3 minute read
A Selling Thought From Emerson
Emerson said: "How can I hear what you SAY, when what you ARE lreeps thundering in my ear?tt
He was driving at folks who preach what they do notpractice. lt makes a very good merchandising thought that many lumber dealers may well hold in mind.
It isn't what you SAY, but what you DO, that counts with folks who think. The Man of Galilee raid: "By their WORI(S ye ghall know tlr€m.t' Not by their words.
Too many merchants in this day and generation shout to the housetops about their "Servicertt to whom senice, in the best s€nse of the word, is a thing unknown.
Too many people stoutly advise others to do and to use certain thingr, which they manifest- ly do not do or lue, tthemselves. Such advice is not convincing.
R. W. Neighbor, Pacific Coast manager of E. C. Atkins & Co., recently experienced the thrill that comes to the golfer who makes a hole in one, when he shot thi fourth hole of the Multnomah Golf Club, Portland, in one stroke. The hole measures 140 yards.
The bald headed barber doesn't rell many cuner for baldness. The poorly dresEed tailor doesn't get an5rwhene telling others how to dress.
The retail lumbeman who operatea an illlooking, unpainted, badly kept place of businese, is NOT in good position to give building advice to others. They can 8ee by looking that he doesn't use his owrr ctuff.
They won't hear what he SAYS because what he IS wilt keep thundering in their ears.
Spring is here. The time for fixing, and cleaning, and painting,and repairing, and brightening, and building. Show your trade that you use your own stocks, tatre your own advice, practice what you preach. What you ARE will HELP sell your goods.
Latham Manager Of Santa Barbara Yard
Mr. Mark Latham has been appointed manager of the Channel Lumber Company, formerly Alley Bros., at Santa Barbara.
Diruibuting Agerrts for Clark-NicLcrron Lumbcr Co, Evcrctt, Warh.
Dcrnpeey Lumber Co., Tacoma, lllarh.
Dcfiance Lumber Co., Tacome, \f,farh.
Barnct Lumber Co., Vincouvcr, B. C. Whitney Co., Garibaldi, Ore.
Littlc Riva Rcdwood Co. Hunboldt Bay.
Vertical O?i" lroorins Stepping " Finilh " Shop .*':l-"'iilH".-"
Shop Mouldings Casing
""T:" 8ff1"".,, fimberr

Bevel Siding
Bungalow Siding
Factory Lumber
Box Lurnrber
Ladder Stock
Drain Boardr
Our Lumber ie not Cheap, neither is our Q"rI,$ or Service
H. \ry'. Swafford on World Trip
Mr. H. W. Swafford, vice-president of E. J. Stanton & Son, wholesale lumber dealers of [,os Angeles, on March 14th, began a long-planned trip to Europe, accompanied by Mrs. Swafford.

After a brief stop in New York, they sailed March 31st on the Cunard liner Berengaria. France, England, Germany and Italy will be visited with extended stops in London and along the Riviera. Although intended primarily for rest and recreation, the trip will not be wholly devoted to pleasure as Mr. Swafford will spend some time with London importers who are interested in California Sugar and White Pine, for which the Stanton firm are mill distributors.
On the return trip Mr. Swafford will visit the company's offices in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit and Norfolk, Va. He will be back at his desk in Los Angeles about the middle of July.
Wood By-Products Exchange to Issue New Directory
Madison, Wis.-Within the next few weeks the Forest Products Laboratory will revise the listings on its Wood By-Products Exchange. Firms that desire to apply for membership can do so at this time and get their names in the new directory.
The Exchange supplies a medium through which producers can locate markets for s'mall trimmings, edgings, squares and odd-sized pieces of wood, and through which wood-consuming plants can find sources of raw material which will ,meet their requirements.
Anyone who desires may become a member of the Exchange. There is no charge for the service, and the Laboratory welcomes more members who are seriously interested. It is an intermediary service handled by the government, entails no obligations on the'members, and is operated in order to assist in the more complete utilization of lowgrade and odd-sized material. Patrons of the Exchange now number several hundred, and the membership is constantly increasing.
A lumberjack with a broken leg was taken to a hospital for treatment. After the leg had been set, the nurse asked him how the accident occurred. He replied:
"You see, ma'am, it was this way: I was shyhooking for the Nettleton Lumber Company and I had only one ground mole. He sent up a big blue butt and she was a heavy one. f saw her yaw and yelled to him to give her a St. Croix, instead of which he threw a sag into her and gunned her, and that broke my leg.
"Yes," the nurse replied, "but I don't exactly understand."
"Neith'er do I," said the lumberjack. "That darn fool must have been crazy."-Nettleton's Cargo Review.