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Not sensational-but steady, bringing to us a large list of desired accounts-men attracted, we are sure, by our Assressiae Progressiae Policies.
Bookstaver-Lawrence Hoo Hoo Meeting a Success
The April First "April Fool" Hoo Hoo party held by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club was a grand success, thanks to the efiorts of two live wires, Cohen & Lezinsky, two gentlemen following the lumber profession in I-os Angeles as wholesalers, and commonly known as Ted Lawrence and Bush Bookstaver.
This was the first meeting under the new plan to have these luncheon programs arranged by firms rather than individuals, as chairmen, and Ted and Bush had volunteered to take the first 'meeting. They did themselves proud.
With the aid of a disguise in the shape of a 'Western Union boy's cap, the boys alternated in presenting each other with fike teiegrams, addressed either-to Mr. C-ohen qr Mr. Lezinsky,,their aliases, and purporting to'be from prominent lurnber figures in various ,parts of the country, m.aking predictions on the market, etc. Carl Crow, Jack Dionne, Fred Hamilton, Ed Tennant and a number of others had their names used.
Then came a splendid orchestra with some classy music, a talented baritone gave several numbers and Miss Billy Hoffman, a very delectable miss, sang and danced.
The program ended with a very interesting address by Capt. R. H. Hilf, Deputy Chief, I-os Angeles Police Department. Capt. Hilf has served on the force in T.os Angeles for twenty-one years and has had a host of highly exciting and interesting experiences, some of which he told about.
It was a fine meeting, with a good attendance, and the boys showed some'of the old tirme enthusiasm.