1 minute read
Los Angeles Has New Hardwood Jobber
Mr. George F. Weis, formerly connected with one of the large Chicago, Ill., hardrvood lumber companies, has opened Los Angeles wholesale offices, wh'ere he will carry on a general hardwood lumber business, besides 'handling a full line of California white and sugar pine, from one of the large mills. He will act as the South'ern California representative for the Chicago Lumber Company of Washington.
Mr. Weis has had years of hardrvood experience, and knows the game. He is a Southerner, having spent most of his time in and around the lumber mills of the south, and is fully qualified to represent some of the best known of the mills in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee.
He states that he now has connection with hardwood millsthat are producing more than a million feet a day, enabling him to offer the California trade a complete line of every known kind of domestic hardwood.
Mr. Weis will cover the entire state, from his offiae in Los Angeles, at room 208 in the new Produce Building.
R. McCormick & Co., San Francisco, and George D. Hauptman of the Federal Box Co., San Diego.
Mr. Hauptman made his home at Saginaw, Michigan, for many years, and for nearly tweny-five years operated a large saw-mill at West Branch, Michigan. IJpon his retirement from active business, he made his home at Spring Valley and Dunkirk, New York. He is one of the last survivors of the old type of Michigan lumbermen and at the time of his death was eighty-one years old.
Mr. S. M. Hauptman and Mr. George D. Hauptman were at Dunkirk, N. Y. at the time of his death, having been called there about two months ago owing to their father's ill health. Interment of Mr. Hauptman's remains were made at Spring Valley, New York.