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Great Louisiana Hardwood Plant
Here is a view of the hardwood plant of The HillyerDeutsch-Edwards Lumber Company, of Oakdale, La., one of the largest and most modern hardwood sawmills in the United States. It is located on two trunk line railroads, and lying as it does on the westerly edge of Louisiana,'has a close haul, comparatively, toward the California market.
The sawmill is equipped with two band mills, and the output is about 80,000 feet of high grade hardwood lumber daily. Magnificent stocks of lumber are kept on hand to supply their trade, as may be judged by the great air drying yard shown in the picture. There is also a great white dressed and dry lum'ber shed of great storage capacity. There is no flooring plant in connection with this mill.
Considerable stocks are always on hand of white oak.
red oak, red gum, sap gum, magnolia, hickory, and cypress. They can be shipped in straight or mixed cars, and shipped direct to California over the Santa Fe.
The Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards Company ,is one of the veteran hardwood manufacturing institutions of the TexasLouisiana territory,'having operated for many years in East Texas hardwoods before they bought their present great tract of timber from the Santa Fe Raiload, and built the big Oakdale mill.
J. B. Edwards, of Oakdale, is President and General Manager; F. L. Hillyer, well known San Antonio, Texas, retailer, is Vice President; Farrish Fuller is Assistant General l\{anager.
The firm is responsible and dependable to the fullest degree.