1 minute read
To Property Outners:
DO YOU KNOW that our companies hold cash resources of over $30,000,000.00 as security back of their policies and that every dollar of this amount belongs to the policy holders?
DO YOU KNOW that the co-operation between these companies and their policyholders has enabled them to return to their policyholders over $50,000,000.00 in cash dividends and savings on their insurance premiums?
"DO YOU KNOW that in addition to direct savings on their insurance premiums our competition has caused a reduction of from twenty five to fifty percent in the insurance rates of its home and adjoining States".?
DO YOU KNOW that it makes no difference to our policy holders whether the rates are high or low? High rates merely result in a larger proportion of the premium being returned to the policyholder as a dividend on the expiration of the policy.
DO YOU KNOW that all insurance is necessarily the co-operation of ,each policyholder in sharing the losses of every other policyholder; but that our companies are also co-operative in distributing to policyholders the full benefits of fire protection?
The above results have been accomplished by selecting careful policyholders who are willing to co-operate with the rest-of us in doing all possible to reduce fire waste.