3 minute read
California Looks Great
Bg Jacft Dionne
Never in the glorious history of this glorious state, did California close a winter in finer condition than she is today, or face a summer more completely filled with promise of every good sort.
There is just one thing that California MUST havs-in addition to the thousands of things that she just naturaiy has all the time-in order to prosper through the year, and that is SUFFICIENT RAINFALL IN THE WINTER SEASON'
And there is only one fear in California breasts through the winter, and that is that sufficient rainfall will not come. We have beautiful, wonderful, inspiring winters in California. The visitors inhale with joy the sunkissed air of the California winter.
But the California citizenship knows that the winter must not be TOO beautiful, wonderful, and inspiring, if things are to be well through the year. The rainy days MUST come.
During the past winter Southern California enjoyed particularly beautiful weather, with nothing but warm, clear sunshine for long weeks atatime. And the sunshine brought some worries to the Califorqia folks.
But all in due times the rains came, and when they came they carne in torrents, so that the mountains are deep with snow, the valleys are soaked with the moisture, and everything is ready for a marvelous production season.
Heavy rains and snows in the mountains in California means unlimited WATER and unlimited POWER for the seven months of rainless season when Mother Nature beams upon her garden spot of all the world, when the sunshine is absolutely dependable every day, this tair tana of California becomes a huge garden of Eden, unrivalled in its beauty' unapproachable in its productiv€r€ss,-a joy to the hearts, minds, and bodies of mankind-
So the coming summer should be a wonderful one.All things have combined to make itso. Business conditions in California are enjoying consistent, conseryative, dependable, and remarkable prosperity. Every legitimate business is flourishing. Financial and economic conditions in the stato are splendid.
We will have a great tourist tide this year. Florida is steaming hot and overrun with things that crawl and bite, in the summer time. The tide has turned, and this summer untold thousands will cross the continent by auto and train, to taste the delights of Califor4ia.
, And only those will remain behind, who cannot for insurmountable reasons, come.
There will be more wonderful things to see, do, eat, drink, and enjoy, in california this summer than anywhere else on the civilized globe.
Take all the great summering places of the two hemispheres, regardless of their name, fame, or location, and pile all their valuable attributes in one heap-and the total will not compare with what California alone has to offer'
The Lord has His arm around California always, and this year more than ever before.
"C.L.M." Offers Authoritative Volume On Lumber
"Lumber and Its lJses", an attractively bound, 385-page volume, by R. S. Kellogg, is ofiered through "The California Lumber Merchant" at an attractive price.
A page advertisement elsewhere in this issue tells of the offer.
The book, in its third edition, has had perhaps the widest sale of any volume of its kind ever published' It is of interest to everyone connected in any way with the lumber industry, and is offered at a low cost by special arrangement with the publishers.
The Miller & Lux yard at has been sold to Tohn Blancho.
Yard Sold
Gustine (Merced County),
Grenfeijl Acquires Fourth Yard
The Grenfell Lumber Company has purchased the Princeton yard of the Glen County I,umber Company.
This makes four yards operated now by Grenfell: Colusa, Grimes, Butte City and Princeton.
Extensive improvements are planned for the recently acquired plant.
Blinn Sells Two Yards
Allev Bros. have purchased the Pasadena and Sierra Madre yards of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company.
San Diego Yaiid Incortpotrates
Incorporation papers for the Independent Lumber Company of San Diego have been filed, showing a capitalization of $100,000. J. O. Tillery, I.L.Tillery and E. S. Coburn are shown as the incorporators.
Mr. William Schultz has been appointed manager of the Norwalk yard of the Barr Lumber Company, succeeding \{r. Bert Clements.
Klamath Falls, Ore., Mar. 30.-Fire which broke out in the boiler room of the Chiloquin Lumber Company's mill, located on Sprague River, near Chiloquin, Ore., destroyed the sawmill and planing mill. Loss was estimated at $100,000. covered bv insurance. The box factorv was saved.
Ii was annoinced that the mill would b6 rebuilt immediately. The mill is owned by E. A. Blocklinger.
Change Managers
E. L. nithridge has been succeeded as manager of the Baldwin Park Lumber Company by H. W. Coops, forrnerly with Olson.
Mr. Dithridge is now postmaster at Baldwin Park.
We sell everything that comes from Douglas Fir trees and is consumed in the State of California, delivering exclusively by rail. Kiln-dried Fir of all dimensions and grades in yard stock is one of our particular spec- ialties. Let us tell you about this great product.