1 minute read
the hardwood situation on the Company is one of the largest northern Michigan.
than one thousand mills are out the facts which positioely determines the supremacy of Moore Dry Kilns. These mills are of dioersified size including the mammoth, medium snd smaller mills u]rcre eoery forest product is se,asoned accurately and accor:ding to specificafions.
Therc rs no delay, there is no waste in the operation and maintenance of a Moore Dry Kiln.' They are build,ed for each indioidual requirentent o,nd in eoery instaflce perforrn their utorh successfully. If your present method rs nof safrsfcctory, if it does not enable you to tneet cornpetition, if cost of production is high or if you are constantly disturbed, about increased uolurne, then it uill pay you to urite us. We will gladly adoise you and without obligation.. Our seroice ds at your cotnrnand. We place at your disposal the resources of the largest and oldest coneerrl. in the oorld, deooted exclusioely to building hilns for seasoning eoery forest product. Wfite to office nearest you.