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J. E" MARTIN Muagfag Editor
1929 ---oi Apjiication Single Copier, 25 ccntr cacb. Lr
How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir Cargo. The mills report excellent order-filec, and with a better wtiddte Wert demand, the Atlantic Coast market showing improvernent and a fair export burines, the outlook for the mills is e:rceedingly bright
With orderc, both accumulated and cunent' r€aching new high levels and production consirtently lelow -orderc rince J-anuary 1, the Wed Coaet lumber indgstry is in a "ttottg"t po"itiott, ar it enters the period of hgyy $ring J"-"--"a ihan at any tirne in recenf yeart' the Weet ^Coart iumbermen'r Association reportr under date of April6'
The Catifornia market iJ stronger than two weel-c ag9' Pri;;; "t" 6t-"o with an upward tendency, and there ie lerr rerirtance to the higher pricea The demand ir good iil-tili "t. t"vi"i ott " lib.r.t b""i". Verticat-grain grfi-fooring are verv *rong' Unrold it""t" on the dockr et San Pedro are at a minimurn.-on .q,"riif O-t[. total unrold rtockr were only _7r562,(X)O feet. 2i lrunber vertelr are laid up, with 5 venelr operating ottrhore.
Carco lath and shinglet are very firm. Dou-qlar Fir Rail. Pricer are fitrn on Douglar Fir Rail. firrn on all iteror, without
";;tr"g. ft"- t*" weekr -ag-o. Cutting ir particulady firm. Mi[ rtockr are extremelY low' "' ii"d;;d;- tttJ"*"od continuee good' Pricec ar9-firnq ."J;;;i" the rame as two weelc ag-o, exceptin!-No'-3 ilr,t""tt,lrti"n i. "Jt"t tit g. The millr have good order filer. Mill rtocko are low.
Howard Gunton Back From Northwest Trip
Howard M. Gunton, of Gritzmacher & Gunton' San f'o".i*o has just reiurned from a 10-d.ay trip .to the Ntrrthwest, where he made a tour of the firm's mtII con"..ii"". -ftich included a trip to Tillamook, Ore' to visit the A. F. Coates Lumber Co.
W. A.-ii"t"ti"g, Pickering l-umbe-r-Co', Kansas City' ,"to.r.J to Kansal City at tf,e end of Marcl, from a visit i"'C"iif.*i". Mr. Pickering spent some time at Alturas' where the company is build'ing-a large^1erv sawmill' and ;l;ii; ihe San'Frincisco office March 26 and 27'
In addition to the seven steamers which the Hart-Wood I l"t"f"i Company operate regularly, they have taken space ""-.|*ftt *or., ti't"t*ltg a toTal of-fifteen steamers, which "i" ."livi"s lumber foi this rvell knorvn lumber concern' a*l&8lF
California White and Sugar Pine- Pricee are holding rtt*g-*lh "dt*"o *-""ii" items. There ir a good ;;i;.-;;-d; ;t i"d;i"i"l buri"."". Mixed car o{der: ;;;;i Jem-ra -a "t -itt stocks are badlv depleted quick sh:pmentc are difficult to make.
The National Lumber Manufacturerr Acsocietio&- Yndg a"t" "f-April 4, repo*i the following roftwood and hard;;;&;iilL i;'th;-fitit-thitt""" ieeks of 1e2e, bared on reporte from the regional aseociationr' i"-u"iiien's Asrociation' Production'- 2'ozir;abi,ooo i.'t; Shtfi;la, 2,o67,43o'o0o feet; Orden' 2,24O,49O,O0O f€et. 'Catifornia White and Sugar Pinc Asrociation' Profuc; ti"i-ioi,iz3,ooo f""t;-Etipment!, 33?'265'fi)o fe€ti Orders 333,825'00O feet.
California Redwood A$ociation' Plod-ucti"l- 99'3?1f ooo f;;Cihipiottt, gi,zoz,ooo feet; Ordere, 96'827'(X)o feet.
Southern Pine Arociation' Production, q!?'?91'999 fJ;-i[il;"ii', szg'igz'ooo feet; orderc, g3qo5o'ooo feet.
The total hardwood movement for the 6rrt thirteen weeks "f ttl';;- t" ; f"ll"*tt Production,-685'Q!o^rp.oo- feet; 5it;ili"i"lee r tzr,ooo f eet ; orders, 706, 1 92,u)o f€Gt'
I. H. BLOEDEL VISITS LOS ANGELES f. H. ill."a.f of Seattle, president of the Bloedel-Donovan l,i-U"r-ivii.fd recently -id" " short visit to Los Angeles following a triP to ".t M"tt*t":_
Flovd L. Baird, Jr.' son of Floyd L' Baird of Redwood Ci;;:;-.t ;"tii.a tL Miss Edna V' Cornelv of Burlingame' ; S;; Frarrcisco, March 28' The young couple spent a ;-';;;;.k;; h;;;t;;' in Southern California and Mexico'
W. H. Wood, San Francisco, president of the Hart-Wood L;L;; Co*p"tty' is making a three-rveeks'- business trip to-V""."""..1 TiCo-t, Willlpa and Grays llarbor'
Frank Paramino On Hawaiian Trip
Fr"J Paramino, of the Paramino L-urnber- Co' San po".i..o, sailed for Honolulu, April 10, -ol the Matson Li".i-U.it.";". He was accompanied by Mrs' Paramino' ""J-.*p..t. to be away for about two months'