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Mr. Kendall started his lumber career with T. W. Jackson in Middleport, New York, who operated yards han-dling White Pine pioducts. Upon his arrival on the Pacific Coast in 1912, he Secame assoclated with the Hammond Lumber Company and remained with this company until the outbreak of the World War, when he went into the government service and acted as foreman of the Los Angeles Ship Building and Dry Dock Co. at San Pedro. At the close of the war, he was appointed secretary of the Retail Lumber Dealers' Association at Long Beach, California, and he also served as a director of the Retail Lumber Dealer's Association of Southern California. In 1922, he became Southern California manager for the Wilson Bros. Co.
The Sugar Pine Lumber,Company is one of the largest White and Sugar Pine manufacturers on the Pacific Coast, with an annual produbtion of approximately 200,000,000 feet.
O. J. Evenson to Head Benson Lumber Co.
After an absence of nineteen years, O. J. Evenson, wellknown Pacific Coast lumberman, has again assumed charge of the Benson Lumber Co. plant at San Diego.
ttThe Self-Hardening Steel
Moulding Cutter Blankg You Sent Are Wondert"
A! a nrttcr of flct STMONDS SELF-HARDENING CUTTERII ARE THE rct ecomlcal cuttlrr thrt woodwcldng dopr cu buy. THt f3 a"i to trclr rrsts efildmv and lmg wo' Yo knw thcy an nadc ol SIMONDS OlllN ScU-hrdotu rtcl md aru all.rcedv to bG fqnd to "utE_lco FURTHER HEAT-aREAnIENT tu Eryt" Muv rhopr urdc thc SIMONDS Sctf-hardenlng Stel MoHlry Cuttr Blrnlr baw ford rha furr c flvc tirur u cfrlclsnt s carbn rtal dttrr& ff yror re r|f-hardcnlng Sphdh Shap* Bm for 6Llnt dtt.na! mlrc e rLapcr etccl bs wlth a rlll rolbd bcwl abaohtaly udlaa h wid6 ald tccunt ar to bctrl
'lYorld'r Lrrgcrt Machinc Knifc Makcrr" Lor Angclcr, Cd. Sea Fnacirco, Crl. Portlend, Orc. Scettlc, Weth. Vrncouvcr, B. C.
Mr. Evenson has been connected. with the lumber business for over forty years and before coming to the Pacific Coast was a lumber manufacturer in Wisconsin. He was the builder of the first log raft towed from the Columbia River in Oregon to San Diego, twenty-three years ago, and had the pleaJure and experiince of making the trip on the tug which towed the raft down so that he might see how this "monster" behaved on the briny deep.
Since 1906, the Benson Lumber Co. has towed to San Diego from the Columbia River, a timber stand of over 7000 acres. This stand cruised over 6O,000 board feet per acre, or a total of approximately 4N,Wp00 feet of timber, all of which has been manufactured over 1000 miles from its source. A good deal of this lumber has gone into special timbers which has been' consumed in California.
Mr. Evanson is not only a director of the Benson Lumber Co. of San Diego, but is also general manager and director of the Bensop Timber Co. interests located at Clatskanig Oregon. He will continue to be assisted in the operation of the timber business at Clatskanie by his son, Willard T. Evenson, rvho is rvell known in the Pacific Northwest.