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California and Cornell to Exchange Forestry Professors
Professor Emanuel Fritz Uniwsitg of Colifornia
An exchange of professors in the field of forest utilization has been approved by the University of California and by Cornell University-probably the first time an exchange of professors has been effected in an American school of forestry. The principals are Professors Emanuel Fritz and A. B. Recknagel. The former has been at the University of California since 1919, teaching wood technology and lum. bering. Professor Recknagel has been at Cornell University since 1913 and is now teaching wood technology, forest utilization and forest management.
fProfessor Recknagel obtained his undergraduate degrec from Yale College in 1904 and his master's degree from the Yale Forest School in 1906. Prior to taking up teaching at Cornell, he was a member of the staff of the U. S. Forest Service, first in the Southwestern District and .until 1907, and then in the Washington office on timber sale work, later as chief of the section of timber reconnaissance. fn December, 19O8, he returned to the Southwest as Assistant District Forester, remaining until October, 191 1, when he began a year of graduate study in Europe. Professor Recknagel is secretary of the Empire State Forest Products Association, and is the author of two texts-"The Theory and Practice of Working Plans," and, with J. Bentley and C. H. Guise, "Forest Management." Of popular books he has written "The Forests of New York State" and (with S. N. Spring) "Forestry," now in press.
Professor Fritz obtained his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at Cornell in 1908, after which he became an instructor in the Baltimore Polvtechnic Institute, and rvas employed variously in the engineering departments of several steel manufacturing companies. He entered the Yale School of Forestry in 1912, graduating in 1914. Thereupon he joined the U. S. Forest Service and later entered military service, commanding an Air Corps school squadron overseas for one and one-half years. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Tournal of Forestry, and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Bofh men are members of the Society of American Foresters.
Professor Recknagel comes to California for the fall semester of l9D, and Professor Fritz r'r'ill be at Cornell for the spring semester of 1930.
'W. J. Shaw Transferred to Los Angeles
W. J. Shaw, who has been connected with the Portland office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., has been transferred to the company's Los Angeles office where he will call on the trade in the Pasadena, San Fernando Valley and "Kite" territories. Mr. Shaw has been associated with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for several years, and before going to their Portland office was connected with their San Francisco office and later at their San Diego yard.