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33A straight line is the shortest distanee betrveen trvo pointstt
3 3 y,eCOnMfCK stralght-ltne rervlcef t lr .v- onc gre8t unlt eontroltlng everlr ot eratlon tronr Wect Goart lorertc to !rou. Owalng and olrcratlng our owrr great tlrn. bcr.tandr la Arnerlcatr tlnest tore.t reglon, orrr own carttrc,loggfng raltroadr, lour blg nlllc, treatltrg plants coort.wl3el lnter. coastal and Forelgn Port Yecretc, we are ln a lrocltton to rerve lrou epeedily',efflclentlV. there lc a McGorrntck boet salltng tor Gal, llornla lrortc every other day.
In addltlotr to cargo taclllfies, our rall departncnt lr equtpped to glve fast ecrvlce lnto Gatilornla and Arlzona. Thtr conplete McGornlck rervlce tneanc that you geln dlrect .ccett to the 3ourcel of supply, that our tacltltler are dnpte to lurnlrh you wltb .tralght and nlred aar toadlngr tor yard trade and tndurtrlat orderr ln clreclal clzer and lenglhspronpt. ly. McGorrnlck lunber ls alwayc depend. ablee rtght ln prlcel true to grade.
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