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wmKLatlr eae job
Quicker turn-over, and consequently better profits, accrue to the dealer who haa at hia disposal a complete line of high grade plaster basee to fit the conditions of every job. Let us tell you how you can increase your volume of business by selling the Complete Truscon Metal Lath Line:
Seven Additional Firms Sign Licensing Agreement
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association announce that seven additional lumber manufacturers signed licensing agreements during the week ended March 19 to use the Guiranty Symbol on trade and grade-marked-lumber in conformity with American Lumber Standards. These additional mills include:
Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, Calif.
Thunder Lake Lumber Company, Rhinelander, Wis.
Grove-Dorvling Lumber Company, Gulf Hammock, Fla.
J. Ray Arnold Lumber Company,, Groveland, Fla.
Hum6ird Lumber Company, Sandpoint, Idaho.
Clearwater Timber Company' Lewiston, Idaho.
St. Paul & Tacoma Lum-ber'Company' Tacoma, Wash'
The number of lumber manufaituring companies who had signed licensing agreements up to and including l\{arch 19 tot"atea 68. These companies operate 86 of the largest sarvmills in all producing iegions with an annual production aggregating over 5,30O,000,000 feet.
Elected Chairman of Executive Committee
Alfred F. Smith has just been elected chairman of the executive committee of the Monolith Portland Cement Company and rvill be the chief executive' for that concern on ttie Pacific Coast, according to announcement today -by Coy Burnett, president of the- orga-nization' The election took place at the regular meeting of the board of directors'
Although the new official has become one o{ the largest stockhold"ers of the Monolith company' no change of ownership or control has resulted as a result of the election, Mr. Burnett explained. Because of expansion plans of the concern, including the opening last .fanuary of a- new $2,000,000 plant at I-aramie, Wyo', the president said p.resent executiv'es are being obligecl -to spend considerable time in other sections, parti-cularly the Eist, and it has been found advisable to seiect a man to devote all his time to the Pacific Coast. The new position has just been created.
The new plant at Liramie is operated !y -the Monolith Portland Miiwest Companv, controlled and officered by the same interests that own tfe Californid corporation, and it was announced that Mr. Smith also has become interested extensively in the I\[idwest company.
There probably is no better knorvn business man in the Northr,veit than -Mr. Smith. For many -v*ears he had been in the steel, lumber and building bdsiness in Portland, Ore', 'lvhere he has employed as many as 12,000 men at a single time. He was treia bi the Smith & Watson Iron Works of Portland, president of the Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, and was extensively interested in logging and papir rnill machinery manufacturing business. Following his retirement from business in Portland he traveled extensively in this country and Europe, and last year took up his permanent residence in Beverl)' Hills.
Miss Drecksler Weds
L. S. Turnbull
tII 1,. S. Turnbull. Los Angeles, Southern California and Y -Aritona representative for the McCloud River Lumber Company, was married to Miss Mildred Drecksler, Easter Sunday.-March 31. The ceremony was performed -at !!e Christ-Episcopal Church of Sausalito, California, the bride's
5l8lf home.
Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull made a motor tour of several days which terminated in l.os Angeles, where they will make their home.