1 minute read
Happenings in Hoo-Ffoo Land
Doings and Sayings of Tom
Vice-gerant Snark W. D. Whitson of Santa Ana has announced that the Orange County District Hoo Hoo will hold a concat at the Elks Club at Anaheim the evening of April 21st.
Several members fro'm San Diego will attend and assist with the work, also Scrivenoter H. G. Larrick has issued an invitation to all Hoo Hoo in California to attend.
Much fun was injected into the luncheon on this date, by Mr. Lou Fifer, of Seattle, who was appointed emergency chairman by the mem'bers. The dates had gotten mixed in some wav, and the chair was found to be empty when it was time to eat.
After a months rest, "Parson" Peter A. Simpkin, of Santa Monica, Supre,me Chaplain of Hoo-Hoo, left a few days ago for a ,speaking tour. He went from California io Denver for a conference, then to Kansas City to visit with Snark of the lJniverse Dickason, and then to the South where he will speak to Concatenations at Dallas, and Beaumont, Texas, and at Lake Charles, La. He will also address the annual convention of The Lumbermen's Association of 'fexas at Dallas on April 11th.
Said 129 To 2
Grab this one, vou Hoo-Hoo:
When the news popped in the daily press about the black cats that were discovered in the tomb of King Tut, in Egypt, it naturally set lots of Hoo-Hoo tongues agog.
In m,any parts of the country, according to reports, members of the C)rder made talks at Hoo-Hoo meetings, claiming the origin of H,oo-Hoo to have been in Egypt, as evidenced by these black cats.
But the best thing that happened was a wire that was sent by one of the old Cats, to one of the oldest Cats. No. 129 is an Ex-Snark of the Universe. and he lives in Texas. No. 2 is also an Ex'gnark, and he lives in Chicago.
When No. 129 read about the cats in King Tut's tomb, he sent a long wire to No. 2, which was substantiallynot verbatim-as follows:
"Suggest that you immediately get in touch with President Harding, and have him instruct Secretary of State Hughes to get after the Government of Egypt and secure from them the oldest of the Black Cats fiom King Tut's tom,b. Bring it to this country and bury it with the members of the House of Ancients in the Hoo-Hoo grove in the Redwoods. I suggest that they place it between vour grave and mine, with the head towards me, and the tail towards you, so that any time you take a notion you can turn over and repeat the Ritual."