Rule still lunctions,' Love their lellow mcn qnd plcy squcre with him under all conditions;

Hcve grcsped the thought thct a kindly cpprecicrtion of the other fellow is the cornerstone oI selling success,'

Prcctice crt <rll tirnes the honest crrts oI selling, such crs understcrnding, helplulness, crnd crppreciqtion ol the other lellow's viewpoint.


New Screen Door Grille

Macklanburg - Duncan Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, announce introduction to dealers of their new "FITS - ALL"

Purchases Graves Company Spring Sath Balance Department

Duplex Incorporated,626-634 North La Peer Drive, Los Angeles, announces the purchase of the spring sash balance department of the Graves Company, Los Angeles.

Two, from 18" to 37' ther information may

(Patent N o. 2082O12) Collapsible Screen Door Grilles. These grilles are artistically designed, substantially constructed, and finished in flexible black enamel or Metaluster,flexible antique bronze lacquer. Number One fits any door having a distance of 24" to 4A" beber Fur-

tween stiles; Num and Number Three, 18' to 38". be had from the manufacturers.

Six New Mailing Leaflets

Six new mailing leaflets, describing several of the different attributes and uses of red cedar shingles, have been produced and are available in quantities free of charge to retail lumber dealers, according to an announcement by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle.

The extensive use of direct-mail advertising bv many aggressive dealers, prompted the production of the series of attractive two-color pamphlets, the announcement stated. Each pamphlet highlights one particular aspect of red cedar shingle promotion, including insulation, overroofing, double-coursing, remodeling, farm buildings, and all-shingled homes.

The literature is not only effective for mailing purposes but has also been designed for office counter distribution. Space has been provided on each piece for dealer imprinting, although this service is not carried out by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau.


Osgood Lumber Company, Bell, has remodeled its office and has installed a large and attractive display room. Frank Osgood is the owner.

This purchase includes all machinery and equipmenttools, dies, patents, etc. Duplex' new factory building, recently completed, will be further enlarged to accommodate machinery involved in this transfer.

The Graves-Flat-Sash Balance with Patented Glide has been manufactured for the Graves Company by Duplex Incorporated since it was first introduced to the market in November, L939. The company states that the same quality balance will be furnished without interruption in the future.

This new acquisition will be carried on as the Graves Window Sash Balance Company, Division of Duplex Incorporated. All types of sash balances formerly purchased from the Graves Company will be supplied promptly from the above address, together with the popular Duplex Adjustable and Duplex Pre-Set Window Sash Balances.

Earl M. Pollard, who has been in the sash balance department of the Graves Company for the past twenty years, will continue in the same sales capacity with Duplex Incorporated.

Officers of Duplex Incorporated are M. M. Mantz, president; B. M. Mantz, vice-president, and Fred Booth, Jr., secretary-treasurer and general manager.


San Francisco, Calif., March 5, lg4l-Newspaper publicity with a picture of Mayor Angelo J. Rossi and members of the Noe Valley Clean Up-Paint Up-Modernize Campaign holding a big banner reading "Clean Up-Paint Up-Build Up-Modernize Noe Valley" has launched the 1941 Campaign activity in San Francisco and the Bay region. The Committee is cooperating closely with the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau in Washington, D. C.


Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co. has closed its yard at Colton. The property has been sold and the lumber stocks moved to their yards at Rialto and Redlands.

SCHAFERBROS. IUIITBER & SHIIIGI.E CO. Home Olfice-Aberdeen, Wcrsh. Manufacluers ol Douglas fir and Red Cedar Shingles Wcrter cnd RciI Delivery Stecrmers-Anna Schaler qnd Mcrrgaret Schqfer Buying Office-Reedsport, Ore. Sdes Representative ol Winchester Bay Lumber Go. and Gudiner Lumber Go. Scles Oflices tOS ANGETES ll7 W. gth St.-TRintrv 4271 SAN TBANCIS|CO I Drumm St.-Sutter U7l

New Modernistic Yard of the Coronado Lumber Co.

In trend rvitli the times, the new plant of Coronado Lrrrnber Company at Coronado, Calif., is moclernistic in architectural style and design. The office and sales builcling is a Ciass A structure of stucco on tile.

The sales ofhce and display sections are attractive and inviting. One side is used for a clisplay section ancl here are shor,vn in sl.rorv cases and on tables many of the iterns carried in stock. At the other side of the office is the pailrt and hardware clepartment tvhere bright, ncw cans of paint ancl l.rardrvare itcms are neatly arranged on shelves. A special feature of the sales room is the Superior fireplace unit. Mirrors of r-arious designs are on tl-re rvalls. The sen.ri-circular sales counter is made of Oriental ash u,ith a linoleum top. The ceiling is finished in USG Weatherr,vood insulation board.

Opposite the sales counter is the rnanager's of;fice. From his desk, he has a good vierv of both the sales office and the yard. Tl.ris room is finished in 3-p1y philippine mahogany panels and Philippanel rvainscoting. J-M clecorati.,'e insulation board is used on ceiling.

Just off the display section is the IIome Builders, Library rvhere plan books and all kincls of literature on building are availaltle for customers. Contractors also use tl.ris room to confer ivith their clier-rts. It is firrishe<1 in I)ouglas fir plr-l'ood panels and has a Fir-tex acoustical tile ceiling.

Acljoining the library is the clrafting room. Ancl behind the paint and harcllvare clepartment is a large store room rvhere building material stocks are carriecl. Behind the sales clesk is the bookkeeping departrnent.

The floor is of red cement, Venetian blincls are used on the t'indorvs, and the display windon's are the multi-

Above: Displcry section in the ecles ofiice.

Below: Finish cnd roofing sheda.

!i[:[lf] ,:.:

light type. Fluorescent lights are used throughout the building.

The sheds are conveniently arranged, making it easy to handle shipments.

One shed has a display window in front and in this section are storerooms for sash and doors, wire, roofing, hardware and miscellaneous items. Another contains the cement and plaster, and paint and oil rooms.

The flat finish shed has a driveway running through the center of the building, and on each side are the various compartments where the finish lumber items are conveniently piled. After the trucks are loaded they can leave through the rear entrance to the alley. At the end of the finish shed is a small electrical combination saw which thev find very useful.

Plenty of parking space has been provided in the yard behind the sales and office building. There is a front entrance into the yard. It is not necessary to turn the trucks around -but just as soon as they are loaded they can leave through the gate leading into the alley. The yard is covered with an asphalt paving.

Across the alley from the sheds is the lumber yard,

which is enclosed with an &foot fence and tile walls on the sides. The buildings and fence are covered with a new bright coat of paint.

The Coronado Lumber Company is owned by the Western Lumber Company of San Diego. They bought this yard in 1923 and it was their first branch yard. Neil B. Taylor is manager and has been in charge since they took it over. Clarence Randonia is assistant manager. A few months ago they moved from their old site to the present location.

