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Southern California Retailers Meet At Los Angeles
Set July l, 1929, as Date When Lumber Vill Be Available in Retail Lumber Yards in Southern Cdifornia in Segregated Grades and in Accordance Vith Amencan Lumber Standards.
Resolutions reaffirming the action of the various lumbermen's clubs of Southern California in favor of grademarked lumber, and setting July 1, 1929, as the date on which lumber will be available in retail lumber yards in Southern California in accordance with American -Lumber Standards and in segregated grades, and that the practice of selling mixed grades of common lumber will be discontinued after that date, were adopted at the meeting of the Southern District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, on Saturday, April 6.
Following luncheon, over 25O lumbermen convened in the Assembly Room of the hotel for the business session. Paul Hallingby presided.
Bill 786, which app_lies to Section 1183 regarding contractor built jobs, would require hard work to secure their passage and they urged all lumbermen to help out in every way possible.
In opening the discussion of Grade-Marking and the Segregation of Grades in accordance with American Lumber Standards, Kenneth Smith, secretary of the Lumber Dealers' Association of Los Angeles, stated that these matters had already been adopted by the State Association and the various lumbermen's clubs of Southern California and it was just a question as to whether or not the dealers of Southern California wanted to set a date to carry out the previous resolutions.
L. A. Nelson, Portland, Oregon, Grading Rules Commit-
Lumbermen Who Took Active Part in Conference Program
Frank Gibbs, Anaheim, chairman of the State Association Cement Committee for the Southern California district, reported on the activities of his committee and what had been accomplished in several confetrences with the cement manufacturers.
R. A. Emison, Santa Ana, chairman of the State Association Roofing Committee for the Southern California district, reported on the results of conferences with the roofing manufacturers. Following Mr. Emison's report, there was a general discussion in which the dealers from the various sections of Southern California expressed their approval on the good work that was being done by the committee. A motion made by A. E. Fickling of Long Beach favoring the lines on which the committee was working and confirming Mr. Emison's report, rvas unanimously adopted.
Dudley Chandler, secretary of the Los Angeles Building Material Dealers' Credit Association, and C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier, chairman of the Legislative Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, reported on the various bills before the state legislature in which the lumbermen are interested. They reported that Assembly Bills 787, 789,790 and 791 had already passed the Assembly and Senate Judiciarv Committee. and were now before the Senate. They stated that Assembly Bill88, which amends Section 1186 and applies to owner built jobs, and Assembly tee of the West Coast I-umbermen's Association, in stating the position of his association, said that the movement comes in the right way as it comes through the retailer, also that it reflects the desire to merchandise on a better basis. He stated that the nerv Association grading rules rvould be out June I and that changes have been made to meet the California demands. Mr. Nelson said that the Association was trying to work in with the California prog'ram, that they were ready to put in an inspector in this market to advise and work with the officials for the proper lnterpretation of the grades, and he assured the dealers that they could count on the Association 100 per cent.
In putting the plan into effect, Kennetti Smith stated that the West Coast Lumbermen's Association is preparing sales literature advising that the change is coming aboui why the American Lumber Standards were adopted, its advantages to the consumer, changed sizes, etc. In the I os Angeles district, he stated that a nerv price list will be issued carrying the prices of No. 1, No. 2 ind, No. 3 Common, also an explanation of what the grades are will be included in the list.
R. T. Titus, field representative of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, stated that he would be in the Los
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