1 minute read
J. R. HAN I FY co.
(Continued From Page 47.)
Today-in the short span of thirty-nine years-the Restrick Lumber Company operates three well equipped yards -and one of the most complete mills in the State of Michigan.
No detail work is t,oo complicated and equipped as it is with the very best of modern wood working equipment, the needs of a large group of contractors and builders are a"bly met.
Success for Restrick's has not been accidental, with careful forethought the future has been planned. Each detail plotted and charted.
A large portion of the success may be attr'ibuted to consistent advertising.
In the early days "small readers" in the daily papers sufficed. But as business and the town grew and 'competition became more keen, more elaborate publicity was worked out.
Today an imposing campaign employing billboards, street car cards, newspaper display and timely direct-bymail literature, keeps Restrick's name ever before the public, insistently driving "home" the idea of "Lumber of Lasting Quality-it costs no more."
Employing such aggressive methods the future can but hold results gratifying as well as profitable, and to the Restrick organization a host of friends extend their hearty and sincerest congratulations.
And who savs there is no romance in business?
The O'Neil Lumber Company at Pomona has just completed a large new shed at their Commercial St. yard.
Arranged for end piling, this shed will probably be used to store flooring, ceiling, etc.
Muller Visits Fresno
C. W. Muller, of the Western States Lumber Company of San Francisco, was a Fresno visitor dur'ing the past week calling ,on the lurnber trade. He states that the business men and ranchers of the San Joaquin Valley were in a very happy mood as the result of the recent rains. Around the latter part of the month, Mr. Muller expects to leave for fhe Northwest on a business trip.
We will build yow kiln. Furnirhing Derignr, Conrtruction, Pipinsr Heating, Inrtallatiolrr complete. The Modern Dry Kitn ir a neceeeity and a profitable invectmeot.
515 Bryron Bldg. Lor Angclcr