1 minute read
^ futy to Sell! ^-.. -, ^^- €nt!toInftall! ^a^ V/illFit Aoy Space!
This is what a lumber deder on the Pacific C,oast says who has just taken on the Peerless line of "Built-in Furniturei' He would hardly talk to our salesman about it wheo first called on! He says he had tbe idea that built in kitchen furoiore was sort of e fad, aod only a few wooen were intcrested io ic But two sales the 6rct week and four other good prospects...all from a display in bis show room ...has made him a real *Peedess" booster.
lYe Help Our Dealers do tbe SalesJob
Plan book is ftmished, blue.prints made up, aod exact spccifcations for fitting up any kitchen are given when requested. Our 6eld men often help in the acnralrelling aod keep in closc touch with our dealers' problems.
Ife are cootinually preparing DealerHelps whicb are furnished free to our dealers. Vrite us at ooce for information about our authoriied deeler plan. And let us tell you how.tAe "Peerless" line will incease yourprofts.