The Western Lumber Company also operate the following branch yards: Chula Vista Lumber Company, La Jolla Lumber Company, Ocean Beach Lumber Company, and Pacific Beach Lumber Company. The Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Company of San Diego is an affiliated company. Officials of the Western Lumber Company are: Jerry Sullivan, Jr., president; Robert J. Sullivan, secretary, and E. B. Culnan, vice-president and general manager. C. E. Irving is sales manager.

Mr. Culnan states that they have had many compliments on their new yard at Coronado, and lumbermen who have looked it over, pronounce it one of the finest yards in the West. Lumbermen who are visiting in that section are invited to drop in and inspect it.

Sqlec desb pcint crnd hcrdwcrre depcrrbent. Mcncger'a oflice crrrd freplcce.
Sudden et Ghristenson Lunber end Shbpfng 7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg., AGBNTS Abcrdccn, lPerb. Jane Chrirtenron Rrynond, Warh. Charler Chri*corca Brench Oficcr: SEATTLE 617 Arcic Bldg. 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco STBAMERS Aocricrn Mill Co. Hoguirm Lunber & ShinsL Co" Hulbct Mitl C,o. Vilhpe Herbor Lunbcc Millr LOS ANGELES 630 Boerd of Trade Bldg Abcr&erq V.!h. Hoquiam. Verh. Ryder Hanify f)orothv C,ehill Arnie Ctristcoroa Bowio Chrirtearoo Cethednc G. Sudd.o Eleanor Chtbtcono PORTLAND 200 Henry Bldg.


A great tree stands alone on yonder hill, With out-stretched arms that reach for sun and rain, Defying all the winds that beat in vain, To break or bend the stubborn monarch's will. Each year the roots bore deeper in the earth

Holding this old tree more firmly in, While fevered grasses feel a closer kin

To clapping leaves, each year new birth Sings to the God of all in nature song

We see Him in this living monument, That sways its graceful body, still unbent By wind or ternpest through the years so long. Days seem heavy with their winds and scars, But trees grow strong, while reaching for the stars.


WANTED-A man for hard work and rapid promotion; a man who can find things to be done without the help of a manager and three assistants.

A man who gets to work on time in the morning, and does not imperil the limbs of others in an effort to be first off the job at night.

A man who is neat in appearance.

A man who listens carefully when he is spoken to, and asks only enough intelligent questions to insure the accurate carrying out of instructions.

A man who moves quickly and makes as little noise as possible about it.

A man who looks you straight in the eye, and tells the truth every time.

A man who does not pity himself for having to work.

APPLY ANYWHERE: in the midst of unemployrnent, the entire business world is searching for such men as this.


It doesn't pay to say too much when you are mad enough to choke, tr'or the word that stings the deepest is the word that's never spoke.

Let the other fellow wrangle till the storm has blown away, Then he'll do a heap o' thinkin' bout the words you didn't say.


Ike: "Vot vill you have, Chakey?"

Jakey: "I vould like a drink of contradiction."

fke: "Vot is dot?"

Jakey: "Vell, you put in de viskey to make it strong; und den you put in de vater to make it veak; und den you put in de lemon to make it sour; und den you put in de sugar to make it sveet. Den you raise de glass und you say-'Here's to you !'-und den you drink it yourself."


In the golden hall of memory, Enshrined in the choicest place, fs a rare sweet picture, dear to me Of my mother's smiling face. And I see the love in her shining eyes, So earnest, brave, and good, And feel the throb of the loving heart, That always understood. Mother-o-Mine, the glad years bring Treasures not gathered in worldly mart, My heart is light and the way is clear On the sunlit road where fowers cling.


The new foreman of the lumber yard was named Dodgin. fle was. making the rounds of the yard the first morning, when he came upon two of the yard workers down behind a pile, smoking. As he walked up, one of the men asked:

"Who are you?"

He said: "I'm Dodgin, the new foreman."

The other said: "So are we. Sit down and have a smoke."


"I speak four languages" said the door man of a European hotel to an American tourist, "French, German, Eng. lish, and American."

The tourist said: "That's only three. English and American are the same."

The door man said: "Oh, no sir, they're not. Now if an Englishman came up to me on a rainy day, f would say to him-'Oh, I say, what extraordinary shocking weather we're having, don't you think? I dare say there'll be quite a bit of it ahead.' But if you came up, I would say: 'For the love of Mike, ain't this lousy weather? Sorta gives a guy the pip, don't it?"'


Ten Years Ago Today

The yard operated Inc.. was sold to the

at Reedley by Frank Frane & Son, Western Lumber Company.

From April 1, 1931 lssue Wright & Prestley, Sacramento, completed construction of a new office building.

The official opening of the new offices of the California Redwood Association in the Financial Center Building, San Francisco, was largely attended by lumbermen from all branches of the industry.

The Pacific Lumber Company announced that the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. would represent them for the sale of their Redwood products in Arizona. Francis Pool, with headquarters in Phoenix, covers this territory for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co.

R. E. "Bob" Caldwell, formerly with the Little River Redwood Co., joined the sales staff of the Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco.

Youngs Bay Lumber Co. built a new mill of the Swedish gang type with an eight-hour capacity 80,000 feet at Warrenton, Ore. Charles E. Miller, formerly vice-president and sales manager of the West Oregon Lumber Co. at Linnton, Ore., is manager.

Homestead Lumber Company, Sacramento, added a paint and hardware department to their business.

The Redwood Sales Company tion on Pine Street to offices in Bldg., 333 Montgomery St., San

moved from its old locathe Pacific National Bank Francisco.

A trainload of 23 arches, one to a flat car, arrived at Westwood for overhaul and inspection in the Red River shops. These arches are mounted on Athey Track Wheels and are hauled by Caterpillar tractors. They pick up logs where the trees are felled in the woods and haul them to the loaders. This method of logging and design rn'as developed by The Red River Lumber Co.





438 Charnber of Cornrnerce Bldg., Los Angeles

PRospect 8843




Sell lumber thot yields o profit ond losting sctlaloction. CZC, th€ prolected luaber, is cleo, odorless crnd pcintdblc. Ii is temite od dacqy reslstdnt cnd lire relcding. You ccn gcll it lor F.H.A., U. S. Govemnent, Los Angeles eiiy ond County cnd Uniform Buildino Code iobs. CZC treated lunber ia slocked lor immedictJ ahipneit in commcrciol sizes qt Long Beoch od Almedc. Ask cbout our exchcrnge eeruice od mill shipment plo.

