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Are you rnissing this big opportunityS
If you want to raise your flooring sales up to a new high level-if you want to make more profitable sales than you've ever made before-now is thetime to do it. The conditions are ripe t
More and more people are learningthe real facts about flooring. They are finding out that, after all, no type of flooring can supply the combination of long wear, cleanliness and lasting beauty that Maple, Beech and Birch floorings offer.
The Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association is sparing neither effort nor money to bring these facts home to buyers of flooring-and to co-operate with you in other ways to increase your flooring sales.
Firs t, through powerf ul advertisin g that hits right at the big flooring marketsprospective home owners, realestate men, architects, railway men, school boards, hotel men and builders of industrial and public buildings of all kinds.
Second, through a Service and Research Department which co-operates with you in working out your fooring problems so that your customers will get the greatest possible satisfaction from their floors.
Your kspwibility
You have a definite responsibility in your neighborhood. Your neighbors look to you for advice onthe best building materials they can use.
As a lumber dealer vou are interested in seeing_lumber used'for every purpose in a buildinc a)here it sertses'be'st. Yott know hardwo6d floors have no substitute.
I"k" advantage of our advertising and service-go after more hardwood flooring business-and show your prospects the many advantages of using Maple, Beech and Birch flooiines. You-will bL surprised at the extra businEss waiting for you.
Mapr,n Floonrnc Mewur,tcrunrns AssN. 1070 Stock Exchange Building, Chicago
The letters M F M A on Maple, Beech or Birch flooring signify that the flooring is standardized and guaranteed by the Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association, whose members must attain and maintain the highest standards of manufacture and adhere to manufacturing and grading rules which economically conserve every particle of these remarkable woods. This trade-mark is for
&Iembers of Maph Flooring Manufaaurers Association:
Cadillac, Mich. Nichols&CoxLumberCompany
Cadillac, Miclr. North Branch Flooring Company Chicago, Ill. East Jordan, Mich. Northwestcrn Cooperage & Lumber Co. Gladstone, Miclu
Blackwell, Wis. Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Company St. Paul, Minn.
Mellen, Wis. Oval Wood Dish Corporation . Tupper Lake, N. Y.
. Oconto, 'Wis. Soo Lumber Company Glidden, Wis.
Grayling, Mich. Strablc Lumbcr & Sdt Company .
. Bay City, Mich. Wclls, J. W. Lumber Company .
. Saginaw, Mich.
. Menomince, Mich.
. Phillips, Wis. West Michigan Flooring Company Manistee, Mich.
Cadillac, Mich. Young, W'. D. & Company Bay City, Mich.
"Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. Day"

Harry Carter, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., was chairman of the day at the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 luncheon held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, March 25. He announcecl that it would be "Getting Acquainted Day" and called on several of the members present to give their experiences in the lumber business and to tell "When, Where and Why" they were associated with the lumber industry. Fred Hamlir, Hugh Handley, M. A. Harris, IJenry Hink, R. A. Hiscox, Walter Medill and Harry Carter responded with short interesting talks.
Chas. Butterworth was introduced as a prominent lumber man from Glasgow, but when called on to give some of his experiences in lumber, he entertained the gathering with several enjoyable stories and songs.
George Cornwall made a short talk on his observations made during his recent trip to Florida.
Fred Roth, vicegerent snark, spoke on the Hoo-Hoo Concatenation that will be held at Oakland on Fridav evening, April 16, when a large class of Kittens will be initiated.
John McCabe presided over the business session of the mietirg. He called on Harry White to introduce Harry Carter, whb during his remarks, stated that Harry came from the "Lumber center of the lJniverse, 5th and Brannan Streets," where you can get anything in softwoods and hardwoods.
President NIcCabe appointecl F. W. S. Locke as chairman of the day for the regular meeting on April 8.
Todhunter Promoted
Mr. A. J. Todhunter has been appointed Sash and Door Department Manager for the Hammond Lumber Company at Los Angeles.
Mr. Todhunter has been with the Hammond Lumber Company for over eight years, in this one department, and is one of the best informed millmen in the state. He fills the position left by Mr. E. R. Maule, who has gone with Cadwallader Gibson, at Los Angeles.
Gustine Yard Sold
Mr. Jack Banchio has bought the Miller & Lux yard at Gustine.
The Hammond l-umber Company plant at Orange has been bought by the Barr Lumber Company of Santa Ana.
Mr. Wilbur Barr, son of Mr. O. H. Barr, president o{ the company, will be put in charge of this yard.
The Barr Lumber Company recently purchased the Smith Lumber Company at Orange, the yard being destroyed by fire a few days after the sale. Mr. Barr has announced that this plant will not be rebuilt.
Repetition And Reputation
"Although there is a difference between the mere power of repetition in itself, and the other and great power in writing attractively and convincingly, mere naked repetition has a power of its own. Advertisers fail if they do not get clearly into their minds the power of repetition alone, without any ornament or paint or varnish of fancy trimming."
-Arthur Brisbane.
\XfE asked leading builders and architects in V Y nurnerous cities to tell their difficulties with doors. Nineteen hundred,or 9l% of those responding, made complaints warpingrwind, ing, shrinking, swelling, splitting.

'The most frequent cause of warpingr'they said, "is hanging doors in new buildings not thor. oughly dried out." Other frequent causes given were: Doors facing dampness on one side and heat on the other, such as in bath rooms, closets, front doors, and French doors especially.
It remained for us, with unlimited resources as the world's largest door manufacturerrto experiment for 35 years. The result was Laminex-a scientific principle of door construc. tion which stops the wood from shrinking and swelling.
Science shows, as every lumberman knows, that wood con. tains tiny cells called tracheids. Moisture makes these tracheids swell the wood in width only. It is this inherent weakness of wood that Laminex construction overcomes.
In Laminex doors the stiles and rails are buil&up on a core of interlocking blocks with the grain crossed in ad. joining sections. All parts are welded with a wonderful wate4rroof cement, then placed under tremendous hy. draulic pressure fot 24 hours. Sales Offices: New York, Chicago, Memphis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Spokane.
Foreign: lVoco Door Co., I-ondon; E J. Van de Ven, Paris; Paul Sotari & Co., Genoa.
Ftench dors arc patticularly in nccd of Lamlncx con!truction, becausc, llkc onc-panel doors, they havc no supponing cros nlb.
Ordinary doors with ratls are likely to wrpr whcn cxposed to diflcrcnt tempcmtureron each sidc. .bath rooms.. clorets .titchcns
Maiodty of buildero and etchitccts agrcc thgt damp plestcr tr the most frcqucnt causc of warpcd dore. Oftcn dampncr rcmain! in plertcr long aftet hou* is 6ntrhcd.
All genuirc Laminex ilmrs bear the Lominex guarunteelabl