1 minute read
Some Springy Thoughts For Dealers
Ben Franklin once said: "Keep your business and it will keep you."
That is mighty good spring time advice for lumber merclrants. Spring is the time to pass into the digcard the thoughts and things of the winter that is gone, and with a lot of bright new buitding material and bright ideas, get out after bright new business.
There are a world of frame houses in every town that are iust waiting for some enterprising salesman of building things to come along and build a cool, comfortable' healthful SLEEPING PORCH on them. But they won't send for you. You must create THAT business yourself.
Spring time doesn't mean much to the man who stitl runs a ttwagcr yard." But to the operator of a retail building business who is eager to fill his district with better buildings, it offLrs much opportunity for interesting aelling.
Dontt forget that neither brains, opportunity, nor desirable stocks and plans ca,n help your .business unless yorr USE them"
If you dontt rell every home owner in yorrr selling territory some building thing or build' ing service at least once every yearr you qre faiiing down on your job. And spring is the easiel s€ason to t'start sornething.tt
It is wonderful what a few odds and ends of lumber, a hammerr Eatv, and some white and green paint, can do for a yard in the springiime.
This is fishing EeaEon, forboth the finny tribe, and for the building prospect. But your bait has got to be right, and you've got to know how to fish.
Selling something the nced of which you had no suspicion of until youwere asked for aprice, cannot poasibly be constru€d as salermanrhip.
There is a whole lot more profit in sellingten orders of 5fi) feet each, and in selling one order for 5,0(X) feet.
But don't overloolc the fact that goods arentt really sold until t'ihey are paid for, and don't let the spring fever run away with your better iudgment. Unless you are sure a man both can and will poy, don't let him have the atuff.
For, after all, the secret of success in the re' tail lumber business consists of selling a sum' cient volume of goods at a rearonable profit, and collecting the money.