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Spring Is Here
Our Two Big Mills
At Wcndlins and Springfield, Ore.
Qlifornia Salcs Offlcer
San Fnnclaco Loe Anglelae
J. R. NEYLAN, Selcr Agcnt, H. C. CL.ARK, Saler Agent
Marvin Buildiag Centrd BuildlnS
Telephone Douglar 25ll Telcphone TRinity E0:Xi
Spring o
Cruising Coat on your friendr thir ycar. They'll all hevc one when thgy'vc sccn youn But you can beat tcm to itt
Madc of Filron wind-1poof, water-rcFirtant khaLi. You'll take it with you evcry place :rou 80 thir ycar.
$6.fl) portpaid. Ordcr one inch largcr than white collar naaturc.
Our caialog H on Filron Better Outdoor clothce will makc you t bctter drcucd outdoorr mrn. IT'S FREE: c.
1OO5-IOOZ Firrt Ave. - Seattle, Warh.
"filson Clothes fot the Man Who Knon's."
\I /HEN BALSAM-WOOL walked YY offwith firethonors in the test. inglaboratoriee some mencalled it theory.
It g,as theory. But what BALSAMWOOL ie doing inactualpractice ie etill moreetartling.
Thc abovc Rrdlogro frcm tbc Mec.Irliltm Arcdc Expcdtdoa' Strdoa tlfNP on borcd thc Schonc Bowdob, loc.tGd ll" fioE thc North Polc, ws nleyed to thc llrmd Covaioo Coopray et Cloquct' Mlnae rctr, by Mr.Irck Brrorlcyl mtru oDctrtor at Prlnc Rupcrt, Brltuh Colubh. Mr. Bemrlcy'r rtedon hg bccn thc prfncipd comccttag liok bctweco thc MtcLllllrn Er, pcdldon md thc outrldc world.
Ae an example, read the Radio. gram frorn the MacMillan North Pole Expedition reproduced above.
Not much theory there. No ttifsrt' t'butst' or ttmaybes." Just a plain, simple record of accomplishment under themost extreme temperature conditions in the world.
When the MacMillan Arctic Expedition set sailfrom'Wiscasset, Maine, on June 23,1923,the ship was loaded with necessities for the long, trying and dangerous voyage. There wasn't rooin for anything that couldn't be depended on. 1,375 feet ofstandardBALSAM-WOOL house insulbtion was on board,furnished through the Carnegie Institute of 'Washington, D. C. It was to be used as a com' fort aid and also to agsure uniform temperature necessary to the perfect functioning of the delicote instruments'used in the. study of terrettriol magnetism. These etudies were one of the im. portant obiectives of the voyage.
BALSAM-WOOL morethan lived uptoits laboratory reputation.
TT WILL interest those retail lumber dealere I who have not investigated BALSAM-WOOL to knozr that BALSAM-WOOL is being accepted by retail lunrber dealers everywbere as a standard stock item. BAISAM-WOOL is going over faster with the retail lumber tradethan any other insula. tion or new building specialtyever did.
The reasons are simple. From the retailerts standpoint BALSAM-WOOL is right.
It is more insulatinEvalue for the money.
It is the highest development in house in. sulation.
It does not compete with other items of yard stock-it makes additional profits.
You don't have to buy a carload to get startedsmall invesftnerrtr quick turnover, profits.
No broken stock-BAlsAM-wool comes in 3 standard widths only. These fit all eonstruction requirements.
No deterioration-all stock is wrapped and sealed.
No outside oompetition. BALsAM-wooL is not sold througlh mail-order houses, retailers inother lines, or direct to the contractor or home.builder.

BALSAM-WOOL is eseential in new houses and it will net you profits in glack ioeriode when sold for roof insulation on old houses, and for garage6, barns and poultry houses.
You will find in your dealings with the'Wood Conversion Company who manufactureBALSAM.
'WOOL, the same spirit of fair dealing that hae characterized this organization through eixty.6y6 years of successfully serving the retail trade.
If you are not in poeition to buy acarloed, put in a trial order of 5,000 or 10,000 feet. Advertisip!! material will be eupplied you. This trial order will convinceyou of its sales poosibilities.
Samples, priccs and complete information on BALSAM.WOOL may be secured through our local district representatives or by mail addressed to our nearest branch ofrce. Or, if you prefer, communicate direct with Wood Conversion Co., Cloquet, Minnesota.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Compaivy
GDistribators; VEYERHAEUSER FOREST PRODUCTS General Ofrces . SPOKANE, VZASHINGTON 1Branch Offces ST.PAUL CHICAGO BALTIMORB NE\TYORK 2694UnivercityAve. 2OSSouthLaSalleSt. E12 LexingtonBldg. 22oBrrcrdrvay
Thc Veyethacrsa Sales Company is the combined selling otgafiqatioa of the follo$ng Veyahaa*t Mills and Disttib*ing Plantu OoquetlumberCo..... Ooquet,Mim. ThonpeonYardsrlnc.. i... ..St.PeulrMinn PodatchlumberC,o.... PothEbrdrh-
Tbe Northern Lumber C,o. Cloquet, Minn. Bonners Ferry Lumber C.o
. Bonnerg Ferry, Idaho Boire Payette Lumber C.o. Boire, Ideho Johnson-Wentruolth C,o. Cloquet' Minn. Snoquatnie Falls Lumber C.o. Snoqualtnie Fallc, Varh. Weyerhaeueer TimberCo. Everutt, Varh. Vood C.onversion Co. Cloquet, Minn. Humbird Lumber €o. Sandpoint, Idaho Veyerhaercr Tbber C.o. Baltimoar ltdd. EdwardRutledgeTimberCo. C.oeurd'Abne, I&ho