Cdhnla Sdos AgErts - WEST-CoAST U00D PRESERYIIIG C0. - S!illh 601 W. Filtb Si., Los Aaseler, Cclil., Pboac Mlchtgqa 6291 33ll Montgonery St., Scn Frqncirco, Ccl., Phoae DOugtlcr 3881


Douglcrs Fir Entrcrnce Doors

Insist on quclity-mcde WOCO TRU-FIT Doors


Fcrctory: Tqcomq, Wcshington

Sales OIIices Sqn Frcrncisco and Los Angeles


All-Out Aid to the Home Building Industry Ursed

Chicago, March Z?-All-out aid to the home building indus-try was urged upon 4,000 savings, building and loan associations and cooperative banks this week in a fifteen plank platform of policies for I94l sent by their national organization, the United States Savings and Loan League. The policies are the combined work of the League's officers and directors, carrying the signature of Paul Endicott, Pomona, California, president of the League, at the head of the list.

"So far as they soundly can, associations should assist in providing new homes for those workers for whom the hastened industrial recovery is making housing necessary and home ownership possible," said the communication. "'Where abnormal lending hazards are invcilved but where private enterprise can function through emergency governmental assurances, associations are urged to study the advisability of using them.

"Where additional funds can be soundly used for home financing, associations should use Federal Home Loan Bank funds.

"Greater emphasis than has been customary may well be given to the ability and willingness of the borrower to repay the obligation, alongside the test of the actual value of the property. Where circumstances make it necessary for immediate home ownership, associations may at this time go to the top percentage of their lending policies in making home ownership possible for families whose records show that their ability and willingness to repay their obligations can be relied upon.

"Wherever possible loan plans and policies should be made more flexible and serviceable and less rigid and rule bound. Loan plans should be such as to enable the association to adjust to the borrower's needs by allowing variations in rates, variations in the maximum percentage of loan to value of property, and variations in the length of loan term and consequently in the size of the monthly payment.

"Associations through their officers and staffs ought to be identified with all civic and political activities and organizations having to do with housing. This includes city re-

habilitation schemes, housing authorities, city planning, zoning and building code amendments. Associations are tied in so closely with the housing picture in their communities that their responsibilities do not cease with the mere granting or rejecting of a loan.

"We are preparing to defend the concept of the family as the basic social unit and along with it parental responsibility for cherishing, training, disciplining and supporting children. Family responsibility cannot be separated from home life and preferably a family-owned home. Clearly, the daily operations of every savings and loan association contribute directly to our national objectives. Associations can make no greater contribution to the national program than by actively promoting home ownership and especially the construction of new homes.

"There is no justification for governmental rent control at anything like present figures. The problem is to provide for much more housing through new construction or rehabilitation of existing buildings. In the present relationship of rentals to construction costs and real estate taxes, rent control would stop new construction by private enterprise and would remove any incentive to home purchase and ownership. Since only the government under such circumstances would be erecting new housing state socialism in real estate will be nearly an accomplished fact.

"Every cooperation is recommended with regard to mortgage payments owed by those men in the armed forces of the nation who, by reason of such service, are unable to make the full payment."


Fred H. Lundblade is building a 40,000 ft. capacity band mill to cut Redwood at Beatrice, Humboldt County. The mill is expected to start operation about June 1.


Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hall are very happy over the arrival of a son, Bruce Foley Hall, in Oakland, March 11. Mr. Hall is a salesman with Donovan Lumber Co., San Francisco.

PAMUDO PIYWOOD Mcnulcctured byOLY'IIIPIA \tENEEn CO.Ploneer Plyrrood l/!fr* Digkibuted E*clusively Siace l92l by PAGITIG MUTUAI. DOOR GO. wHolasf,rE ortl Southon Calll Scler OSce: N. A. FOBES Dhonc PBorpcct 9523 Wcrchouee: 1600 E l9cehlaston Blvd. LOS ANGEI.ES f, NAtIONf,f, OBGf,NZrflON SAOOE.T}I NEWAAT EAIIXMORE Tf,COMA CHICf,CO TANSAS CTTY S1. PAI'I.

CCC Obrerves Eishth Btrthday

San Francisco, March 27.-The Civilian Conservation Corps, acclaimed by many public leaders as the greatest welfare organization in the Federal government, rvill observe its eighth anniversary with camp ceremonies during the latter part of March and the first week of April.

The law authorizing the CCC was signed by president Roosevelt on March 31, 1933. The Executive Order establishing the Corps was issued April 5, and the first camp was established April 17.

In observance of the anniversary, the personnel of all 79 CCC camps in California are planning ,'open house,, celebrations. Announcements of ceremonies at nearby camps will be made locally by camp officials and invitations will be issued to the general public.

In camps where work projects are supervised by the U. S. Forest Service, guests will be shown the enrollee,s field conservation activities as well as the living and dining quarters for each company of 200 men.

Forestry developments initiated and maintained by the CCC in the national forests of the California Region include hundreds of improved public campgrounds, fire breaks, roads, trails and bridges; about nine million trees planted, and several thousand flood control structures installed.

Since 1933, CCC enrollees have been responsible for blister rust control work on 80,000 acres of California sugar pine forests. The Forest Service also reports that enrollees have fought forest fires for nearly one million man-days.

Throughout the United States, 2,500,000 enrollees have served in the Corps. Most of the young men have taken academic and vocational studies to improve their opportunities of finding private employment after discharge.

All junior enrollees are given courses in first aid, physical hygiene and safety.


Washington, March 15.-The average American family spends $1236 each year in retail purchases, the Census Bureau reports.

Food stores takes $310 of the total, department stores $l26 automobile dealers $166, miscellaneous stores $124, and restaurants and bar rooms $104.

Apparel and shoe stores got ffi, filling stations $83, lumber companies and hardware stores $8O, furniture and radio stores $51 and drug stores $46.


We invite lumber deqlers to tcrke crdvcrntage oI our well cssorted stocks oI






{ Modern fccilities lor quick I I shinments ct our storqge yard I

655 East Florence Avenue LOS AIVGELEq.

Telephone Tllonrwcrll 3I4{ Collect ht ns qrote yor o! you requireuub


Being stock items, these mcrntels sell at a much mote teasonable price thqn custom-built mantel$ Sold through declers only.

[. H. IUBAIIK & Sot{, il[C. l0l0 Ecst Hyde Pcrk BIvd. lrglewood, Ccrlif. ORegon 8-1666

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Meeting April 2

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2 will hold its monthly luncheon meeting at the Mona Lisa Cafe, 3343 Wilshire Blvd. (opposite the Ambassador Hotel), Los Angeles, Wednesday noon, April 2, 1941. Luncheon will be served at 12:09 p.m.

P. W. Combs, Sr., instructor in salesmanship at the University of Southern California, will be the speaker. Mr. Combs is well known to lumbermen, having appeared on the programs at many lumber conventions in the East, South and Middle West. He was formerly advertising manager for one of the large Eastern building material manufacturers. His talks on salesmanship are interesting, instructive and well worth while. With a nationally known speaker on the program, a big turnout is expected.

