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Laminex doors in Po|ular styles adoptable
fo, wide range of beautiful finishes o o o o.
$Sett.tmns like the fine surfacing of Laminex doors, with stiles & and rails in both flat and vertical grain. So many and varied are the beautiful stain and varnish, or enamel finishes obtainable that we have had thesc made up in booklet form. Send fot copy, ftee.
One of the very popu. lartypes,made inboth flat and vertical gtain. Laminex construction and Laminex watet. proof cement insure against warping.
Lzrminrrr iJeilr 'tr(,? 1e .fnished in mahog<ll.r
A sub.frame design, with all square joints,fully doweled. Stiles and rails vertical or fat grain. Built.up construction prevents warping or winding,
Three favorite Laminex doors are pictured here, with suggested finishes. IJse the coupon below to secure free copy of the booklet of special forrnulas for finishing Laminex doors. These formulas were prepared by E. I. Du Pont de Nernours & Co., of Duco fame, and \V. P. Fuller & Co., of the Pacific Coast.
Gentlemen: I would like to know rnore about Laminex doors. Please eend booklet of formulas for variety of finishes; also sample of I-aminex wood ro we can make our own soaking test.
Stcre, ... ..architect ll
Laminex i French door jtnished in silvet gtdy Made fot interiors, and exteriq entrances. Laminex built,up stiles and rails stop warping.