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Sand Etched Panels and Doors Featured in Exhibit

Owing to the growth of their busiriess on the San Francisco side of the bay, the Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington have established headquarters in the new Building Material Exhibit at 557 Market Street, San Francisco.

The permanent exhibit of the cornpany's products and office there is in charge of Lloyd V. G4aham, who will spend the greater part of his time calling on architects and con-' tractors.

Located right in the heart of the city the exhibit which features sand etched panels, plaques and doors, has already attracted a lot of attention from prospective home builders, architects, contractors and lumber dealers.

Mr. Graham told a representative of this paper that since the Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington decided after a long period of research work to add a sand etching department to their big plant in Oakland, they have found the possibilities along this line much greater than they had believed.

Most of the panels on show are of vertical grain Redwood and Douglas Fir, and it is interesting to note the different effects obtained by using an identical design on panels of the same wood, but with a difference in the grain, and also by using the same design on several kinds of wood.

Among the popular designs. are the Covered Wagon, Spanish Galleon and other ship subjects, George Washington, etc., but while there is a large variety of stock designs, any special design required can be supplied. Beautiful effects, are gained by the use of stain and by hand coloring in oils.

A picture of an artistic Douglas Fir door sand etched panels bearing the Spanish Galleon with insert design appeared in a recent issue of this paper.

In"Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very finest that has ever been, or ever will be produced. Ou r geographical locaiion, the modern machinery in our mill, and the t5pe of men who make our fooring, all go to make this statemenlpoqs&_le."Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.

Southdra California


535-6 Pctrolcun Sccuriticr Bld3. Lor AngclcrWErtnorc 9955

Northcra Celifotrrie:


Mcrchentr Erchengc Bldgo San Francirco designs are shown the interior decora-

A variety of sand etched architectural which are suitable for incorporation in tion of fine homes, apartment houses and buildings of all kinds.

This company specializes in shipping mixed cars from their Oakland plant which can be made up of California White and California Sugar Pine, Redwood, Douglas Fir, and Philippine Hardwoods, and all products manufactured from all five species, including the sand etched products 4lready mentioned.

Harry A. Lake Meets With Orange Belt Lumbermen

Harry A. Lake, President of the California Retail LumJ bermen's Association; R. T. Titus, representing the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. and Earl E. Bowe of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. attended'the meeting of the Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club, Tuesday evening, April 2, at the Fontana Inn, Fontana, Calif.

President Lake made a splendid talk on organization and co-operation, and gave the dealers present the benefit of his experience and observation in his tours of the state. Messrs. Titus and Bowe also outlined the work of their respective organizations, and the services being rendered to the distributor of lumber.

The members of this club have been strong advocates for the segregation of grades and grade-marking on lumber, believing that the consumer is entitled to know what he is buying and paying for.

The next meeting of the club will be held on the evening of May 7 at Hemet, Calif., and all lumbermen are invited.

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