Plenty of automobile parking space is available. Entrance to the parking lot is on South Kenmore Ave., just off Wilshire Blvd.

The committee arranging for the meeting includes J. E. Martin, Vicegerent Snark; W. B. Wickersham, A.'W. Donovan, Lew Hackett, Geo. E. Ream, and R. S. Osgood.

Reservations can be made by calling J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Telephone VAndike 4565.

East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club

A large gathering of members of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 heard a talk on the labor situation by Frank P. Foisie, president of the Waterfront Employers' Association, at the club's regular dinner meeting held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, March 24.

H. Sewall Morton of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, who arranged the evening's program, introduced Ralph W. Myers, president of the Shipowners' Association of the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, who in turn introduced the speaker of the evening.

Spring Has Came

Spring makes her annual debutThe sugar pine's in bloom, Paul Bunyan and his big, blue ox Across the landscape zoom, The fallers now go forth to fellYou say that's ungrammatic? Still, I insist that fallers fell And make the charge emphatic. The sap arises from the ground, It drips from every tree, The shingle shakes with pure delight, The slashers slash with glee; I hear the long leaf yellow pine, The cedar nods at redwood, We're going to have a lumber year, I'm knocking now on deadwood.

The bull pine dashes from his lair, O. P. serenely struts, Though often now he stoPs to beam A flocks of cedar butts.

Great logs are rushing here and there, The fir is looking spruce, Spring says, "for feeling sad and low, There ain't no earthly use."

The loggers log, the millmen mill, The salesman sports new clothes, Wholesalers and retailers, too, Discount their ancient woes. One can't be pessimistic now When spring is in the land; So, one for all and all for one, Let's boost to o""t$.oolXX;,"* conner.

Joe Bobba with his accordion, and his two singers provided the musical entertainment.

Pr,esident Tom Branson presided.

B. E. Byran gave a brief talk on the fine qualities of the late Frank W. Trower and read a letter of sympathy sent to Mrs. Trower by Secretary Carl R. Moore in behalf of the Club.

DANT & RUSSET.L, rNG, PORIER BIDG., POBTI.AND, ONEGON WHOI,ESATE I.UMBER Douglas FirSitka SprucePort Orford CedarPonderosa Pine Red Cedar Shingles SAN FRANCISCO Seth L Butler 557 Market St. GArlield 0292 tOS ANGEI.ES W. H. Shcrrp 812 Ecst 59th St. ADcms 8l0l

\(/ood Conversion Company Announces Promotion of D. M. Pattie

From the Wood Conversion Company, makers of Balsam-Wool and Nu-Wood, comes the announcement that D. M. Pattie, formerly assistant general sales manager, has been placed in charge of Dealer Division sales with a title of manager, Dealer Sales.

His nelv duties include direct supervision of district managers, supervisors, salesmen, advertising and sales promotion as relating to the Dealer Division.

Mr. Pattie became associated with the Wood Conversion Company in lV23 when Balsam-Wool Sealed Insulation was first being manufactured as house insulation. His first assignment was to introduce and establish BalsamWool in the Pacific Northwest, West, and Southwest sections of the country.

Four years later in 1927 he was made manager of the Kansas City district in charge of both Nu-Wood and Balsam-Wool sales. In 1933 he was transferred to Chicago in complete charge of that district.

It was in 1936 that Mr. Pattie became assistant general sales manager of the Wood Conversion Company. He remained in Chicago, however, until last September when he was transferred to the home office in St. Paul where he is now located.


Gamerston & Green, wholesale lumber dealers, recently installed a Shepard electric loading crane at their Oakland yard. They also added a new Fabco semi-trailer to their lumber handling equipment.







D. M. Pattie
PYrcrmid l-1197 SYccrmore 9-2674 MODENNOEEAITNFT'LOECONOMICAT t'C
Solid Philippine Mchogcmy Wcrll Pcmelling A Sensational New Product That Sells on Siohl CADWATTAIIER-GIBSIIil Cll., I}IC. tlls AI{GEIES, CAUF. .8I'Y F?OM A MIIT"
"DUROID" Etectro Galvanized
BnoNze %IR,DDuCTSc9

77 ,156 Homes Financed by Insured Mortgages in Northern California

San Francisco, March 19-Although speed is essential to modern transportation and communication, it is dangerous and often expensive when applied to the purchase of a home, according to D. C. McGinness, Northern California district director of the Federal Housing Administration.

"Home buyers who insist upon too hasty conclusion of financing arrangements frequently find this kind of fast service costly through the sacrifice of safety and protection such as the FHA plan provides," he said.

"Some lending agencies even encourage this practice by specializing in overnight financing for home buyers. Reasonable study and investigation, however, usually proves that it is safer and wiser to wait the extra day or two required to make a complete analysis and examination of the entire home buying transaction."

Under the FHA insured mortgage system, it was explained, homes may be built with a down payment as small as 10 per cent of the total appraised value, the outstanding balance financed under an insured mortgage bearing maximum interest of 4l per cent, and written for periods as long as 25 years.

"In order to ascertain that the loan is not threatened by excessive risk," Mr. McGinness explained, "the FHA makes thorough examinations to determine that: (1) the home to be built or bought is well designed and planned; (2) the construction is of a type which will be long-lived and will require a minimum of upkeep and repairs; (3) that it is located in a neighborhood of lasting usefulness for residential purposes; (4) that adjoining properties are of similar value, and (5) that the purchase price and monthly payments are within the means of the buyer.

"Lack of any one of these factors would endanger the security of the lending institution and would, in the final analysis, make the purchase a poor investment for the home buyer."

Since insured mortgages were made available through local lending institutions in 1935 to the first of the current month, it w;s reported that mortgages had been accepted for insurance on 66280 small homes for a total of $2,846,46,739. Of that number, 77,156 homes financed by insured mortgages aggregating $329,355,850 are within the 46 counties oI the Northern California district.

Revision of Port Orford Cedar Strength Values

Engineers and architects depend upon data from the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory for strength values to be used in lumber and timber design. The Port Orford Cedar Lumber Association, lA32 Mills Building, San Francisco, considers it necessary, therefore, that attention be called to a correction just issued by the Laboratory. The Association says:

"Modulus of elasticity is the measure of a material's ability to resist deflection, or sag, when carrying load. fn language of the layman, it is the 'stiffness'. This property is of utmost importance in some structural members.

"The basic value for modulus of elasticity of Port Orford Cedar has been changed, by the Forest Products Laboratory, from 1,200,000 lbs. per square inch to 1,500,000 lbs. per square inch. Those possessing copies of Wood Handbook should make this correction in Table 20, page 105.

"This reclassifiication of Port Orford Cedar places it superior to all other naturally-durable woods in stiffness, and but five per cent below the value of fir."

