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C O MPLET E PL A-A\I SER V I CE For Built-in Cabinet Work Profit by Using
ft as Your Own
HE cowan Plan service Department is maintained for the express purpos€ of helping you sell more built-in cabinets. Just consider tfiat these trained men are working for you, and that their years of experience are subject at any time to your call for plans and layouts of built-in cabinet work. When a builder comes in to price the lumber for a job, remember that you can make far more profit if you also sell him the built-in cabinets. Find out his requirements and tell him that you will prepare detailed layouts and plans for all the built. in cabinet work. No figuring or ordedng the mill work for him to do-he can forget it.
Thetr you turn the job over to our plan service Department and in a few days you have a complete working layout to show him. V/ith this concrete evidmce of real senrice, your chance of selling the builder his built-in cabinets is increased ten-fold, and it does not cost you a penny.
rn adition to thisr-you have all the excellent talking points on Cowan Standardized Built'in Cabinets. Their high quality, special convenient features, expert workmanship, and what is more important frcm the builderts standpoint, he can install them for actually less than it costs him to build ordinary cabinets on the job. It will pay you to investigate our plan Service Depat. ment. With little efiort on your parr, it will bring you big dividends in increased profits. Ve will gladly supply you with full infor:mation, without obligation. Just clip and mail us the coupon at the right.
"The nczu (Cottan) cataIog is a hummer. Let no dealer's tlesk be zsithout il."Califorrria Lumber Xferchant, April lst issue. If you do not have your copy of this interesting and instructive book, use the coupon belou'.
H. V. COV/AN, fnc., f95S E. 64th St., Loc Angeles
Gentlemen: Tell me, without obligation, how I can proht by using your Plan Service DeDartment. fllf you-haven'r our new catalog, but would like a copy, check hete.