2 minute read
"R.peat" 0rders Come Easily
With Hipolito ScreenDoors and Window Screens. Because of their high standard of excellence, they always give satisfaction, and Builders, Contractors and Owners have come to realize that the Hipolito line is the best that can be manufactured.
Only California Sugar Pine, chosen for its non-shrinking, non-warping qualities, is used. Quantity production keeps prices down-extensive advertising helps make "Hipolito" popular with the building trade.
You will find the Highway to More Screen Door Business is to keep well stocked with Hipolito Screen Doors and Window Screens.
Hipolito Company
Manufacturcre of thc fenour Hipolito Scrocn Doorr aad Window Scrccnr
21rt and Alameda Ste., Lor Angeler, Calif. Phone, WErtrnore 6131
(Continued from Page 16)
Equalization-the one asking for the Exemption Plates or the other slip.
"Following'are excerpts from an article appearing in the Sacramento Bee. entitled: ENFORCEMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TAX IS PLANNED:
"'The law applies to all motor vehicles used or intended to be used for the transportation of persons or property for hire over any public highway in the State, except hotel buses meeting trains, or boats, and except taxicabs, drays, transfer vehicles, and other like city cars operating within incorporated cities or towns or in the usual vehicle operating between incorporated cities or towns where no portion of any state or county highway is used in such operation.
" 'IDENTIFICATION PLATBS: It is important to note that all other vehicles used or intended to be used in hiring service are required to have identification pl'ates. Motor vehicles used in transportation of children to and from school. and in transporting goods or employes of the owner or both and not used for hire, are required to have'license plates, -- though they are exempt from the tax. The application must be made to the State Board of Equalization at Sacramento, charged with the collection of the tax. The Board will determine whether or not the applicant is exempt under the law. Licensed vehicles must display prominently plates issued when licenses to operate for hire ar.e granted. Failure to display such plates will subject the owner to arrest and fine.'
"Inasmuch as there is an injunction at the present time, no action will be taken until a final decision has been handed down in the matter. Therefore our advice to our members would be to apply for exemption plates and then wait until you receive further advice from this office."
A Hundred Bucks
I saved a hundred dollars, And said I to Mary Jane, "We'll spend it on this little home That's ours in sun and rain."
But, "goodness gracious, dear !" said she, "What can we buy for that?
A chair or two, a reading lamp Or just a 'Welcome' mat?"
"I want some wooden things," I said, "So down to Smith's we'll go And talk to those wise lumber boys. For they're the ones who know.'
"A hundred dollars ? ' Well, let's see," The salesman scratched his head, Smiled brightly at my wife and me, And this is what he said:
"A hundred bucks will buv for vou A hardwood floor or two, Or a play room in the attic For Tom and Baby Sue.
"A fine front door or breakfast nook, A window seat, or these, A workshop in the basement or A bookcase for Louise."
He mentioned many other things, You can too, when you try, For there are scads of useful things A hundred bucks will buy.
fuality Behind the Door Establishes Pickuing Products as the Standard of Comparison

In California White Pine, Nature has produced a wood admirably adapted to the requirements of millwork manufacture. Especially is this trtr oI timbet gto*ing in the higher dtitudes where maximum size provides parts to Pickering Millwork Products the higheet atainable standard oI excellence.
Completing this natural advantage with modern machinery operated by skilled anisans who take pride in their work, Pickering dootq sash and millwork again most advantageoug cutting
Pickering mountain grown Calilornia White Pine im- conlirm the lact that "OURS Is rHE STANDARD"
Ask your Locol iobber for Pi.ckering Standard Prcd,'u.cts