Acquires Gimco Roclc \(/ool

The National Gypsum Company, manufacturers of Gold Bond wall and ceiling building materials, has announced the purchase of the assets of the General Insulating and Manufacturing Company, makers of Gimco rock wool products.

The move increases National's production facilities to twenty-one plants by the addition of rock rvool plants in Alexandria, Ind., Dover, N. J., and Dubuque, Iowa.

The brand named Gimco will be retained by a separate sales organization, and merchandising and promotional plans for this brand will continue as heretofore.


D. E. McDuffee and C. C. "Sti" Stibich of Tartar, Webster & Johnson, San Francisco, returned March 17 fuom a trip to the Pine mills in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Their tour included calls on the company's own mills at White Pine, Dorris and Nubieber, Calif.

GORMA]I LUM BER GOIUIPA]IY 4621 Tidewcrter Ave. OAf.AllD ANdover 1000 Northern Ccrlilornicr Representatives oI PORT ONfORD LUMBDR GOMPATY Port Orlord, Ore. RAIL AIID CARGO SHIM4ENTS OF IDOUGLAS FIR,, PORT ONFOnID GEIDAN .'SPBUGE,'REI'WOOID Stecmrer "Port Orlord"

National Forest Vacations Increase Again

San Francisco, March l5-More than 10,000,000 people visited the national forests of California during 194O, according to Regional Forester S. B. Show, in charge of the California Region of the United States Forest Service.

Four and a half million of these visitors used the camp and picnic grounds, winter sports areas, resorts and summer homes. The remaining five and a half million visitors motored through the forests to enjoy the scenery, and an additional 25,000,000 people passed through enroute to other destinations

This number of recreation seekers represents an increase of 15 per cent over 1939, which indicates that the public is becoming increasingly aware of the outing attractions in California's national forests.

Greatest single increase occurred in the number of winter sports enthusiasts. During 1940, one-third more snow fans used the facilities of 50 winter sports areas in the national forests than in 1939.

Visitors actually using the forest accommodations included 1,441,000 picnickers, 1,363,000 overnight campers, 652,0n resort guests, 601,000 winter sports participants, and 48Q000 summer home owners and guests. Included in this list are 755,000 fishermen and 350,000 hunters.

Though the scenic attractions do have a major effect on the number of users in the various national forests. accessi-



The annual meeting of the board of directors of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association will be held in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 14, 15 and 16 at the Shoreham Hotel.

bility and proximity to centers of population are even more important. This is shown by the fact that the four national forests of southern California-the Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland and Los Padres Forests, which surround the Los Angeles metropolitan region, received 5,331,000 visitors, or more than half of all of California's national forest visitors. The central Sierra Nevada group of national forests, including the Sequoia, Inyo, Mono, Sierra, Stanislaus, Eldorado and Tahoe, had 4,099,000 visitors. The northern group of forests, the Plumas, Lassen, Shasta, Trinity, Modoc, Mendocino and Klamath National Forests, contain some of the finest scenery and recreational opportunities of any in the California Region. But because of their relative inaccessibility and the distance from metropolitan areas, these forests had the smallest number of visitors-a total of 653,000.

Recreational use of forests in the California Region far exceeds that of any other state or federal forest region in the United States. To meet this immense demand in Calif'ornia, the Forest Service maintains 1300 improved free public camp g'rounds and 50 winter sports areas.

The Forest Service also has established 18 large areas in the high country which are being retained in their wilderness condition for the benefit of that portion of the public who desire to get back to nature.


W. H. Besecker has opened a retail lumber yard at 12ffi E. Santa Clara Avenue, San Jose, on the site formerly occupied by the Crescent Lumber Co. The yard will be operated under the name of Mayfair Lumber Co.


Booth-Kelly Douglae Fir, the Asaociation grade and trade mark certify to your customers thc quality of the stoclc you handlc. Builders quit gueseing about what tftey're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.

General Sales Ofice Eugene, Ore. Millr: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Orc.


The more distinctive cnd cenvenient you build your home the grecter will be its appeal.

The modern detqils worked into both the exterior and interior ol this home show iust how crttrcrctive crnd comlortcble smcll homes ccrn be when thought is used in their planning.

This home w<rs selected from the "Distinctive Modern Homes" plcrn book issued by the E. M. Dernier Service Burequ,3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angreles, Cqlilornicr, whose plcnning service is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E. Chcdwick, Registered Structural Engineer.

26 THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT April l, 1941 BEOROOM t3'o'r rJo' .El EE'FTOOM. la O'x lto' Z rth ri u; F,O -'o v Drtttirc.Rm. relct x t+'o' .L l vr Ng. .Ft o or,r. tJdr zod ' FLOOR.ARE,A' laOO se.Fr..

The 100-Line logging railroad of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company has made the big jump over Baird Creek. Twice before the line has come to the brink. taken a good look, and turned another way. This time, when the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company decided to open the great timber reserves of the Kalama Basin, the hurdle had to be made.

The engineers tackled the problem of a structure which must be 1130 feet long and 235 f.eet above the waters of Baird Creek, to follow their mainline standards of grades and curvatures. And a structure which must have a large opening for the peak flow of a creek whose waters are at times very high and full of debris.

Nine types of bridges were considered, and the final vote


Earl M. I\fcGowin, vice-president of the W. T. Smith Lumber Company, Chapman, Alabama, was elected president of the Southern Pine Association at its 26th annual meeting in New Orleans, March 13 and 14. Throughout his career in the lumber industry, Mr. McGowin has been an active member of the Association, and for many years has served as a member of the board of directors.

4 1tutltel, Baadge -4rrr/a tn tAcon Tirrr/rel,

went to the creosoted Douglas fir trestle. The layout consists of 250-foot and 4@-foot Douglas fir pile-approach trestles, and a 48Gfoot center section of creosoted Douglas fir, built up in four 3O-foot stories from a t2}-f.oot threehinged arch. An interesting new type of compression joint was used in forming the timber arch, and the 30-foot bents, preframed with TECO ring connectors, were assembled at the approaches and swung out over a skyline to drop into position over the arch.

Graceful and sturdy, a fine example of modern timber engineering, the Baird Creek bridge will carry the load of endless cars of logs which will feed the great Longview mills for the next twentv vears.


We enjoyed reading the March issue, No. 2,Yol.3, of the house organ, Western Log, which is issued by the employes of the Western Lumber Company of San Diego. It carries news items of the happenings of interest at their yards, also articles pertaining to building. The staff are Jerry H. Sullivan, editor; Michael Dillon, assistant editor; Paul Mead, printer; Fred Ridout, feature articles; Bob Sullivan, Neil Taylor and Bob Creelman, reporters.

