2 minute read
The Dura 7-ply Flush Door
Seven-Ply, egually balanced, Flush Door, manufactured according to scientific principles of equally balanced construction. The best Fhrsh Door on t{re market. Guaranteed against all defects common to 3 or 5 ply flush doors.
This door rnay be furnished plain, or with inlay or moulded acconding to specifications. It is suitable, sanitary and very beautiful for interior dobrs. They are in every way suited for exterior or front doors, perfectly weatrher registing and can be cut to any design of opening required.
Full descriptive literature, illustrations, "detailrtt etc. should be in your files. l.et us supply them.
Owners and Operators of Saw MiIIs and Veneer Planb in Luzon, P. I. Manufacturing Plants anil Yarils ness, fresh, clean, woodsy-smelling boards you could sell to her !
"But don't go about it crudely. Don't write to her and tell her that her house is a disgrace to the town and she ought to fix itup. Certainly, things will also happen in that case, but not exactly what you might desire.
"Tell her of the advantage to her of, for instance, having the treads of the back stairs boxed and hinged to hold the family overshoes. She'll see the point very quickly, and she'll see that it is done.
"Try to convince her that you are anxious to supply her with what 5hs \M2nf5-and tell her in detail just how she can use what you have.
"It looks to me as though you men ought to find out what the woman wants from the woman herself. My husband thinks he knows rvhat I rvant, but it is only what HE wants and thinks that I ought to want too-of course except in those cases where I really do want something, and then convince him, in various ways, that it is really his own wish.
"And above all, rvhen you have made the woman think about you as a possible help in time of trouble-as a means whereby the innumerable repairs and changes and improvements around HER HOME can be secured-then be most careful that you follow up this start in the right way.
"Make it convenient and pleasant for her to visit your store. Make her feel at home. Don't put her on the defensive-don't tryto SELL anything to her. Show her that you are there to help her buy what she wants and to explain to her in plain language just how to use the things she will buy from you to produce the EFFECT SHE WANTS.
"All you men have to do is to start this method with a very few women. Satisfy just one or two-and we'll do the rest.
"We women will do more real resultful advertising for you in one month than you could get out of all the papers and letters and bill boards and other things in a year-and it won't cost you a cent, either.
'(Now-the rain has stopped-and so has my sermon. And, by the way, I'm going to start some things in the back yard. I'11 need something to cover the beds with. A space about 3x12 feet. Some early vegetables."
"Surely, Mrs. Neighbor Woman. I have half a dozen rn'indow sash down in my warehouse. They were ordered for a house, but the plans were changed and the sizes were wrong'. Just the thing; light for a woman to lift ; good strong frames, clear, strong glass, and easily repaired if some boy throws a rock through one of them. Just $. .. for the lot, delivered at your home."
Contents Of Chapters
l. Structure of Wood.
2. Physical Properties of Wood.
3. Lumber Grades.
4. Standard sizes of Lumber.
5. Lumber and Log Measurements.
6. Shipping Weights.
7. Structural Timbers.
8. Seasoning of Timber.
9. Wood Preservation.
10. Paints and Wood Finishes.
11. Wood-Block Paving.
12. Hardwuod Flooring.
13. Fire Resistance.
14. Lumber Prices.
15. The Uses of Lumber.
16. Commercial Woods.
17. Lumber Manufacturing.
18. Forest Products.
19. The Timber Supply.
20. Permanent Advantages of Wood.
21. Sources of Information About Timber.