1 minute read
r-notjust tulnber"
oo4'Square is in the specialty class so far as marketability is concerned."
6'Ihe lumber bueiness has etood stillrtt says Mr. Orville H. Greene, President of the Wilson & Greene Lumber Company, S;rracuee, N. Y., t tbecauee the average lumber dealer does not realize that it is as necessary for hirn to do some selling as it is for a department etore. We are alwaye on the lookout for stock that can be nterchandised. We recognize 4-Square as the first real attempt to rnake lumber a merchandise item-something as distinctive as any epecialty but yialding us ohaays o.t lqst the regular luit'ber m,a'rk-up."
ILSON & Gnnnxn Lurnber Company, as you probably know, are among the biggest retail lumber dealers in the countrY -and one of themostprogressive. When they talk about merchand.ising they knotn. What Mr. Greene has to say aborrtthe opportunityin 4-Square is typical of the opinion of wide-awqLedealerswho have been testing out the 4-Sguare Plan during the pastyear.
4-square Lumber-and the 4-Square Plan-were designed for the forward-Iooking lumber merchant, the man who not only respects fine lumber and treats it as it deserves but who appreciates the merchandising possibilities it ofrers.
To a few such merchants in each locality Weyerhaeuser is ofrering the 4-Square Franchise as fast as increased mill capacity permits. Address our nearest branch office or inquire of our district representative for full details of the 4-Square Plan.
WEYERIIAEUSER SALES COMPAI\IY, DistributorE oJ'Weyerhaeuser Foreet Producte General Ofrces: SPOKAIIE WASHINGTON Brantch