Special House Doors Iront lloors flush G. G. Doors
Mediche Gases Ironing Boards Louver Doors & Elinds sth & Cypress Sts., Oakland-TEmplebar 84OO

Building Permits For February

Feb.,1941 Feb.,1940 ......$18,872,545 $ 847,175 5,769,0r4 1,632,78 5,3L7,796 5,730,534 2,357,958 1,7n,552 City Long Beach San Diego .. Los Angeles 1,527,395 1,2r3,865 9f6,599 809,183 776,892 7ffi,249 424,N 4W,98 n4,o78 383,,{O0 254,436 215,800 212,246 M,@l 208,885 199,005 ts9,67r 176,ggo 176,216 140,&6 138,875 133,808 132.747 lD,g75 123,46 120,249 108,900 205,7@ 96,7ffi 96,345 92,8W 90,150 99,865 89,L75 84,770 83.995 80,945 79,815 77,150 75,691 75,465 72,46 72,252 70,775 65,54L 64,765 64,530 62,250 55,003 51,836 48,474 46,4n 45,275 44,5q) 44,323 44,O55 2,406,1@ 1,076,564 7fi,536 723,ffi 487,O71 743,877 400,000 349,781 142,170 5t5,524 453,170 335,692 70,500 208,0,10 183,503 z7g,B5 189,D5 1f36,942 194,925 r97,gn 55,719 95,155 r52,60 l24,5gg 175,575 69,245 130,408 151,070 195,353 11,ggg 26,40 126.630 64,559 10.890 rn325 95,3gg r25,sffi 57,543 73,490 71,769 89,519 32,150 176,O15 38,945 59,962 45,455 88,850 55,110 82,383 92,360 26,750 70,t35 43,167 11,380 34,718 23.617 15,000 43,884 43,490 42,578 40,730 40M9 39,475 39,344 37,842 34,726 34,000 31,675 31,&5 30,165 n,4& n,925 27,508 26,950 26,620 25,5t1 23,263 22,981 n,923 2fJos 18,751 17,461 17,3ro 17,140 |s3n 14,285 13,909 t3,824 13,530 13,519 o 02) 9,41L 9,4m 9,32s 9,m 8,536 8,125 7,570 7320 7,000 6,547' 6.510 6,250 4.750 3,580 3,558 3,071 2,W 7W 4n 190 10 37,247 2I,3t2 31,945 48,945 84,647 1,7fr 24,r55 62,m 12,486 D,2N 18,355 67,090 43,150 79,258 sgzs 30,140 12,458 21,750 131,200 n,798 n,750 15,007 4.135 6,167 t6,zls 67,588 9,180 18,244 7,130 15,125 33,906 2,ffi 24,ffi 279n D,494 3,725 1,000 20,800 22,D5 tl.234 3.335 9,161 18,100 5,730 10,522 3,900 4,300 4r2 34,625 5,930 r.575 3,340 8,803 3,000 3,2t0 ;,rio 22 27,463 City Santa Maria Tulare Eureka Laguna Beach Monterey Park Claremont Torrance Manhattan Beach Colton I.odi Pacific Grove South Pasadena San Rafael Ventura La Mesa .... Hermosa Beach Sierra Madre Palm Springs ... Bell Piedmont El Segundo Anaheim Oceanside Redlands Oxnard Redondo Beach Brawley Huntington Beach El Centro Escondido Corona West Covina Porterville Coronado San Fernando Glendora Covina Watsonville *Wilmington Seal Beach Chino Santa Paula Hemet Orange Gardena Los Gatos Exeter Taft Hayward Lindsay Oroville Calexico Upland *Harbor Elsinore La Verne Azusa Banning Feb.,1941 Feb.,1940 San Francisco Los Angeles County Unincorporated.. 2,18,074 **San Fernando Vallev Annex Burbank Oakland Santa Monica *West Los Angeles .... *North Hollywood Glendale Richmond Sacramento +Hollywood South Gate Burlingame San Gabriel Fresno San Jose fnglewood Berkeley Beverly Hills Alhambra Whittier Compton Riverside San Marino ... Palo Alto Stockton San Bernardino Arcadia Pasadena Emeryville Visalia Culver City Redwood City Hawthorne Montebello Vernon Lynwood Alameda *San Pedro Newport Beach Santa Ana Vallejo Bakersfield Modesto Salinas Monrovia Huntington Park Albany Santa Cruz Santa Barbara Monterey Pomona Maywood Palos Verdes Estates Ontario Fullerton a;,t .. .... ...... 5,600 ( ?oo 5,189 San Clemente
El Monte
* Included in Los Angeles totals. **Van
and North Hollywood included in this total.

Building Starts on Large Homes Project at Los Angeles

A $3,500,000 large-scale private rental project, named Thousand Gardens, has entered its first construction stage on a 105-acre site on LaBrea Ave. at Rodeo Road, Los Angeles. Clearance of the site will be followed with the construction of.97 one and two-story structures to provide housing accommodations for 627 f.amilies. This is the second largest enterprise of the kind ever insured by the large-scale division of the FHA under conditions of strictly private ownership. Thousand Gardens, Inc., of which Shirley E. Meserve is president, is sponsoring the project.

The architects are Reginald D. Johnson and the firm of Wilson, Merrill & Alexander, with Clarence B. Stine of New York as consulting architect. The entire construction, including excavating, underground utilities, street work and landscaping, will be by the Baruch Corp. of Los Angeles.

There also will be developed an entire business community on 110O feet of frontage on La Brea Ave. in front of the residential portion.

The project is so arranged that every room of the family units ranging from three and one-half rooms to six rooms, will have a view of a landscaped park. The buildings will be 100 feet apart and be designed to give every unit a private entrance and private patio. The community facilities will include a community building containing a prenursery school, workshops for tenants and many other features. There will be a garage for every unit and guest parking for about 1@0 cars. The structures will cover about 14 per cent of the site, the remainder to be landscaped park areas. Every modern convenience will be included in the housing.

Stokcs & Steele Lbr. Co. New S. F. Flrm

Brice M. Stokes and Ralph R. Steele, operating as mill agents and wholesale lumber dealers, took over on March I the business formerly operated under the name of C. T. O'Connor Lumber Co., with offices at 975 Monadnock Building, San Francisco.

Mr. Stokes has had 19 years' experience in the lumber business. He was associated with the late C. T. O'Connor since 1937. Before that he was with Kent Lumber Co., San Francisco, for the past 12 years.

Mr. Steele was with Fruit Growers' Supply Co. for the past 11 years, most of that time as assistant sales manager. He was with Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington, Oakland, from 1925 to l9D, and spent a number of years with other mills and wholesale concerns, giving him a total experience in the Ponderosa and Sugar Pine business of 21 years.


Glick Bros. Lumber Co.,8423 Alameda Street, Los Angeles, has opened a branch store at 8019 l-ong Beach Boulevard, South Gate. They will carry a complete stock of building materials. Lumber orders will be taken and filled from thdir main vard.







