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How Lumber Looks

It wa.r amusing, the early part of this month, to note tlre somewhat caurtic comments in two contemporary Pacific Coast publieationsr'on the market report given in our April first issue.

One asked, "What cotutitutes a quiet market? If a hundred million feet a month ir quiet, then Loe Angeles is quiet tt

The fact is that the Los Angelec harbor unloaded a little oyer one hrmdred and forty million feet of ltmrber during the month in question, the sarne rnonth that the building permits ran very cloce to $l4r00Or(XX).

It wasn't quiet, that is a fact, but the word "active" ir generally arsociated with hedtby activity and profrtr, rather than a mad scramble for a lot of busines scattered arnong a lot of business men, all taking their orders at a loog and cusring themoelve's for so doing. Believe we will gtick to the firrt ars€rtion in spite of the criticism.

Another journd complaind of the April furt report in which we caid that the retailer continued to sacrifice profrtr for volume, and later stated that this would pouibly alro apply to the wholeeale man. They ask, "Why rlam the retailer and touch the wholecaler gently?" etc. "There is romething rotten in Denmarkr" etc.

Isn't it a fact that the retail lumberman, erpecially in thir precent eituation, has more control over his actions in buying and relling, than does the man who we are recogrrizing ar a "wholesaler?" Many things enter into an explanation of thir statement, the prerent financial condition of the mills, tte apparent eagerne* of the boat orvners to keep their ships moving, the loaded condition of the Atlantic Coart dooks (with a very slow demand), the falling off of the Florida demand and other things. The wholecale man, today, is motre at the mercy of uncontrollable conditionr than is the retailer.


: Hobart Mills, situated six miles from Truckee, is the lFccne of much activity at present as the company is getting ;feady to.open up on April 15th, a few days earlier than 'usual.

' G..,D. Oliver, general manager of ItheJr,Contemplate cutting 25,000,000 vear and will have 500 men employed of Departments in charge.

the company, states feet of lumber this with the usual heads


Damage estimated at $100,000 occurred on Mar. 31 when the big sawmill of the Chiloquin Lumber Co at Chiloquin, 'Oregon, was destroyed by fire. The mill was on the Klamath.fndian Reservation, which is north of Klamath Falls, Oregon. : The Chiloquin Lumber Co. maintain offices in San Francisco.

Getting dovm to something like a report on the mark€t condition of today, there is very little change from trvo weeks ago.

Cargo business ir slow, very amall demand and priceo leave a lot to be deeired. There is still a large quantity coming in, eapecially to the southern po'rt, and the doclc have a goodly total piled up, "unaold."

To the night of the 13th, San Pedro will have received vesselE with a combined capacity of fifty-six millio'n feet. With s€venteen days to go; and at the same rate, April will see about the same total for thir port as did March. The yards are buying this stock just a.e they need it and for quick loading, and it is a fact that in m'any casec they are placing their orders at their own pricee.

The northern part of the rtate ir in a romenvhat chaotic condition as a result of the carpenters' rtrike and the next two weeks will see developments d'et€rmining whether the lumber market will be seriously affected.

Rail conditions, in the interior of the state, are in better rhape. Matry smdler communities are doing healthy building, rerulting in a steady denrand for lumber etockr end the man behind the gun is deriving benefits thereby.

Loc Angeles buitding permits for April to the night of the 13th, totalled a little over four million dollars.

The last weekly report from the West Coast Lurnbermen'c Accooiation ehowed a weekfs prodrrc{ion totdling 11OrOOO,OOO feet, saler 112 million and shipment! 1O7 million.


One of the best small yards in Loa Angeles dietrict. WilI take about $35,OOO cash to handle. IS MAKING MONEY. Address Box A-153, care California Lumber Merchant. 4-15-l

Beach Company To Open Sawmill

The S. G. Beach Lumber Company is making preparations to open the Plum Creek mill, which was closed all last year. A crew of about thirty men has been secured, and work will begin in the near future.


The Westwood Lumber Co., manufacturers of Spruce and Yellorv Fir with mill operations at Wheeler, Oregon, have opened an office at 361 Hobart street, Oakland, rryith D. W. Taylor in charge. "Denver" was formerly connected with the California & Oregon Lumber Co. in their San Francisco office. Prior to his coming to California, he was connected with the lumber business in the Northwest for many years, and for several years was sales manager of the Puget Sound Sawmills & Shingle Co. at Bellingham, Washington. Later he was manager of the International Lumber Co., with ofifrces in Portland.

McCloud River Lumber Company Opens San Francisco Office

The McCloud River Lumber Company, manufacturers of California White and Sugar Pine with their large mill operations at lVlcCloud, California, have opened a San Francisco office at 1028-30 Monadnock Bldg. W. G. Kahman is in charge of the San Francisco office.

The company will handle their western sales from the San Francisco office. Mr. .Kahman, their San Francisco manager, \s_well known with_the pine trade throughout the country. He has been associatedwith the McClJud River Lumber Company for the past twelve years and at one time represented the company in the eastein territory. For the pa.st five-y_ears_ he has been in charge of the-company,s sales, with headquarters at the mill atfucCloud. California.

Fletcher & Frambes, -Inc., the well known Los Angeles lumber distributors, rvill represent the McCloud f,i.,r., Lumber Company in the Southern California and Arizona territories. Mr. Fletcher was a recent caller at the company's San Francisco office, rvhere he discussed business matters with Mr. Kahman.

John D. Spaulding With Sugar pine Sales Company

Johg D. Spaulding, well known California lumberman, recently became associated with the Sugar Pine Sales Company and will handle the sales of this concern. Mr. Spauld- ing has been connected with the pine industry for'manv years and was formerly manager bf ttte California Susar and White Pine Co. with headquarters in San Franciio. For the past two years he his been acting as western

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