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Southern California Lumbermen To Play Golf
The annual spring golf tournament of the Southern California lumbermen will be held at the Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, on Friday, May tO,1929. This tournament is open to all lumbermen of Southern California and visiting lumbermen.
The Frank Curran Cup will be awarded to the winner of the low gross score, and the Roy Stanton Cup for the lowest net score. These cups become the permanent property ot the player.who winJ these events twice. Prizes will also be awarded to the winners of the four flight events' Following the tournament, there will be a dinner at the club house-after which the prizes will be awarded to the winners of the various events. Luncheon will be served at the club house from 11:30 to I P.-.
The tournament is sponsoled by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club. The following committee is in charge of the arrangements: Chairman,-Max Landrarn; Handicaps-a1d Starting, W. R. Vanderwood; Prizes, Roy Stlnton; Publicity, Ed. Martin; Secretary-Treasurer, I\{el Coe.