If you require quick dependqble service, cqll "Colif. Pcrrel" when you need plywood. We horre c lcnge, well diversified, quolity stock ol hqrdwood qnd softwood plywoods olwoys on hcnd for your convenience.


955-967 sourE ALAMEDA srREEr

Telephone TRinity @57

Mailing Ad,dress: P. O. Box 2094, Tenurr.rer. Axxpx I,oS ANGEIJS, CALItrORNIA

POPE & TAIBOT, INC. TUMBER DIYISION COMPI.ETE STOCKS OF WOTMANIZED TUMBER AT WIIMINGTON SAN FRANCISCO AIID BERKEI.EY 461 McrLet Sbeet, San Frtrncisco DOuslcr 2561 LOS AITGEI.ES 801 w. Fitrb sr TBinilr ${l SAN DIEEO 1265 Hcnbor St FAa*Un 723{ PHOENIX, ANE. 812 Titlc it Trurt Bldg. Tclcphone {3121


Rate---$Z.5o Per Co1umn Inch. Minimum Ad One'HaIf Inch.


Small or medium-sized yards anywhere south of Stockton. Information kept confidential. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., P. O. Box 1551, Los Angeles, Calif.


Hardworking, intelligent lumberman wants a job any job that will utilize his ability and pay a living wage. Many years' experiencg mill, wholesale and retail, softwoods, hardwoods, logs and veneers. Thoroughly capable of relieving an overburdened executive or to take full charge of a branch office. An ideal right hand man: "the fellow you have been looking for," at very moderate cost. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-867 California Lumber Merchant.

How Lumber Looks

(Continued from Page 4)

in February, 1941, as compared with 12,426 in February, l94f.. The large increase in volume was not recorded in units, but was due almost entirely to major construction enterprises.

Long Beach, benefiting from the naval base construction, reported building permits of $18,872,545, and led the entire Pacific Coast. San Diego, aided by airplane construction, marine and naval base expenditures, and construction of homes for new residents, was in second place, and was followed by Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Portland and Burbank, all of which had permits in excess of $1,000,000. California building permits for February,1941, appear elsewhere in this issue.

Lumber deliveries by water into California for the month of February totaled 7O,320,3W feet, compared with 62,815,30O in February, 194O.

Deliveries at the various ports were as follows:

San Francisco

Los Angeles

San Diego

Santa Barbara


Lumber cargo arrivals at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended March 22 totaled 20,390,000 feet, as compared with 15,459,000 feet the previous week.


Lumberman with ten years' wholesale and retail experience wants position. Los Angeles metropolitan district preferred. Can handle general office work, bookkeeping and typing. Last position with Los Angeles wholesale firm. Address Box C-865, California Lumber Merchant.


If you want to sell your Southern California yard, get in touch with us. We have a number of inquiries for small and medium size yards. Twohy Lumber Co., 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles. Lumber yard Brokers.

News Flaghes

A. W. Green, manager of the Chicago office of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, is in San Francisco on a business and vacation trip.

Earl J. Doty, manager of the Pine department of Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, returned a week ago from calling on the Pine mills in Northern California and Southern Oregon.

B. W. Bookstaver of Bookstaver-Moore Lumber Co., San Francisco, left March 19 for a 10-day business and pleasure trip to Southern California.

R. E. (Bob) Caldwell, Hammond Francisco, is back on the job after an him awav for several weeks.

Redwood Co., San illness which kept

R. A. Mackin, Hallinan Mackin Co., Ltd., San Francisco, spent a few days last week at the company's Los Angeles office on business.

R. S. Osgood, Frieder Brothers, Los eastern business trip. He will be back of April.

Angeles, is on an soon after the first

Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was a recent visitor to New York City where he spent a few days on business. He traveled both ways by airplane.

With weather conditions making it impossible for children to play outside, a glass-enclosed room with growing flowers and shrubs makes an enjoyable place for recreational activities.

Feet 19,468,100 42,449,|ffi 7,537)n 320,000 546,000 Total . 70,320,ffi



Atllnen-Stutz Conpuy, u2 Muk t Str6t ........'......'GAridd U$

Bokatevcr-Moqc Luba Co.. 515 Markct Strct......'...........E!(brco& a7l5

Dut & Runll, Inc., 55? MuLct Strut..................GAr6e1d |292

Dolbor & Cuon Lunbc Co., ?2t Mcrchutr E:rclrngr Bldg......SUttor ?156

Gamcnto & Gra, It0c Amy Strot...................4twatr 1300

Hall. Jemcs L.. i032 Milt! .sUttcr 7521

Hallinan Mackin Co., Ltd., ?25 Secmd Stret.............'.....DOuglu l9{l

Hammond Redwod Compuy, {l? Mmtlucy StrFt'...........Douglar &lEt

Hobbc WaIl Lubc Co., 235! Jcmld Avauc....,.,.......'.Mlrgion 0901

Holmcr Eucka lmbcr Ca., l1r5 Finucid Cantc Bldg........GArficld l92l

C. D. Johmn Lumbc Corporation, 26e Calilomia Strut...............GArficld 6256

Carl H. Kubl Lubr Cc. O. L. Ruru, ll2 Mtket Strct..'YUkon 1460



Lmon-Bonnington Compsy, 16 Califom-ia Strct.'.,. .','.. GArficld 6str

MaoDonald & Hari!8ton, Ltd16 Calffomia St. ....,.............GArfie|d t393

Pacific Lunbc Co., Thc fO Bush Stret....................GArficH lrEl

Popc & Talbot, Inc- Lunbc Divtrton, {61 Markct StrGGt.................DOuglar 2561

Rcd River Lubcr Co., 3r5 Monadaoc} 81dg....,.....,....GArnoH 0922

Santa Fe Lumber Co16 Califomia Strc.t......,.........EXbroL 2Ol

Schafq Brcr. Lube & Shingle Co. I Drun Stret.....,......,.......,Sutrq lnl

Shdin Pinc Salcr Co- r$le Monadn*L Bldg..........,..EXbrok 704r

Suddm & Chrirtmrcn, 3la Samnr Str6t.......,........GArficld 2t46

Union Luber Co., Crccks Bultdtng .....,,............SUttGr 6U0

Wcndling-Nathan Coll0 Martot ........,..........guttc 5363

Wcst Oragm Lunber Co., 1995 Evet Avc. ..................4Twatc sdE

E. K. Wood Lumbc Cr, I Dmm Stret......,.,.........,EXb|rk 3710

Gamdstol & Grcn, 9th Avom Picr...'........"....'.Hlgatc 2255 Goma Lube Co.. a62l Tidryat r Avoue.....'.....ANdovor 1000

Hill & Morton. lnc., Dmirm Strct Wharf.,..,.......ANdover l0??

Hogan hrnbcr 6npany, 7nd & Alicc Stetr...........'.GlGnourt 6EGl

Rcd Rivar Lumbcr Co., 90E Finucial Centcr Bldg.......TWinoaks 3400

E. K. Wood Lmbcr Co. Fredqick & King Street!.......FRuitvde 0u2


Arrglo Califomia Lmber Co., gttl

Weycrhrcurcr Sals Co., U9 Califmia Strct,..............GArfield t9?l


Whlte Brcthcro,Fifth ud Brmm Strut3......,...Suttcr 1365


Wbeler Osgmd Salce Corporatim, 3045 lgth Str.!t............,.....,VAlencia 22,11


Americm Lumbcr & Troating Co., 116 Ncw Montgomery Stret.......Sutt€r 1225

Butcr, J, H. & Co., ilt:l Montgomlry Strcct. ... ..DOuglac 3EtB

Hall, Juce L., 1032 Mill! Bldg.... ,,.,. ....r ., ,Sutter ?524


Callfomia Bulldcre Supply Co., ?00 6th Avenuc ....Hlgate G0l6

Hogu Lubcr Cmpuy, znd & Alte Stretr. ,. ,....Glrncourt 0861

Westem Dor & Suh Co., 5th & Cyprcas Strets..........TEmplcbar El00


White Brcthers, 50{l High Street. .ANdover 160l)


5S5 Eart Florcnce Avenue. .THorriwell

Atklnsn-Stutz Company,


62E Petrclcm B!dg.........,.,.. .PRoapcct 4341

Burng Lubcr Compuy,

9155 Charlcviltc Blvd., (Beverly Htlle) ............,. ;BRadchaw 2-338t

Carr & Co., L J. (W. D. Duriing),

43E Chamber of Com6c Bldg. PRoepect 66,13

C@per, W. E-

2035 E. l5th St. ...............,..PRolpect 5l3l

Darrt & Ruaecll, Inc.,

ErZ E. seth St........',.......,......4'Dus El01

Dolber & Carrcn Lmber Co..

90r Fldcltty Bldg... .VAndilce E792

Hallinm Mac;kin Co., Lt&, !O Ea.t 59th Strct......,........,ADms 5Zl

Hamnod Rcdwod Compuy, l03l S. Broadway.............,...PRocpEt l3iB

Hobbc Wall Lumber Co., 625 Rowan 81dc.,.............,,,...TRinity 50EE

Holmcc Eurd(a Luber Co., ?U-?lZ Architectc 81dg...,.......,. Mutual glEl

Hover, A. L., 5?25 Wilshirc Blvd.. .YOrk ll6t

C. D. Johnon Lunbr Corporation, 6{16 Petrclm Bldg.,...,.........PRospect U65

Lawrence-Philipr Lumbcr Co., 633 Petrclm Bldg................PRocpect 6U4

MacDonald & Hanington, Ltd. Pctrolam Buildlng ...........,...PRoEpcct 3lA

Paclfic Lumber Co., The, 5225 Wllshirc Blvd. , .... .YOrk ll6tt

Patten Blinn Lumber Co., 52r E. sth Strcct......,,,.,.......VAndiLc 2321


Popc & Talbot' Ine, lmber Divirion, 50r w. Filth strer ....i...........TR

Red River Lumber Co.' ?02 E. Slauen.. .CEntury 2907! l03l S. Broadway..... : r!......,..PRospcl 03u

Reitz Co., E. L., 333,rPetroleum Bldg;.. l,..........PRospect 2369'

Suta'Se. Lumbcr Co.' '. 31i iFlnancial Cmter 8ldg........VAndikc {1?r

SchaIa Bros. Luber & Shinglc Ce.' lU W 9th Stct....................TRinity 4271

Shevlirr Pine Sales Co. 330 Petrcleu Blds...............PRospect 0615

Sudden & Chrigtengon.

6l!0 Board of Trade Bldg...........TRinity 6E44

Tacoma Lumber Sales, t3? Petrolem Bldg. ..............PRopet ll|ts

Union Lumber Co,.

923 W. M. Garland Bldg. .........'TRirity 22t2

W.ndling-Nathil Co., 5225 Wilshire 81vd......,...,.........YOrk ll6E

Wect Oregon Luber Co., 4? Petrcleu Bldg..............Rlchmond 02tl

W. lil/. Witkhroo, 31E W. gth Stret........ ..,... ....TRintty {613

E. K. Wood Lumber Co., 4701 Santa Fc fvenue..........,.JEfrcrron 3lll

Weyerhaeuser Saleg Co., 920 W. M. Garlmd Bldg.........Mlchigu 6331


Americu Lumber & Treating Co., l03l S. Broadway.....,...........PRolP.ct {363

Buter, J. H. & Co., 601 West 5th Strct.,.....,......Mlchigan 6294


Cadwalladcr-Gibaon Co., Irc., 3628 E. Olympic Blvd........:....ANgclu'lll5r

Stanton, E. J. & Son, 2050 Est 3Etb Strcet.,..........CEntury azU

lMestern Hardwod Lumber Co., ., 20ll E. lsth Stret.............!.PRoap*t 615l shsn-poons-unlubBK

PANEI.S AND pl.ywopD\r r i

California Dor Company, Tli" n! \) \eii 237-241 Central Avc...............,TRinity 7461

California Panel & Venmr Co. 955 S. Alueda Strst ...........TRinity oolill

Cobb Co., T. M., 5t00 Central Avenuc. ,.... ..ADua llll?

Eubank & Son, Inc., L. H. (Inglewod) r0l0 E. Hyde Park Blvd.. .ORegon E-1661

Kochl, Jno. W. & Son, 652 S. Myers Str..t...,............ANgelur tl9l

Oregon-Wuhington Plywod Co318 West Ninth Strect............TRinlty 4613

Pacific Wood Products Corporation 3600 Tybum 0lCl

Pacific Mutual Dor Co., 1600 E. Washington Blvd.,....,.PRoepect 9523

Rem Company, Geo. E., 235 S. Almcda Strcet............Mlchigan f${

Red River Lmbcr Co., 702 E. Slauson,. .CEntury 29071

West Coalt Sccn Co., rr45 E. 63rd strer..........,.,...ADanr lll0E

WE ARE DEPENDABI-E \T/HOLESALE SPEqAHSTS RAIL OR CARGO WE SELL FIR PINE RED CEDAR WOLMANIZED LUMBER WESTERN (,ifiil SHAD0W SHAKES SANTAFE TUIIIBER CO. Incorporcted Feb. 14, 1908 Generql Ofiice A, I.'GUS" BUSSELL SAN FAANCISCO St. Clcrir Bldg., 16 Calilomicr St. EXbrook 2074 PINE DEPARTMENT F. S. PALMER, Msr. Cclilomic Pouderoscr Pine C<rlilornic Sugcr Pine tOS ANGEI^ES ROBT. FORGIE 3ll Frncmci<rl Center Bldg. 704 So. Sprins St - VADdyke 4{71

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